
Isekai! Oh my god what am i doing here.. Kai' tale of wandering

" hi guys i'm Kai welcome to my youtube chanell.. just kiddin... f**king got stuck in another world " "which world you say.. tough nuts not telling ya." Kai woke up from his sloth enhanced stupor finding himself in a forest with a system. *No harem (maybe 2 women tops)

ThatGuy01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Holy crap! So that happened... Chapter 1

Within a forest layed a man, 17 years old lying against a tree as he sat with lush grass benathe him.

A bristle of wind carresed Kai's cheek "5 more minuites.." he muttered "ouch", 'An apple fell on me?'

[Possible host found if accepted will integrate in 5 seconds] "Holy crap! that scared me.." 'No way is this what I think this is?'

[3 seconds remaining] 'wait what?', "I accept!" he exclaimed as a red hue arose from his face blushing as he looked at the squirell who was busy commiting the greatest heist of his life scurrying along with the apple near Kai's leg.

'HA sucker' the little creature thought as Kai's red face became more pronounced "so that happened.." kai muttered as he realised he got played by a squirell 'what the fu** , dont squirells eat nuts anyways?' as he woke up from his dazed stupor..

[ Understood integrating system with host 0%...10%...40%...70%...90%...99%..100%]

[Host has recieved protected memories]

*rumble rumble kai's stomach continued to hound him as he looked up at the 15 foot gravenstein tree and at his surroundings faling to find anything to pick the apples of the branches.

'shit I don't know how to climb'

"well I guess I have no choice.." muttering again as he began to bear hug the tree and fall on his back.

*37 minuites later* kai found himself on the ground as he attempted to climb back down only to fall on his ass after flailing around trying to catch himself in order to to not take damage from the fall

Kai had 3 apple in his sight as he looked forward to see the same squirell as if mocking him as it scuttle towards him

the treasure causing Kai to move swiftly towards his dinner and began to scoff them all down his throat 'Ha you fu*ker! hmm tastes like.. honey, the fu*k?

wait where am I?'

*cough cough as he cleared his throat "erm status?"

[Host does not Require having to say it outloud lest he looks like a bufoon or insane] kai blushed 'Right I knew that honestly, I didn't think i'd be this way in these kind of situations considering all the novels i've read' 'status!'



condition: left arm bruised due to scraping during a fall

[Inventory 15 cubic metres] :

(Nothing to see here)


Climbing F rank

Foraging F rank


Protected Mind: due to defense mechanism of the system to prevent natives and others besides the host from finding out the systems existence host has protected memories subsequently boosting hosts memorability, adaptability and intellect.


[find out what world you are in timer: 30 minuites]

▪︎Awards Quick Thinking rank F

[survive through the forest of [Redacted] and [Redacted], gain a means of Food/water and shelter]

▪︎Awards Survivalist Sank F

[kill that damn squirell and eat it]

▪︎Awards Cooking Skill Rank F

[unlock chakra]

▪︎Awards Chakra Circuits Rank G

'why does chakra start at rank G I wonder...'

[due to foreign nature of host, host will need to have chakra circuits implemented into host's body]

'well i guess i know which world I am in then'

[Ding!] [Findout which world you are in]

[Mission Completed]

[Host has gained Quick Thinking]

meh i decided to wrote whatever i thought sounded nice well here goes, its my first novel/fanfic mix i guess, ill do my best to improve if provided solutions with the criticisms you give me.

so yeah here goes nothing.

ThatGuy01creators' thoughts