


/"You look like death,/" Jana tells me as we walk into the school. /"Did you not sleep at all?/"

/"Someone toilet-papered my house last night. I had to clean it up before my mom saw,/" I tell her. /"I got maybe three hours of sleep overall./"

/"Really? You should have called me. I would have helped./"

I shake my head. /"I was fine. Just a little sleepy now, that's all. Did you get James' number like you said you were going to?/"

/"Yeah. Watts gave it to me./"

I glance up at her from my slow feet. /"And? Did you text him?/"

/"I was going to, but I couldn't figure out what to say. He's leaving next week anyway, I shouldn't bother,/" she says.

/"You should. You never know./"