
It is reasonable for me, a slime, to defeat a dragon.

【Beast Taming + Choices + Comedy + Unseriousness + Single Female Protagonist (No Female Protagonist) = ?】 Waking up from a nap, Chen Shu finds himself transported to a parallel world where beast taming is the main theme, and he is bound to a divine-level choice system! By making choices, he can obtain various rewards! With the help of the system, his pets gradually become abnormal: a slime that can sit on a dragon and kill it with one fart, a husky that can make a phoenix cry with elemental skills, and even one with mastery over spatial powers... One absurd beast after another appears, shattering everyone's sense of logic in the world... On the throne of the beast taming realm's highest position, Chen Shu looks back and smiles, saying, "Well, as for me, in the world of beast taming, there's no such thing as martial ethics." Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the given text and may not capture the full context or intended meaning.

W33L · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Chapter 77: None of the options I just selected... are wanted.

"Achievement Unlocked: Slime Defense Increased by 5%"

"Uncle, don't be impulsive!"

Chen Shu strategically chose to retreat and quietly waited while holding onto Zhang Dali.

Soon, the graceful and imposing Fang Si emerged.

"Fang Si!" Zhang Dali shouted loudly.

Instantly, the students entering and leaving the school gate turned their heads, looking at Fang Si with awe.

"Xiaofang, is this your younger brother?"

The security guard's attitude instantly reversed. "You should have said so earlier. You can directly enter Huaxia Academy in the future."

"Fang Si, you're truly mighty."

Zhang Dali felt triumphant. If they had stayed in Kyoto, good days would have awaited them.

"Let's go, I'll show you around."

Fang Si took the two of them for a stroll.

Chen Shu and Zhang Dali were like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden, their faces full of curiosity.

Just the Beast Taming Pavilion alone took them three hours to explore. Inside, many students were dueling, and various powerful contract spirits broadened Chen Shu's horizons.

Xu Xiaoyu's Grade A contract spirit was already the best in Nanjiang Second High School, but at Huaxia Academy, Grade A contract spirits were as common as cabbage.

While Huaxia University valued the total score of the college entrance examination, the average potential level of students' contract spirits was A.

Only the first contract spirit was A-grade, and it could transform into an S-grade when becoming a Black Iron-level Beast Tamer. It could be said that an S-grade contract spirit was the capital to establish oneself at Huaxia Academy.

Fang Si's Crimson Blaze Dragon was even above S-grade, capable of easily surpassing the majority of students. However, this alone was not enough to make Huaxia Academy's students so fearful.

Chen Shu speculated that Fang Si's second contract spirit would also not be simple.

The three of them had lunch at the school cafeteria, where they not only enjoyed free meals but also tasted rare monster meat. This alone intensified Chen Shu's desire to apply to the school.

Due to the immense size of Huaxia Academy, it took them a full three days to explore it in its entirety. Whether it was the library, Beast Taming Pavilion, or teaching buildings, they all left Chen Shu greatly impressed. Furthermore, there were institutions within the academy such as the Beast Taming Dojo and the Beast Tamer's House, which were among the top in the country.

Three days later,

"Chen Pi, I'm going to take the exam!"

Zhang Dali carried his pots and pans and headed to Kyoto Spirit Cooking University.

The usually cheerful Zhang Dali now had a serious expression, as this exam would determine his life's fate.

If he participated in the national college entrance examination, he wouldn't be able to get in, considering his abysmal academic performance.

However, the independent exam at Spirit Cooking University was different. It only tested cooking skills. As long as you could cook perfect monster cuisine, preserving the nutritional components to the maximum, you could become a student at Spirit Cooking University.

Chen Shu cheered him on, saying, "I'll wait for good news from you!"

After Zhang Dali left, Chen Shu stayed alone in the hotel. Fang Si had some matters to attend to today, leaving Chen Shu feeling a bit bored.

"Let's explore Kyoto."

Chen Shu left the hotel and headed to the Beast Tamer Commercial Street in Huaxia District of Kyoto. Most of the shops there sold basic potions, lacking materials and potions of Black Iron level and above, as those were traded on the Beast Tamer Association's website.

However, there were still a few shops that specialized in selling high-quality items, albeit at exorbitant prices. Chen Shu entered a store called "Old Ghost's Miscellaneous Shop," where he immediately spotted Beast Spirit Pearls displayed on the counter.

"Boss, how much for the basic-level Beast Spirit Pearls?"

These were cores extracted from mutated monsters. Consuming them directly would directly enhance the power of the contract spirit, suitable for Beast Tamers below the Black Iron level.

"Fifteen thousand yuan!"

The boss is an old man with a thin figure, holding a magnifying glass and constantly studying the unidentified bone fragment in his hand.

"Oh my! It's so expensive!"

Chen Shu didn't expect a basic-level one to be so costly.

"Well, how about this black iron-level Beastmaster Pearl?"

The old man glanced up slightly, glanced at it, and calmly said, "Four 'oh my'."


Chen Shu didn't expect the boss to be quite humorous. Four 'oh my' meant it would cost six hundred thousand.

He started looking at the other materials, which included Beastmaster Pearls and even a beating heart in a glass container.

There was no price label on it, but it was written, "Lord-level Gale Hawk's Heart, Talent Skill: Wind Breath."

Chen Shu didn't need to think about it; the price would undoubtedly be astonishing. After all, even the Blue Eyes of the Frosty Hare Lord were worth at least two million.

In addition to these, there were also some rare medicinal herbs of black iron level, which were much more expensive than those on the Beastmaster Association website.

"I'm telling you, kid, if you're not buying, don't loiter in front of this old man, alright?"

The boss was getting a bit annoyed. He had been studying for three days without coming to a conclusion.

Chen Shu was about to speak when suddenly options appeared before him.

[Option 1: Leave the shop, receive reward: Premium Flame Potion]

[Option 2: Purchase the Gale Hawk's Heart, receive reward: Skill Book: Counterforce]

[Option 3: Inform the boss that the bone fragment he's studying is just a piece of wild boar bone, receive reward: Moderate Beastmaster Power]

Chen Shu was taken aback, not expecting to trigger options.

But for a moment, he felt conflicted. The second option was undoubtedly the best, but the problem was it was freaking expensive. He only had a total of three million Huaxia coins on him, and he didn't even know if he could afford it.

The rewards for the first and third options were too mediocre.

"Do you want to buy or not?" The boss frowned, appearing extremely impatient.

"Buy! Why wouldn't I buy it? Don't I need to study it?" Chen Shu pointed at the items on the counter with an air of confidence and said, "This one, that one, and this one..."


The old man's eyes showed a hint of surprise as he looked Chen Shu up and down. Could it be that he had encountered a rich second-generation?

"And all the medicinal herbs on this row, and all the Beastmaster Pearls on the other row..."

The boss had an excited expression. Was he planning to buy his entire shop?

Chen Shu pointed at various items, paused for a moment, and then said,

"For the ones I mentioned earlier... I don't want them."

The old man stood up abruptly, gritting his teeth and said, "Can't you just leave altogether? So you're not buying any of them?"

"Who said that? Didn't I mention that I want this heart?"

Chen Shu calmly asked, "How much for this heart?"

"Three million, no bargaining!" The old man's attitude had turned sour.

"!!" Chen Shu widened his eyes.

Did you actually check my bank account balance?

"You really won't negotiate?"


Chen Shu rubbed his chin, contemplating the situation. Buying a guaranteed skill for three million wasn't actually a bad deal.

Even if he didn't comprehend the Gale Hawk's talent skill, it didn't matter. At least he had Counterforce as a guarantee.

"I'll buy it!"

Chen Shu waved his hand decisively, without any hesitation.

After all, isn't making money for the sake of nurturing a Contract Spirit?

Three million could guarantee a Contract Spirit to fully comprehend a skill, and people all over the world would be eager for it.

"Bought... I bought it?" The old man's eyes widened. Was he playing with me again?

It wasn't until the transfer was completed from Chen Shu's bank account that the old man finally reacted.

He immediately put on a friendly smile and said, "Young man, you indeed have good taste. This old man didn't misjudge you. When I first saw you, I thought you were exceptional!"

"Are you changing your tune like a Sichuan Opera performer?" Chen Shu twitched his mouth.

While looking at the heart in his hand, he felt a little anticipation.