
Chapter 1: Wrath's Awakening

A relentless symphony of turmoil and malice resonated within the ominous confines of the Vanthorn estate. Tyrus Vanthorn, the master of this sleepy hamlet, stood embodying a storm of ruthless authority.

"Useless boy!" The brutal cut of Tyrus's voice filled the dim room. "Eldermoor might fear me, but you... you are a disgrace to my legacy!"

Atlas stood firm, marred by blood and sweat after his father's blows. "Father, why such brutality towards innocents? Where is the honor of the Vanthorn house?"

"Eldermoor bows to the Vanthorn estate, to my power, not to honor!" Tyrus's laughter, a grotesque echo, filled the room, manifesting his unrelenting dominion. As an Origin expert, Tyrus' will could warp gravity itself, bearing down on the objects of his contempt.

Lysara, a silent onlooker, her eyes carrying oceans of sorrow, spoke softly, "Tyrus, the bloodshed, our son being a witness to these horrors..."

"He's my blood," Tyrus interrupted with an ominous calm, his voice laced with a dangerous fury. "I used my blade to subjugate these slaves, but he defied me! Showed mercy where there should have been strength."

"Father, it was inhumane!" Atlas protested. "Executing a mother, using her son's hands... Where does it end?"

"Strength, power, rule—that is our way," Tyrus proclaimed as the very room seemed to tremble under his rage.

Lysara's eyes brimmed with tears, "Tyrus, stop. He's our son, just a child."

But Tyrus's wrath was unyielding. His malicious aura consumed the room, each word and accusation striking like thunder.

Fueled by a mix of defiance and despair, Atlas sought an escape from the unrelenting pressure. His mind, a battlefield, fought between submission and rebellion as his father's power bore down on him, crushing him into the ground.

A mysterious voice, as ancient as the cosmos, whispered to Atlas. "Embrace your wrath, wield it as your weapon."

Struggling under his father's tyranny, Atlas felt an unfamiliar energy stir within. The air thickened, the gravitational forces pushing him to submission.

"The weak exist to be devoured," Tyrus proclaimed with cruel satisfaction.

The room became a cauldron of raw emotion within the tumultuous echoes of agony and resistance. Under the weight of his father's wrath, Atlas glimpsed the boundless realms of mystic powers.

A silence descended, a pause in the torment, but the room remained gripped by unsaid words and unresolved struggles.

Atlas, burnt by the fires of rebellion, saw the shadows retreat to the all-consuming voice in his head. "Do you want salvation?" it hissed.

"I want to save," Atlas whispered as mystic flames began arising in his veins.

The walls shook under the explosion of an extraordinary clash—Atlas, imbued with a fiery resistance against the unforgiving gravity of his father's tyranny. "The estate needs honor, not more blood," Atlas's words resonated with a desperate plea as the fires consumed his being.

Tyrus stared, eyes widened in disbelief, as the room vibrated with an unholy energy emanating from Atlas. His once crippled son now pulsated with a fierce, fiery Qi that defied all reason and logic.

"It's impossible!" Tyrus exclaimed, disbelief churning within. "A cripple harnessing Qi and with such ferocity?"

The Qi ran berserk in Atlas' body, rewriting his jumbled Qi paths into concrete meridians. Tyrus watched Atlas, a berserk storm driven by a wrathful wind, his body tearing apart under the onslaught of his newfound power.

"Defiant to the end, huh?" Tyrus hissed, eyes locked onto his son. 

Atlas staggered under the immense force, feeling the weight of his father's wrath. Yet, in his vulnerability, the mysterious whisper threaded through the chaos, speaking of hidden powers and untapped wrath.

"Embrace your essence; unleash the powers buried within," the voice urged, ethereal but filled with a consuming fire.

Atlas's eyes flickered, confusion and curiosity warring within. "Who are you? What power?" he muttered, almost inaudible amidst the tumult.

"The power of Wrath, the essence of fury. Let it surge through you and guide your rebellion," the voice coaxed, weaving a tapestry of strength and power within his mind.

A tremor ran through Atlas's battered body, a raw energy brewing, unfamiliar but potent. He felt a surge, the torrent of fiery Qi igniting his spirit, coursing through his veins with wild abandon.

Sensing a shift, Tyrus narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing his son's transformation. "What's this? Finding your spine at last?" he taunted, sending another cruel wave of gravitational force toward Atlas.

But Atlas, fuelled by the frantic energy of his newfound power, countered with a primal roar. Though trembling and tearing under the onslaught of the uncontrollable Qi, his body moved with a feral intensity. His attacks, though unrefined and born of desperation, clashed violently against Tyrus's calculated manipulations of gravity.

The room trembled under the chaotic ballet of clashing powers, the atmosphere thick with the cruelty of battle and the anguish of shattered bonds. With each clash, Atlas' Qi burnt him more, his body rapidly collapsing.

In the crescendo of the clash, a tender whisper floated through the turbulence, reaching the depths of Atlas's tormented heart. "Atlas," it softly beckoned.

Atlas's fury paused, the gentleness of the voice easing the relentless assault of the berserk Qi. "Mother?" he whispered, the raging fires within flickering with uncertainty.

"Yes, my love," Lysara's voice, imbued with a mother's boundless love and sorrow, graced his senses. Her presence, an oasis of comfort, enveloped him as she embraced his burning, trembling form. Her body seemed to absorb the raging heat, the cruelty of the unbridled energy consuming her with heartbreaking tenderness.

"Live, my love, with honor and restraint," her whisper, a final gift, lingered in the aftermath of sacrifice, her form turning to ashes within the tragic embrace of her son's arms. With the help of his mother, Atlas' body had reached a state of balance, having recovered itself from the fire that had overwhelmed it.

Tears mingled with ashes as Atlas, consumed by grief and the weight of loss, wept. His body, a canvas of torment and exhaustion, bore the scars of a brutal legacy.

"Be gone from Eldermoor, from the Vanthorn estate!" Tyrus croaked as he lay beaten, heavy with fury and pain. "Vanish into the night, into the shadows of your exile! You will never have a home or family in Eldermoor again!"

Atlas, carrying the burden of love's ashes and the shadows of a relentless legacy, wandered into the night's embrace, guided by the whispers of sorrow and the echoes of a mother's undying love. He found his way into an abandoned shrine, and as exhaustion overwhelmed him, he fell asleep as he dreamt of his mother.

But as sleep overtook him, his mind found himself in the center of a structure grander and more majestic than anything he had ever imagined. It was a vast, open-air arena encircled by towering walls that seemed to reach the heavens. The walls were layered with rows upon rows of seats, each tier ascending higher than the last and filled with an ethereal audience whose cheers and murmurs resonated through the colossal tower.

Sounds of a distant past filled the air: the clash of swords, the roars of beasts, and the crowd cheers weaving an auditory tapestry of a time long ago. The very atmosphere seemed charged with the spirits and stories of the gladiators, heroes, and legends that had once graced this arena with their presence.

And then, a hush fell over the coliseum, and a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. Cloaked in the elegance of antiquity and the mystery of the unknown, the figure stood before him, a silhouette against the fading light, as it settled on a thorn that grew from the ground to crown the figure as the emperor of these lands.

A voice, powerful yet imbued with a subtle softness, resonated through the vast emptiness, "Welcome." The words echoed, bouncing off the ancient stones, filling the space with a presence that was as unsettling as it was awe-inspiring.





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. This is my first experiment in writing, and I would love to grow with your support!

atlasrovercreators' thoughts