
Chapter 7: Meeting some Girls and Some Hostility


[Ed] 'York, did he just say Naruto?'

[York] Yes Edward. Due to the information gathered from your memories, that other voice was Sasuke Uchiha.

[Ed] 'So the emo kid is here too huh? Before I forget, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING HERE?'

[York] Based on the database about realms, I'd say we are in the realm of fantasia. It is a universe where the wildest dreams of other worlds drift around in one big mosh pit.

[Ed] 'So does that mean I can use powers from other anime?'

[York] If you can, you'll have to learn it or earn it yourself. I am the Yugioh System, not some bullshit anime system.

[Ed] 'Is it a good thing or a bad thing that this place is a lucid dream.'

[York] It's probably terrible, but what can you do about it with your measly strength?

A group of 10 people in their teens hops in front of me. From left to right I can recognize teams 7, 8, 10, along with Hanabi Hyuga.

[Naruto] "Hey there! Could you please share some food with us? We got lost looking for the chicken fields, and we haven't figured out where they all..."

He goes silent as he notices my pile

[Sakura]"Oh my god, how many chickens is that??"

[Ed] "2843. Including the ones that I'll be eating for dinner. Um, I don't have anything else to use as fuel, so if you want me to share could you get me some?"

[Shikamaru] "Um first of all, what's your name? I'm Shikamaru Nara."

[Ed] "I'm Edward Thorn. Although I already know about all of you, it's nice to meet you."

[Sasuke whispers] "How does he already know about us?"

[Naruto whispers] "We are pretty famous ya know!"

[Shikamaru] "Let us discuss this for a minute please."

[Ed] "Sure man! I'll just be eating some chicken."

The group move into two huddles.

As take a bite out of the skewer, I noticed that Hinata, Hanabi, and Ino are staring at me like I'm a cute puppy.

[Ed] 'York, I'm getting really uncomfortable. Raise my STR and AGI by 3 points each please.'

--System message--

SP: 90 - 60 --> 30

STR: 1.4 + 3 --> 4.4

AGI: 1.4 + 3 --> 4.4


[York] So are you planning on being a glass cannon, or will you increase your HP too?

[Ed] 'York you have been giving me a lot of attitude these past few hours.'

[York] I was designed to have a sassy personality.

-------------Meanwhile, In the team huddle-------------

3rd person POV

Girl's huddle

[Ino] "Oh. My. God. He's so handsome!"

[Hanabi] "How old do you think he is? What do you think dad will say if I actually date someone outside of the clan"

Hinata and Hanabi visibly shudder.

[Hinata] "I've had a crush on Naruto for years, but he's never noticed. If this guy is at least as smart as Naruto, maybe I don't have to wait anymore."

[Sakura] "Pfft Hinata. You say that like it's super difficult."

[Ino] "We all know how bad Naruto's intelligence is."

[Sakura] "I personally still like Sasuke the most. He's the only one for me."

[Ino] "Of course he is, Forehead Girl."

[Sakura] "Shut it, Ino Pig!"

[Sakura and Ino] "Grrrrrrrr."

[Hanabi] "Let's have a look at how strong our new love interest is sis."

*Hanabi and Hinata activate Byakugan*

[Hinata] "Huh. Well that's odd."

[Hanabi] "You see it too?"

[Sakura and Ino] "What is it?"

[Hanabi] "He doesn't have chakra, or mana, or even ki! There's this weird Dark Energy in him. Have you ever seen this before sis?"

[Hinata] "I don't know, but it gives off a scary vibe."

[Ino] "Oooooh. A handsome boy with a dark power. Sounds interesting."

[Sakura] "So should we eat with him or no?"

[Hanabi] " He doesn't seem to be evil. I guess his energy is strong, but his body doesn't seem very extraordinary."

[Hinata] "You're forgetting that he doesn't use our cultivation methods. We can't really tell how strong he is unless we see him fight. Besides, his body looks good enough to me. Look at those 8 inches he's packing."

[Sakura, Ino, and Hanabi] "JUST WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING?!"

Hinata blushes when she realizes what she just said. She covers her face with her hands while the other girls grin at her.

[Sakura] "I guess it'll be OK even if he is evil. After all, we have Sasuke with us."

[Ino] "You seriously have an obsession don't you?"

[Hinata] "Let's go back with the boys to tell Edward."

-------------Meanwhile, In the team huddle-------------

3rd person POV

Boy's huddle

[Shikamaru] "What do you guys think about him?"

[Sasuke] "I say we don't eat with him. He gives me a bad feeling."

[Naruto] "That's probably because he looks cooler than you Sasuke. I say there's no problem!"

[Choji] "I agree with Naruto. Anyone who can make a Demonic Chicken smell that good is a good person in my books."

[Kiba] "Akamaru and I don't smell much from him. We can barely get the whiff of an alpha without a pack."

[Shino] "My insects won't go near him. They've never been this afraid before; not even in front of the anteaters in the Forest of Death."

[Shikamaru] "Although This is probably a terrible idea, if we can get him to join our village, maybe we'll have a strong ally in the future. After all, the 4th great ninja war will be happening soon on our continent."

[Sasuke] "Oh please. What can one guy do."

[Naruto] "He's getting you really riled up Sasuke. Maybe he's stronger than you! Jealous?"

[Sasuke] "Shut up Naruto!"

[Shikamaru] "I guess we'll go with it...for now."

[Choji] "Yes! I'm STARVING."

[Shikamaru] "Let's meet up with the girls to go talk to Edward."

-------------They walk back to Edward-------------

3rd person POV

The group of ninja jump to a few feet away from Ed.

[Ed] "Did you guys make a decision?"

Hinata and Shikamaru nod to each other and then turn back to Ed.

[Hinata] "We decided that we'd love to eat with you."

[Ed] "Tha's great! Got any supplies?"

[Sakura] "Here you go!"

Sakura pulls out a storage scroll and with a *poof*, some seasonings, a wok, and ignitable materials appear.

[Choji] "I can't wait to try it!"

Edward builds a fire pit with the wok and puts more chicken skewers over it.

[Shikamaru] "So...why did you kill so many chickens Edward?"

[Ed] "Just call me Ed, Shikamaru."

[Shikamaru] "OK Ed."

[Ed] "I was doing a mission for the adventurer's guild. It was something like 'Kill 10 Demonic Chickens,' but since it was repeatable, I killed a few more to get more money without having to come back."

[All of the ninja] 'That's what he calls a few?'

Sasuke clears his throat.

[Sasuke] "So Ed. I was wondering if you would like to spar while we wait for the chicken to roast."

[Shikamaru] 'Dang it Sasuke. Why'd you let your ego in on this conversation. This is such a drag.'

[Ed] "Uh sure. just let me do some stretches first."

Ed starts to touch his toes.

[Ed] 'York! Show me Sasuke's stats and the amount of energy I have left.'

--System message--

Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Level: 42 (Jonin)

Title: Edgelord of the Narutoverse

Class: Ninja

Special abilities: Sharingan (Mangekyo)

Affinity: Fire, Lightning

HP: 10.2

VIT: 13

STR: 10

STA: 14

DEF: 8

AGI: 16.3

INT: 10

WIS: 4.2


[York] You have 6 EP left Ed.

Ed widens his eyes in disbelief.


[York] Ninjas enjoy empowered bodies due to the saturation from Chakra.

[Ed] 'What the hell! why aren't I that OP yet?'

[York] Your fault for loving Yugioh more than Naruto.

[Ed] 'Fine. How do I get more cards?'

[York] I was wondering when you would ask since you set the guide on fire. You can get more cards by absorbing a corresponding monster in the world. Also, you can get a 5 pack of cards every 10 levels. On top of that, every 10 levels, you get double the SP since you have a special class.

[Ed] 'I guess being a duelist has it's perks. I still wanna learn to use chakra though.'

[York] Yeah, good luck with that.

[Ed] 'Fuck you, York'
