
Chapter - 11

'Yeah, move it there. #452 listen to me, move it 45° to the right. Yes.'

Ants, they truly are the best. Electromagnetic-neural wave transmitter. I built this around the time I started walking, out of a Bluetooth headset, a radio and a hearing aid. I use it to control the ants so that they can start digging underground. Wasn't all that difficult really. I think, when I take over the Subterranea I should make my own race since most of the other races fall rather short in usefulness. Maybe I should make the Yautja and make them loyal to me by enforcing it in their DNA.

Since then I have gathered almost all the ants in the neighborhood and more, and ordered them to dig beneath our basement in a systematic manner while maintaining the structural integrity of the house, so that it won't collapse on itself.

Things have going well so far as I've used almost all the "web fluid", clay and cement for its stability. It's still a work in progress but it's going good and I believe a secret base will soon be ready.

It's been a month since Peter and I have started working on our own language and OS. Since Peter has to go to school we usually do it when he comes back.

He doesn't go outside to play because he only has one friend, Ned and he comes over every now and then to make some Star-Wars LEGOs. He's really fun to be around.

The name of Language we built is GREY-MATTER and the name of the OS, Galvan. The language is very efficient, fast and very useful when it comes to hacking.

P.O.V. Narrator

Date:- 27th August, 2010

Time:- 11:00 pm

A dark figure could be seen swinging through the buildings of New York City. The figure stopped and observed his target. A young man walking along side a woman who seemed a little drunk.

The young man took the woman into a dark alleyway with the dark figure following him. Deep in the dark alley the voice of a few people came.

"Come quickly man! load the girl in the van." said one of the three men picking up the unconscious woman in anxiously.

"Why are you so jumpy? Focus you dumb bitch." said the black man.

"You don't know man, there's a boogyman going around beating gangs to pulp." the bald man replied in a trembling tone.

"The devil? Cause last I heard he was seen around Hell's kitchen but even then he only came out once."

the young man asked.

"No man, he wears an ink mask and they say he's short." the bald replied as moved quickly loading the woman in the van.*clang*

The sudden noise causes they to look towards it. They don't see anything but their anxiety was rising. They knew it, someone was there with them.

They dropped the woman on the ground and pulled out their guns.

"Come on out! We know you're there." the bald man shouted putting on a brave front.

The dark figure came out casting a large shadow as stood near the entrance of the alleyway with light coming from a high angle.

Looking at the unarmed figure the three men regained control over their fear. The black man pointed his gun at the figure in arrogance,

"What are ya' goin' to do now midg-" *baam*baam*baam*

Bricks with web lines fell on their heads as they blacked out.

"That." the figure replied as he walked over to them and webbed them to the wall. He bent down to the unconscious woman and gave her a mild shock using the wrist watch he wore.

"AAAAH! What the fuck." the woman jerked up screaming and looking around frankly. Only to see three men webbed to the wall upside down with their underwear pulled over their heads.

P.O.V. Azmuth

I let down my guard and they found me. Damn that bastard called me short. My height is above average you dumb bitch.

Anyways, I don't usually go out into the night to be a hero or something, I only go out to rob gangs for money, and universities or research labs for specialised parts or equipment and help some people out if I'm free.

Tonight came to rob an old storage facility of Oscorp so that I can move forward with Project: BAYMAX. The one in Big Hero - 6, a robot nurse. It's my way of infiltrating the business and healthcare center, it is actually the most realistic creation that I can make with the technological, economic and Nazis who want to weaponize everything. Maybe I can pitch it to Baxter foundation as they say they are reopening with the Fantastic Four at the helm *<no they don't have powers>*

I climb up the wall, and move towards the storage unit avoiding the few guards stationed at the entrance.

I moved towards the CCTV camera and cut the video feed and hacking in the surveillance system putting it on a 30 sec loop duration after which the cameras will come back online.

I quickly made my way to the storage unit and filled the keyhole with the web fluid *<god that came out wrong>* and let the web solidify.

In about a second it solidified and I opened the door. I entered, found the parts and equipment, loaded them in my hello kitty Duffle bag and ran leaving no traces behind.

By the time I returned home it was already 1:00 in the morning. I just crashed into the bed.

....The Next Day....


*groans* 'God damn! Shut up for fuck's sake.' *bee-*

*sigh* I slowly get up from my bed and reach for my crutches and make my way to the bathroom.

I turn the lights on and look myself in the mirror. 'Damn, look at these hairs. I looks like a hentai protagonist.'

Turning the tap on I start brushing my teeth. 'I feel like I'm in LEGO Batman movie.' I rinse my mouth and get in shower and take a bath.

...15 Minutes Later...

I come back to room only to see Peter still snoring away. I walked towards the bed, picked up my pillow and slam it in his face and quickly threw the pillow away.

"WAAH! Who did that?" Peter woke up half awake and looked around.

"It was Dio. Now get up we gotta complete the programming of the OS so that I can binge Ricky Gervais roasting Hollywood." I replied as I walked towards the computer connected to bunch of wires.

"Shut up. I'm going back to sleep." Peter replied in a frustrated and sleepy voice as he laid back down.

"You want me to hit you again?"

"You can't order me around." Peter said really irrigated at the fact I won't let him sleep.

"Sure I can. I'm the older one." I reply, enjoying the annoyed look on his face. I really started enjoying annoying or irritating others I don't know when it began. Maybe since I started seeing Rick and Morty. Man its really fun. I don't have any memory of it from my past life, I think I didn't watch it then.

"Oh please, your just older by 2 minutes." Peter replied in an irritated voice.

"And don't you forget that." I quipped almost immediately.

"Shut up." Peter said walking away to the bathroom really pissed off at the fact of him being 2 minutes younger rubbed into his face.

The rest of the day was spent trying to complete the programming for the OS and listening to Aunt May rant about dumb facts she picked up from the internet. I mean who cares if a spider has a risk of balding if its stroked. Like premature balding is a concern in the spider world.

P.O.V. Unknown

Location:- Unknown

A handsome man with a scar on his forehead is standing on a luxury boat along witha beautiful woman with white hair laid down on a sofa, wearing a rather revealing bikini.

"Emma, what are Azezel's reports." The Man asked the white haired woman while pouring himself a drink.

"His reports suggest we'll have a new branch open in New York in two years." Emma replied in a nonchalant manner just enjoying the Sun.

"Two years! It's a rather long time." the man said while taking a few sips of his drink.

"Well, what we do. Shield has really been restricting our influence in the States since our Cuba blunder."

Emma replied.

"Ah yes. The Cuba blunder how could I ever forget it..." the man said while touching his forehead. Though his voice was calm but a flash of anger was seen in his eyes.

"....Well then it would seem we can fill the position of the black knight while we're waiting."

P.O.V. Unknown

Location:- Unknown

A couple of cars rolled into a terrorist hideout. A bald elderly man came out of the car with a cigar in his mouth. He went inside the tent leaving his armed men behind surrounded by the terrorists.

After about 10 minutes the man came out of the tent greeted by his men aiming at the disengaged terrorist down on their knees.

"Load the Armor and clean the rest of them up." the bald man ordered as he walked towards his car. As he drove away his men killed all the people present.


A/n:- Yo readers new chapter is here. I wanted to upload it yesterday but the app deleted the saved chapter so I had write all over again. Might not be as good cause exam season is here. I'm trying to get as many chapters in before I stop uploading for a while due to exams. Peace out✌️ Live Long and Prosper🖖 and May the Force be with you.

