

They say that "time will heal"..but in all reality it's slowly killing us. They say that "everything will get better just wait"....but what if waiting is the thing that makes it worse...the thing that makes you snap. "There are so many people that love and need you"

Then why does everyone act like they don't. Then again..I fully understand why. Why would anyone want to love some useless creature that can't even live sixteen years on a planet that has been evolved into something that makes it easier for them to live on. On top of that, one of the best countrys on said planet. "stop being selfish". Am I though?..I do so much for others that I forget about myself...but no one cares. I don't get anything out of it but I can't help but to help. This world is a sick place but its covered with lies and sugar coats...To make it seem like paradise. "you just want attition". That's that last thing I want. If I could hide away in the shadows forever, I would. But of course I can't. This world or rather the people who control it seem like their playing some type of sick game of catch. You find out the sick ways of the world....we eliminate ya. But it's not in the way you would think. It's like once you find out peoples lies and and the characters the act aren't true. They come at you like a bull and your the one dressed in all red. Once they've got a lock on their target, they pick and jab and poke into you like knifes. Trying any and every way to get into your head and once they do. There is no way of getting them out. There is no hope of survival. Simply because once their done with the torture, the pain...once the stop. You already gone..And have been for a while.


Hi! this is my first chapter of this book. I know it's kinda short but there will be longer chapters very soon. please know that I am kinda young there for my writing is going to suck a little but I try. and I still have a lot to learn so I hope you enjoy this book and I will try to publish chapters as frequently as I can. thanks for reading

