

I remembered my past life when I nearly died. I was a neet-in-shut otaku girl that is obsessed with reading boys' love. I prayed every day that in my next life, I would become a boy. There is a piece of good and bad news. The good news is that it became real, I became a boy. But the bad news is, I was reincarnated into the novel that I read in my previous life. It was R-18 boys love novel, and I'm an anonymous side character.

Xaaaneeey · แอคชั่น
22 Chs


I informed my brother that I won't be coming home and working for a while. He knows the reason behind it, I made deal with Mr. Hungevszky.

"You suggest that I'll live with you?"

"Yes, since you're the only one whom I can trust with this condition of mine..."

I forgot that he doesn't know how to love...

"But Mr. Hungevszky, you must have misunderstood me. Like I've said I just wanted to help you be happy with someone else."

"We'll start with that"


"Call me Reeves and I'll call you Kyenzi"

"Huh? But why? We're just associated with the contract—"

"It's too troublesome to be formal at all times, besides we will start seeing each other more often."

"Haaa, if that's what you want"

This is just a child's play anyway. Reeves never find happiness in the real novel besides Wellian. But now that it's ruined, there's a possibility that he'll find someone that'll make him fall in love. All I need is to help him and get out of this mess right away.

The two of us started going to a random gay bar. Of course, at the end of that, we got ourselves each bed partner. The next morning, Reeves was still not satisfied.

"Maybe we start by online dating"

"Online dating? Is that famous right now?"

"Yes it is"

I made him a profile and after a few more minutes there are already too many followers.

"Guess that you're their type"

"Let me see"

After three months of online dating, I'm losing hope. He just goes out with them ends up making them cry. What if I don't get out of this mess? Then I'll end up getting killed with him... as if I care.

"Kyenzi! Let's go out to a fancy restaurant right now!"

Something changed about him. He's completely moved on with Wellian, that's a big step and... He became more friendly than I ever thought. Maybe because he doesn't have one.

"What about your work?"

"It's okay! I can just leave it to Oliver"

"You kept neglecting your duties, in this case, you'll fall"

"Ha-ha, don't worry and just eat with me"

"Ha, never mind. What use of it anyway"

We eat at the fancy restaurant that's newly open in Britain. We kept changing our location because of his business but he still have time to fool around. I suddenly missed my work...

"Hey you're spacing out"


The food tastes good. Since I excused myself and started hanging out with Reeves it's like I'm on my vacation right now. I thought he would treat me coldly but he didn't.

"Now that I think about it, your eyes were like shining when it reflects in sunlight"

"You observed well"

"Despite having brown eyes, it's like it's not yours at all"

This man notices everything.

"Let me tell you one thing if you would ever date someone. It's a good thing to keep it secret if you notice something odd to that someone. Revealing it will only be made them think that you're a pervert"

"I'll keep that in mind"

He takes my advice seriously. He changed ever since then. He became an outstanding gentleman. When we go home, he opened a glass of wine for me.



I drank the wine and my body heated up before I knew it.

"What kind of wine is this?"

"I don't know, my butler just offered it to me"

I looked at him, he's just normally drinking it.

"I think there's something mixed on with this glass of mine"


He immediately grabbed my glass of wine and take a sip.

"Shit! This is—"

Before he could finish his response, I grabbed tight into his right arm while shivering.

"I-I... I'm hard"

He looked below me and saw at it was bulging.


I cursed.

This is the worst, I'll kill the one who mixed something into my wine.

"Let me lay down in my bed, just let me..."

"I understand but how— you're rubbing your hands into my ass, it's also making me hard"

I'm not in the right state of mind. All I feel is that it's hot like my body is heating up.

I unzip his pants and give him a blowjob. While sucking his large ass into my mouth it felt like heaven.

"He-hey, I think I'll cum"

I ignored his warning and continue sucking it.

"Fuck stop it I'll cum now!"

I felt a hot liquid inside my mouth. I drank it and smiled.

"It's delicious"

I pushed him into the wall and began kissing him deeply. Fuck it felt so good.

"Hngggh, Kyenzi..."

I began sucking his nipples.

"Fuck Kyenzi, you're making me crazy right now"

I looked at him and smiled cunningly.

"Then let yourself go crazy even more"

"You... You're not even in your right state of mind"

I stopped and looked at him.

"Just help me this time, hmm? It's itchy here"

For a few more seconds he took a deep sigh.

"Then don't be mad at me after doing it with me"

I nodded.

He immediately carry me and put me gently on the bed.

"You, did you do it with other guys?"

"Yes, but of course I'm the one who goes inside them"

"Fuck, is it okay? I don't have a gel. Is it okay to do it raw?"

I kissed him deeply and smiled.

"Just put that big ass of yours in my hole, it's itchy here"

He began sucking my nipples and giving me hickeys all over my neck.

"Hngggh aaahh aaaahh"

He began sucking my ass. Before I knew it I cummed and he swallowed it like a delicious dessert.

"Hnggghh Reeves..."

He has a condom in his pocket, thank goodness. He wears it in his two right fingers. He slowly slid it inside as I scream in pain.

"Aaacccckk, i-it hurts"

So this is how it felt when I'm doing it with other guys.

"Let's loosen you first, just relax"


After a few more minutes, it's becoming less painful.

"I think I'm ready"

He nodded and wears his condom, he slowly put it inside me. I cried in pain.

"You're very tight"

He slowly thrusts his ass inside of mine and after a few more thrusts, he looked at me.

"I'm sorry Kyen, I don't think I can hold it anymore"


Before I could respond, he roughly thrust his ass into mine deeply.

"Aaaaahccckk!!! Hnggggh slowly, I'll rip apart if you do that"

"I'm sorry"

He kept apologizing while thrusting roughly into mine. After a few more minutes my body got used to his ass and the pain was nowhere to be found.

"Hnnggghhh, aaahh ugghh"

My voice kept echoing in his quiet room. And after a few more minutes, I cummed. The heat was already gone.

"I'm sleepy. I'm going back to my room"

I felt ashamed of myself. I came back to my senses after realizing we fucked each other.


I looked back

"It was because of the drug nothing more. Let's just forget what happened to us a while ago"

It was already three o'clock.

"I don't want to"


"It's already been four months that we started hanging out with each other. But I've never thought of a possibility that you and I will..."

"What are you saying? You do know I go out with guys just so I can find a hole to screw"

He walk towards me and held both of my hands.

"So you don't like it?"

"Th-that's... Because of the drugs"

"Then let's do it again, this time there's no drug"

"What are you saying—"

Before I could finish what I'm saying he kissed me deeply. Our tongues intertwined and we're exchanging our saliva. I don't know why but my brain kept saying to stop but my body don't want to.

"Then it's decided, you're mine now"

He smiled at me and immediately pulled me to the bed. He began kissing me and marking me all over the body.


My eyes feel itchy... Oh, right I should remove them...

"Wait, Reeves"

He didn't stop sucking my nipples.

"I said stop I have to remove them"

He looked at me with a curious expression. I stand up and look at the mirror. I slowly touched my eye contact and removed them.


I looked at him and smiled.

"My eyes feel itchy so I decided to remove them."

He came close to me and began kissing me.

"My eye colors are weird right? Like I'm a monster..."

"No you don't, it looks pretty. Like a ruby that's been shining beautifully under the bright moonlight"

I chuckled.

"Where did you learn how to say cheesy things?"

"Hmm from you? You said you have to make your partner feels special"

"But I'm not your partner"

"Yes you are, a moment ago. You responses to my kisses."

Before I could disagree he kissed me again and we began to share our bodies.


Kyenzi is sucking my ass, this feels like a dream. We never expected to end like this with each other. He was always on guard and kept our boundaries. So... When he take the first initiative my heart skip for a bit and I was already hard.

"Aaaah Kyenzi, I think I'll cum"

He looked at me with his red eyes shining and smiled.

"Just cum you don't need to inform me. Your cum is sweet"

Fuck, I think I might fall in love with this guy. He's making my heart skip for a beat many times over. I don't think I'll survive.

I stopped him from giving me a blowjob and lay him on my bed. I turned him around making his back face into mine. I began entering my ass inside him. I hold into his slim waist and began thrusting. I was amused at how sensitive his skin is. My hands were marked on his slim waist. Maybe because he has white pure skin.

"Hnngggg aaaahhh uggghhhh"

His light voice is echoing in my quiet room. How can everything about him be making me turn on? Maybe because I can't date anyone else is because he's always with me. I just think that when he's with me, then even if I got dumped by my date it's okay.

I don't think that I've really fallen for him a long time ago and only realized it now. I'm such a loser.

I thrust into him deeply making him scream in shock and looked at me.


I chuckled and kiss him

"It's really good inside of you Kyenzi, fuck it"

"Oh really?"

We did it many times over that we didn't think what time we stopped. It was already afternoon.

"You have to eat more, here"

"I'm on a diet. Besides, I don't want to gain weight, I'll start exercising from today onwards"

"How can you gain weight? Your body is too skinny"

"Stop nagging me, and let me tell you. There's nothing special between us, our body is just compatible with each other that's all"

"Then are we fuck buddies?"

"Yes, we are—huh?! Wait!"

"Then it's settled, I can fuck you whenever I want"

"Hey! But don't think of something naughty! You can't fuck me in public"

I chuckled.

"Yes, I know"

"Anyways, this would have not happened if it weren't for that wine."

"There's an Aphrodisiac that was mixed into your drinks"

"You said your butler was the one who prepared it?"

"Yes, I'll talk to him privately"