
Questions (not a chapter)

So it seems that I've been getting quite the backlash for the genocide and MC reaction to it. So I'd like to explain why it was necessary.

1) Harvey had to die. That much was written in stone just cause he was at near death and was going through a redemption arc, it would be really out of character if just suddenly became good. I mean come on the guy planed, fought and conquered for a 100 years just so he could one day drive humans to extinction. You think such resolve would be changed by a "save Martha" scene or some Talk no jutsu.

2) The Moloids were loyal to Harvey to the absolute limit. They would have been no use to him and would only cause more trouble. So what was he supposed to do let them go and join someone else's army.

3) The MC has a habit of rationalising things even certain actions so that they could fit his moral standards, however twisted it may be. So in this situation he was under a dilemma if what he did was right or wrong cause he couldn't rationalise the situation in his favour.

4) And wow people really don't like vulnerable and flawed character on this platform. Everything must 1D character with clear cut goal which is established in the synopsis and must never change, for we don't like reading complex characters who, like in life, fail or make wrong decision and mistakes. No we must have a perfect MC. He must be fuvking Tyler Durden, he must be able to fuck better than us, he must be smarter than us, He must look like an Adonis, he must share our opinions and thoughts and anyone who thinks differently must die, we want to immediately transpose ourselves on the MC and we must always make correct decisions with never once feeling an ounce of regret, doubts, or failure and everything works out for us.

Well this ain't Twilight bruv neither is my MC Bella swan nor "Rey Skywalker". He is neither Hero probably a bit of a Villain so don't try to pin him down in a certain category, cause I ain't making making a generic character.

So if you want to read such a novel then I highly recommend that you read some other redundant piece of work, just check for a few seconds you'll find that such novel are quite over saturated so you won't run out of such content.

If someone still has any questions, well you free to ask.
