
Chapter 33:Festival in advance 7

*Fiu~* *Fiu~"

The wind of this particular night was stronger and wetter than the wind of the past few days which added to the dark clouds, was an announcement of the impending rain hovering all over the place. 

The city that rests at the base of the mountain is still as silent and dark as the previous days, while the castle rises imposingly on the mountainous peak making whoever sees it feel a minimum of security no matter how false it may be. 

*Groaning* *Groaning* *Groaning*

Emerging from the shadows that make the buildings of the city, a multitude of yokais with different aspects from each other, dark bodies and red eyes. They begin to roar into the night from the shadows as if demonstrating their power to the world itself. 

Christopher pov.

"This is extremely strange."

Hearing Kikyo who speaks from my right side and seeing how she observes the city below in extreme detail, I take my fan before blowing some air in her direction, thus signaling that I am listening. This action causes her black hair to gently move and her face to be fully visible for a few seconds, drawing my attention slightly, though I snap out of that state in a second. 

"Yokai for the most part are indifferent to each other, there are very few that can live together in packs and in those cases they are of the same type or species. This looks more like a powerful demon acting as a leader or maybe it's just one taking multiple forms."

Holding a lock of black hair that moves slowly in the wind and tucking it behind his ear, he begins to speak in an unflappable manner before pointing towards the yokais who stand at a safe distance from the castle. 

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Taking my eyes off of Kikyo who explained a small part of the yokai's behavior, he looked down at the city below from which the explosions were coming from.

"That was unexpected... Now it looks like we'll have to go at them."

Ignoring the breeze of air rushing past me and the erratic shouts of the soldiers nearby, I watch as the hand of what appears to be an ogre dissolves before the entire body collapses. The remains that were not completely dissolved, gather nearby before attempting to take another form. 

"It looks like the second option is the winner."

Watching as a new creature seemed to try to emerge from that cluster of shadows, he heard the distinctive sound of the bowstring belonging to Kikyo and in the blink of an eye that thing was completely eradicated. 

"Only by completely erasing the energy that makes up their body, can you be considered to have finished them."

"Lord Asahiko, Lord Asahiko!"

Giving him a look of thanks for his concern, though very veiled if I had to say and I move my eyes towards the newcomer. Running towards me with a face of pure terror, a slightly equipped and stuttering soldier tries to grab my shoulders. He tries obviously, as in a show of speed I take a step backwards dodging his hands and then charm him into speaking properly. 

"The master requests your presence, Mr. Asahiko. If you could follow me there."

"Sure, lead the way."

Walking around the outer grounds of the castle that are in extreme disarray, either because of the unexpectedness of the situation or the lack of an orderly response, I begin to put my thoughts in order. 

Now if the conclusion we came to with Kikyo is correct, there is only one enemy on the grounds. The good thing is that I will be able to use Clouded Fang without any kind of problem, the bad thing is that he seems to be a highly elusive enemy and seems to rely on crowds, making the sword not very useful. 

"We should stay inside the castle walls - the city is lost!"

"You're crazy! That will tarnish the master's honor!"

Stopping my train of thought, it finally arrived where the soldiers were arguing with the feudal lord. Some are in favor of closing their eyes to what is going on down there, others want to fight the yokais to protect their honor and the more moderate ones want to fix the situation in the surrounding area.

"We must first control the situation here."

"Yet another scaredy-cat!" 

Growing tired of their idiocy and the waste of time they are putting me through, I close my fan tightly drawing all attention to myself.

"Mr. Asahiko, we accept your offered help in these dark moments, but you cannot intervene in the conversations..."

Not wanting to waste time with this stupidity and taking advantage of having their full attention, I quickly charm them all together before snapping my fingers to activate the charm I have on the feudal lord. Finished with that waste of time and giving them an order or two so they don't stand around like statues, I turn around to get the hell out of here. 

"I've already taken care of the possible... trouble in the rear. Now I can use all my power if something unforeseen happens. How's the situation down there?"

"Bad, they've been making me expand arrows one by one. They also avoid gathering in large groups and attack houses to force me to act."

Describing exactly the movements made by the yokai, Kikyo reloads her bow quickly before launching another arrow which completely eradicates a new yokai. 

Taking my eyes off of her and looking downward for a favorable descent route. I take a leap over the wall before beginning my descent to the base of the castle, then speeding forward leaping across the rooftops towards the center of the fray. 


As I jumped from rooftop to rooftop with the wet wind caressing my hair and feeling the occasional drop hit my face. A worm-like yokai with a human face and rough brown skin appears from the shadows between the buildings in an attempt to bite me. 

"Amaterasu-Sama, oh, right. No need to do this anymore."

Stopping my half-hearted strange chanting, I simply wave my hand to the side and the yokai burns to ashes quickly. After that and without slowing my running speed, I slam my feet on the next roof and shoot off towards a building that sits right in the middle of the city easily. 

"One at a time. maybe not?"

Perching on the roof of a house and taking in the gentle rain that now settles on the ground, I again pull my fan from my wet clothes before I begin to speak to the yokais that slowly begin to surround me. 

Lighting my fan on fire as I open it fully, I let its colorful feathers glow in the darkness of the night before turning 360° in my place, creating a circle of fire that moves forward devouring all the yokai in the surrounding area. All of those at the same height level as me were eliminated in that one attack, though I didn't have to worry about the remaining ones, as when they came together they were an easy target for Kikyo who eliminates them with a single arrow. 

"Fu~. I'm still horrible at whistling. Now I guess the second wave is coming."

Speaking loudly into nothingness and combing my wet hair back to leave my field of vision open, I observed the surroundings from which more black colored yokais started to emerge like the night before.
