
It all started five years ago

Yemi_Dit · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

1 So many gifts

The maid entered the room with many boxes containing dresses, jewelries, perfume, shoes and anything that a girl may want.

Rose her little sister rush to the room with a bundle of flowers.

In the flowers lizy pulled out a note.

'for the love of my life,

i love you. Rick

Ahh rose screamed like a love sick puppy "see how much Rick loves you. God when will you bless me with a man like this."

"Rose quit fooling around we have a engagement announcement to go to. "Lizy said draging her sister out of the room.

Bang Lizy banged the door before moving into the shower. She could not believe she was getting married to Rick. The guy had always been kind and charming.

She dried herself before putting on the glown Rick had prepared for this moment. The moment she will be announced as Rick soon-to-be bride.

The dress was elegant and beautiful it fitted her perfectly. With the diamonds well placed around the edges of the red shiny clothing and a pair of black shoes.

Her hair was tied in a perfect bun by the maid with a red hair pin holding it down.

She and her sister walked hand-in-hand into the car. It took one hours to get to the Ray family mansion from Lizy's family home.The mansion was grand and beautiful it looked like a castle built for royalty.

Rose followed after her sister into where the banquet was held in.