
Dance Is My Life

Here I am running frantically across an extreemly busy main road. I didn't bother looking left or right I just ran straight ahead not even thinging about the consequences of my actions. If car pulled put infront of me I dodged it and then carried on running.

"Come on, where on earth is it?" I asked myself worried while stopping at a quiet street corner and glancing quickly at my phone to see the time. "2 minutes. Shoot shoot shoot. OMFG where is the dammed school!" I gave out angrily to myself while I started a light jog.

The direction my mother sent me, told me that the school should be here but "I don't see no school here or no where." I took a look down one of the few lane ways and saw a group of high schoolers attired in a familiar uniform while strolling through a gate. They chatted happily to each other telling each other about the latest gossip around the town and viewing their opinions on it.

I ran towards them and into the gates. "Finnally." I mumbled as I tryed to catch my breath. I put my hands on my hips and raised my head towards the sky. Closing my eyes and leaning back, I concentrated on slowing down my heart rate. A female student bumbed into the back of my shoulder quite harshly. The girl turned around and sincerely apologised to me. She turned around and sprinted off into the school. "She must be in a rush." I chuckled but instantly stopped once I realised that "I should be in a rush too." I rushed into the building and took a left. I entered a large, spacious hall which was full with accepted dance students.

Yes. Dance students. I applied for a dance academy or a dance school, whatever you want to call it. I got my results a few weeks ago and ever since then I've been so excited to come. No joke, I've told everyone I know that I got in.

I used to be in quite a well know dance group until about a year ago. We attend the World Of Dance Competition and won. The group got lots praise due to our hard choreographies and our dangerous acts and stunts. We broke up though last year as we couldn't afford the whole thing. It cost too much to travel. There was ten of us in total, three girl and seven boys. It was more of a hip hop and street dance vibe but in my spare time I practiced contemporary, ballet and lyrical dance. Ballet is defenitly the hardest! Anyways back to hall.....

In the hall there were chairs placed in neat, organised. I don't how many but there were loads and most of them were occupied by dancers. I took one near the back since I was in a rush. The head master stood up literally as soon as my butt had hit the hard surface of the black, plastic chair.

"Good morning students." He chirped scanning around the room. "Good morning" The students answered dully. "Tired I see. Well hate to break it to y'all but your going to have to make more of an effort that that. So, Good morning dancers." He addressed in a sing song tone once again. "Good morning" Everyone said in unison, matching his enthusiasm and tone.

"That's better. Let me introduce myself. I'm Head master Jones. I would like to congratulate everyone for being accepted. We have 250 to 300 lucky dancers. As you know we only accept the best of the best and this year we over 800 applications so well done. Right we don't have much time so I'm gonna crack on. I will call names from highest ranking to lowest and yes I am going to announce in front of everyone because in this life you will get embarrassed for the little things but that 'thing' should be what drives you to be the best." He reassured everyone. Dancers smirked and others faces turned plum red. I just relaxed as long as I wasn't last I was more than happy.

"Right highest rank is...
