4 4

"Cal that's not fair!," Luna yelled as I sit beside her.

"He was being an ass, just look for another guy," I rolled my eyes.

"I really liked him! He was the first guy that had feelings for me."

"And he won't be the last babe, just trust me-," Luna cuts me off.

"I'm not you Cal! I'm not pretty and I don't have a bangin bod, I don't have a line of guys at my door, a guy finally likes me and you go up to him cussing him off!," she started to cry.

Ever since she got in that incident at school she had this boy from her class bringing in her homework, I liked him for her, till one day they changed the students and a total duche bag knocked at our door and left her homework outside on the floor. Before we get any ideas Luna always called out to that douche to hold but he ran away before she can even open the door. And when he finally started appearing in front of us I noticed he was a snobby rich boy that started flirting with Luna.

When she got back a week ago and I picked her up, she would be near him at all times looking up at him like he was some type of god. I wasn't going to get involved because I didn't know the kid and I could've been proven wrong and he could've been a good guy until I noticed today that she was trying to talk to him and he raised his voice at her before pushing her shoulder and went back to another girl he was flirting with.

Before I can stop what I was doing I can feel my legs moving towards the kid and from then I was cussing him off until he started crying saying sorry. I know I know I'm a grown adult and I shouldn't be cussing out a 16 year old boy, but they gotta learn one way or another not to fuck with a girls feelings. And ever since Luna has been upset at me crying that I ruined her life and what not.

"Want me to go pick up take out for us?," she stayed quiet.

"I'll get extra wontons for you hm?," I bribed her.

I study her face and noticed she's starting to cave in.

"How about more chicken this time to, maybe even stop at a store to buy your favorite drink?," I smiled.

"Calllllll!" She groaned in annoyance.

"So is that a no?" I pouted.

Luna turns away from me and starts to walk to her room when she stops at her door and took in a deep breath.

"I want a large pink lemonade and an ice cream from the store as well as you offered from takeout," she sighed.

I smile and pat her head before heading out the apartment and calling in our order.


"I see you got in an argument with Luna hm?" Jessica laughed as she handed me the bag of food.

"Yup," I sighed  and scratched the back of my neck.

"Just make sure you guys make up, and I'm just waiting on your wontons," she laughed.

I nod and sit down on a bench swinging my feet back and forth minding my own business.

"Uhm excuse me?," I look up seeing a boy with dark green hair towering over me.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Cal your food!," Jessica called.

I quickly get up only to slip, but before I hit the ground the guy from earlier catches me, I look at him seeing his surprised at our sudden contact.

"Uhm thanks," I whispered before grabbing the bag of wontons and running out the restaurant.

It was now the next day which meant it was Luna's surgery.

"Let's go babe, we gotta be at the hospital in 1 hour!," I yelled as I grab my clothes for work as well as a small snack for myself.

"Coming!," Luna answered back.

Luna runs out her room and runs towards me happily and we walk out before heading to the station to catch our train on time.

"You know sometimes I wonder why we moved here," Luna sighed as I held onto her hand as people push in front of us.

"Great opportunity for your talent to grow and for mine to get noticed?," I shrugged.

"I mean we could've gone to Cali, you know," She laughed.

"True, butttt I got a scholarship here and you got a scholarship as well," I mumbled as I try to grab my snack from my back pocket.

"I guess," Luna sighed "I like it here though, everyone here is so outgoing."

Finally grabbing a hold of the bar someone cuts us off from our walk and causes people to bump into us from the back leading me to dropping my food as people trample over it.

"No," I frowned.

"That's sad," Luna laughed.

I turn down to her and glare, "you don't have to be a bitch about it you know," I sighed and punched her arm.

"Ow! That's abuse!," Luna yelled as people turn to me "call child support!"

"Girl what-," I started to laugh loudly "you mean child protective services dimwit," Luna rolls her eyes as she smacks her head with her hand "I'm so happy your good at art babe because that brain ain't getting you anywhere."

"Whatever," she groaned and tried to pull her arm away from me.

"Stop you know you are not allowed to separate from me here," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a baby anymore Cal, plus you've let me ride the train alone before," she argued.

"First off you're still My baby, second off when your with me we hold hands and third off I don't give a rats ass," I patted her head before grabbing onto her hand again as we went inside the train.

"Remind me to never bring you in front of my friends," Luna mumbled.

"You don't have friends," I laughed.

"Oh please your only friend is Ashton, I at least have 6 friends," Luna snapped back.

"Yeah that's why maybe it's so hard for me to keep myself sane living with you," I giggled and flicked her head.

Luna groans annoyed "why can't you be a normal sister?"

"Literally I'm your mom," I smiled down at her.

"Moms don't bother their daughter 24/7."

"Well I'm not a normal mom duh."

"You should be! Geez you're so weird," Luna mumbled.

"If I was normal I would be putting you up for adoption for how annoying you are," I laughed.

"Moms don't tell their daughter that," Luna frowned.

"Well good for you that I'm your sister."

"You just said you were my mom," she argued.

"Well I'm both," I laughed.

The doors open leading me to hold onto Lunas hand again as we walk up the stairs "why do I feel like you're still going to act like this with your children," she sighed.

"I won't because I don't want any, having you has made me despise children," I chuckled.

"I was a pretty good kid though."

Luna was a very quiet child, she never gave me problems and still I have no problems with her at this age, I mean sure she can be annoying and all, but that makes me smile knowing she can still joke around after everything her and I been through. I also don't want to turn out like my mom, gone from her children's lives, and don't get me wrong and think that I'll start doing drugs, I just know my life won't be long.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I look down the side walk blocking out the world for a moment only for Lunas hand to wave in front of my face to grab my attention.

"We're here, hurry and come in before you go to work," Luna grabbed onto my hand and pulled me inside the hospital.

"Hello Luna ready for the surgery?," a nurse named Lily smiled down at her.

"Yup," Luna smiles.

"Okay head to the door straight ahead."

"Call me as soon as the surgery is done so I can head back from work and catch her when she wakes up from the drugs," I laughed lightly.

"Will do Cal," Lily chuckled.

I walk over to where Luna was and sit beside her as we wait to be checked in her room.

I look down at Luna as I see her playing with her thumbs nervously, I sigh and grab her hand softly.

"You get me nervous so stop it," I mumbled and rubbed her head softly.

"Do you think my hand will be better after today?"

"Well it should be, the doctor said it'll take a while since you have to wear a cast for some time," Luna lays her head on my shoulder.

"I'm scared," she admitted.

"So am I babe," I mumbled.

"I want to paint you after today," Luna said.

"Already got a hold of your other hand?," I joked.

"I mean I'm finger painting I'm excellent and knowing that my other hand could get better I'm sure I'll do a good job," she laughed happily.

"Okay when do you want to paint me?," I asked.

"Well Mr. Antol is having an art exhibit of his own next week and was hoping my paintings of you can be hung as well as make a new one."

"And you didn't tell me this why?," I looked down at her.

"Well last time you've met I'm pretty sure you didn't like him and you want me to show art of you at his exhibit," Luna pouted.

I smile lightly at her and shake my head "I mean that you got an opportunity to show off your talent," Luna quickly looks at me happily.

"So can I show you off?," I nod as she hugged me tightly "thank you."

"Anything for you babe."


"So when's the exhibit?," Ashton looked at me from the other side of the bar.

"In like 4 days I think," I sighed.

"But you work-," I glare at Ashton.

"No duh!," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Well how are you going to be attending?"

"I mean I can ask for the day off and perform the rest of the week," I shrugged.

"Do you think you can handle that?,"Ashton raises his eyebrows.

"Well I don't have a choice, I'm not missing Lunas big chance," I mumbled before handing over drinks.

"Calista back stage! You're about begin in 1 hour," Alissa another worker called.

"Got it let me just take a break before heading back there!," I yelled back.

"Shot?," Ashton asked.

"Yes, cigs?," I asked.

Ashton reaches under the bar and throws a pack of cigarettes to me as well as a lighter, he slides my shot before I down it and walk towards the door that led outside.

"Calista!," I turn around to see Semi smiling down at me with a group of guys behind him.

"Hi," I mumbled.

"Where are you going? You're not leaving again right?," Semi grumbled.

"Unfortunately no, just taking a break I'll be on a bit so sit down," I patted his back as I led him to a spot for him and his group.

"We need one more chair for one more person," Semi mumbled.

"Okay," I nod as I grab a chair before a person shoves me softly.

"Asshole," I grumbled and set the chair beside Semi.

"Thanks Cal, also if you see a tall- you know what nevermind, he might not show up," he sighed before turning away.

I shrug before heading outside and look up at the full moon.

"Shit I should've brought my jacket," I mumbled as I shiver due to the cold gust of wind.

I look down at my outfit, I was only wearing a purple corset with a short skirt opening in the front, thigh high socks and garters holding them up.

"Hell," I grumbled as I rub my hands together to get warmer.

I hated the cold but at the same time adored it.

It was the beginning of December and soon Christmas Day was near. Oh how I love knowing that I can almost buy Luna what she wanted after working here for a month.

Besides the holiday I loved the weather. I loved how the cold can numb my body so easily and I loved the snow flakes always looking different, I loved the hot chocolate and warmer clothes, I loved the feeling of walking into your home and feeling the heater do it's magic. I grab the cigarettes and start to look for my lighter as I realized it was gone from where I hid it, I frown annoyed and stomp my foot.

I look up to see a tall man walking towards my way with his hands in his pocket and an annoyed facial expression, I laughed lightly thinking he looked quite adorable.

"Do you have a lighter?" I asked before he passed me.

"No.." he grumbled.

The tall boy starts to walk away slowly as I notice it starts to snow.

"Smoking is bad for you by the way," he said with a straight face.

"Maybe I like what's bad for me," I turn my back to him and walk into the busy bar.
