
Into the Flames

‘Where am I?’ Eloise woke up abruptly to find herself by a small pond, in the middle of a very large garden. The cool evening breeze blew wisps of her dark red hair into her face. She looked down to find herself in a beautiful white gown. She slowly stood to her feet confused. ‘My wedding day?’ But that was two days from now. She quickly touched her stomach to find no stab wounds. She found no blood in her palms either. She swore they were filled with blood minutes ago. The scene of Cole stabbing her was so vivid now. She died...... Yes, she died. She would never mistake the fear she felt while, Cole pushed her off the balustrade. It was real. She knew what she felt. The sharp piercing pain from the cold iron knife, he stabbed her with. The satisfaction in his eyes while he stabbed her multiple times. The hate. Pure hate, she thought. But why? Why would the love of her life kill her? Most importantly, why wasn’t she dead yet? Yes, she was the Phoenix. She could rise from the ashes every time she died but not this time. She was sealed. Yes, by that woman. The woman with the realistic serpent tattoo. She’d seen tattoo before, but where? She remembered it all so well now. There was a witch circle, the seal of the condemned, a bright red moon and her blood.... She fell from a three-story building, right to the bottom of the pool. She spent her last breath drowning because she couldn’t swim. What a terrible way to die, she thought. Or maybe not.... She was alive, wasn’t she? Some terrible dream that was. Or was it?

LinnyYale · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 12

Eloise slowly stepped out of her carriage to the Runen manor. The ride from Thornton was long and lonely. Wrath left earlier with his brothers to discuss Imperium business. She stayed behind with her newly found friends. They introduced her to people and told her all the hot stuff. She finally met Kit Lenoire, the father of Harry and Henry Lenoire.

After a long conversation with Kit Lenoire, she already liked the man.

Eloise didn't enjoy the rest of the fest as she hoped she would. For some reason, she kept making eye contact with Ysabeau, who merely looked away every time their eyes met.

'Sister, you are back. How was the sports fest?' An excited Corianne met her at the entrance with Elric behind her.

'It was incredible, Anne. You should've been there,' Eloise lied. At least it was not until she met Cole. He was like a shadow of her past, haunting her everywhere she went.

He approached her trying to speak with her. She didn't even have to warn him off, Lucy pulled her away from him the instant he dared to step anywhere close to her.

'You are one terrible liar, Eloise,' Corianne took her hands with a smile.

How could she forget, she was a daemon? Empathic abilities, Eloise thought with a smile. One couldn't lie in this house just because one wanted to.

'Alright, you got me. But it wasn't so bad. Have you had supper yet?' Eloise asked her.

'Not yet, I was waiting for you. I did not want to be alone at the table again. I had Claire's company but she was too scared to speak to me,' Corianne said.

'She's awake? How is she?' Eloise asked Elric.

'A little timid but she is fine. Doctor Morden attended to her today. He gave her some medicines for her wounds but there is nothing to be afraid of. She is healthy, my Lady,' Elric told her.

Eloise smiled remembering those frightened but adorable eyes of hers.

'You don't mind us going to find her?' Do you?' Eloise asked Corianne.

'Not at all. It could be just us lasses,' She beamed.

They held hands as they entered the manor with Elric pushing Corianne's wheelchair from behind. Lucy followed after them having a quiet.

'Where are your brothers?' Eloise asked Corianne.

'Plausible with no solid evidence….mmm. But this is Old Stan we are speaking of,' Miles said leisurely from the couch in Wrath's study. He had a cigar in his mouth, inhaling and puffing slowly.

'He is a sly fox who only shares information for his convenience,' Leonard muttered standing in next to Wrath's desk.

'What has any of this have to do with Eloise then?' Heath asked with a creased brow.

'Stan refused to tell us everything. The spell cast on that town was the Helsen curse. It is one of the six forbidden curse spells. A black magic spell able to conjure unfathomable firepower. Enough to cause such mass destruction,' Thorne started.

'The only people powerful enough to conjure such power are from the Heretic coven,' Leonard added.

'The De Richelieus!' Miles replied.

'Exactly, that explains Stan's hesitation to tell us what he knew,' Leonard said quietly.

'And this involves Eloise how?' Heath asked with furrowed brows.

'Urgh….and I thought you were supposed to be the smartest one,' Leonard groaned.

'Eloise is the only one amongst the De Richelieus who has enough firepower to destroy on such a massive scale. And the De Richelieus are the only ones well accustomed to the forbidden spells…' Leonard explained.

'So…' Heath said slowly.

'So whoever is doing this, baby brother is mimicking Eloise's power,' Wrath said quietly. He stood facing the balcony staring at the vast garden beneath it.

'Mimicking her powers. That would mean someone from the De Richelieus who is not Eloise is behind this,' Heath mumbled in deep thought.

'Oh look at that, Sherlock finally caught up,' Miles laughed.

'How can we be certain that this is not someone else from the other covens? Besides, why would the De Richelieus kill their own… in masses?' Thorne mumbled.

'Why would anyone kill one of their own? Power, Wealth, Greed, hate and well, more power,' Heath listed.

'But why mimic Eloise? What do they want to prove?' Miles asked.

'Why would anyone mimic Eloise? What could be the gain? Unless to create awareness. Think about it, massive firepower destroying only witch towns? What if whoever is doing this is trying to make a point? Mimicking the power of the Phoenix and trying to turn the witches against their own beliefs,' Heath said.

'Far fetched but that would mean whoever is doing this knows the Phoenix exists,' Miles said.

'And the only ones who know about Eloise are us and her family,' Heath said.

'This does not just put the De Richelieus in jeopardy. It means there's internal conflict and it opens a door to scrutiny and revolt. And that is not good news,' Thorne told them.

'A witch revolt!' Leonard said in realization. His brothers nodded in agreement following his train of thought.

'A witch revolt would mean the witches cannot join the Imperium. And if the witches can not join the Imperium that means the contract between the Imperium and the witches is voidable,' Leonard told them.

'Wrath!' Thorne called his brother.

Wrath slowly turned to his brothers with a sigh. They all looked at him ready to listen to what he had to say. Waiting for orders to solve this problem, to make it go away. He's ruled for so long these hurdles were more like daily bread to him now. He was tired of it all.

But who would want to fill these shoes of his? Everyone but in actual sense, no one.

Many coveted his throne but none of them was fit to carry the burdens and face the horrors it came with.

Call it paranoia, complacency or arrogance but no one was good enough.

'Thorne, Heath go see Mother Valerie tomorrow. She has something important I want you to deliver to me in person,' Wrath began.

'Leonard, send a messenger to Stan, tell him I want to speak to him. Tell him he refuse, he owes me that much. I need him here in two days,' Leonard sighed, taking off his glasses.

Great, he had to deal with Stan, Leonard thought.

'Lu found a hideout of the Enclave near Thornton along the Black damps. Miles, you and Scourge bring me someone who can tell me something I want to hear. Draken stays behind, I need him here while you will be gone. I need this done in two days. I do not have to inform you that our discussions here must not leave these walls. The results you bring me determines our next move. Is that clear?' Wrath said in an authoritative tone.

'Yes, Lord!' They responded in chorus.

'Good, we are done here then,' Wrath said with a bright smile.

'Do you plan on telling Eloise about all this?' Thorne asked.

'Tell me? Tell me about what?' They turned to find Eloise at the entrance to the study. Next to her were little Claire and Corianne.

Eloise met Wrath's eyes in question.

'Tell me what, Wrath?' she asked again.

Eloise stood on the balcony staring at the city beneath them. The Runen manor sat on a hill giving a view of the city of Runen beneath it.

She liked the place. It wasn't as serene as the Valerian manor but it was just as beautiful. Besides, it was her fault they were here in the first place.

Eloise's mind drifted to the morning's event. Her hands absentmindedly grazed her neck. Her fingers trailed over the two fangs bites on her neck. They were partially healed. Perks of being a Phoenix, she had healing powers but not as fast as a vampire.

She could still feel Wrath's hand wrapped around her neck. His other hand lingered on her back slowly. Her insides tingled when he touched her. His body was cold, yet she felt such comfort in them. The smell of his cologne still lingered in her nostrils.

Oh please, snap out of it, her mind scolded her. She sighed hopelessly.

This was so wrong in many ways. When did this happen and how? Why? She wasn't even over Cole, yet here she was, thinking of Wrath.


That annoying, arrogant, condescending… beautiful, kind, sweet man. Eloise groaned softly, when did she become this hopeless?

Her fingers lingered on her lips remembering his lips on hers. His lips were so tender. Parting slowly each time to take her tongue in his.

She was feeling things in all the wrong ways right now.

Ysabeau's face drifted in mind. She was beautiful, she thought.

Long dark hair, beautiful olive eyes, a defiant posture, tall and elegant.

There was something in the way Wrath looked at her. His eyes lingered on every move she made with a distinct glint.

Eloise suddenly felt the warmth of a blanket wrap around her.

"You will catch a cold. Come inside" A calm voice whispered in her ear. Her heart skipped a beat, thudding so loud she wished she didn't hear it.

Wrath's hands lingered on her arms, sending shivers down her spine.

'Thank you!' She looked over her shoulder to find his lips inches away from her. Her eyes trailed from his lips to his eyes. There was a sudden tension as they stood staring at each other.

She wondered if he knew. She wondered if he could feel what she felt.

Eloise looked away from him, slowly stepping.

Wrath ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. What was this odd feeling he sensed off her?

'What is wrong?' he asked her.

'I…. I was just thinking about earlier,' She muttered avoiding his eyes.

'Oh!' he muttered thinking about the events at his study.

'All my life, witches have never known peace. At one point, we are dying in our numbers from the witch plague, another time we are been killed in masses by our own,' She said with a sigh.

'We are not sure if this is the work of one of your own, yet. But there has not been any record of the witch plague over a hundred years now. Unless you are talking about another time,' He walked to her side, leisurely leaning on the balustrade.

A sudden image of her slipping from the balustrade flashed before her eyes. She quickly backed away from him.

'Eloise?' She turned to Wrath with a distracted looked. He had on a small frown, wondering what was wrong with her.

She chuckled 'I…. I have a thing with heights,' She signalled towards the balustrade. It was about a story down from where they stood.

'Come here' He led her away from the balustrade towards a wooden swing basket at the left side of the large balcony.

He sat next to her, his long legs touched the ground but hers hovered above the ground.

'Better?' He asked her with a smile. She nodded with a sigh.

'Apart from heights, what else are you afraid of?' he asked, stretching his arm behind the cushion where her head rested.

'I can't swim,' She mumbled quietly, staring into the dark sky. Wrath chuckled.

'It's not that funny,' Eloise said defensively.

'No, it is not. I guess I am going to add it to the list of things I am going to teach you to do' he said to her.

'Why would you want to do that?' Eloise asked him.

'At some point, you should learn to conquer your fears, Eloise,' He told her, slowly tugging a wisp of her hair out of her face. Eloise repeated the action awkwardly with a silent quiver down her spine.

Get it together, Eloise, she said to herself.

'What about you?' She asked him after a few seconds of passive silence.

Wrath sighed 'Nothing'

Eloise chuckled, 'Every man has a fear, Wrath'

'I am not every man, Eloise,' he said softly. Eloise looked at him and he held her gaze.

'Can I ask you something?' He suddenly asked her.

'Alright' she replied, still holding his gaze.

'You and Cole, how did you meet?' Eloise's eyes wavered for a second. The subject of Cole wasn't something she was comfortable with, especially with him.

'You do not have to tell me anything if you do not want to. Remember? Take all the time you need,' He told her, remembering his promise to her that day in the hallway.

'The first time we met was at a small coffee shop. I accidentally spilt my coffee on him. I apologized but he just smiled and handed me his coffee. Which was the exact order as mine, a double shake laite' Eloise smiled at the fond memory.

'He has always been a gentleman that way,' Wrath mumbled.

Eloise smiled, yes he was. Cole was always gentle with her, and made her feel things in ways she didn't even know she could. Well, until he decided she was better off dead.

The happy image in her head suddenly popped into a sad one, and so did the smile on her face.

'I presume this coffee shop was at a different time and place. The same time as the spread of the witch plague?' Wrath asked quietly.

Eloise chuckled, you clever fox, she thought.

'Just a nod will do,' He told her with a smile. She nodded with a smile.

'That would do,' He retorted resting his head on the cushion and staring into the starless sky.

'May I ask you something?' She asked in turn.

'Go on'

'I did… So how long have you known Ysabeau?' she asked.

Wrath's brows furrowed slightly. 'Jealous?' His lips curled into a smile.

Eloise rolled her eyes with a chuckle. 'I have no right to... I'm just curious'

Wrath noticed the strain in her voice as she spoke.

'I have known Beau for two hundred years,' A smile curled onto his lips as he mentioned her. She felt a strange pang as he spoke of her with such familiarity.

'You've had a very long line of mistresses, I heard?' Eloise said looking to find a Wrath with a narrowed look.

'I have, but Beau… she is different from the rest,' He replied softly with that fond smile still lingering on her lips.

He loved her and still did, Eloise thought. She could tell from the way he even said her name.

Wrath turned to find her looking at him with an off glint in her eyes. He suddenly pulled closer to her, his lips inches away from hers.

'What is this sudden curiosity about Ysabeau, El?' He whispered on her lips.

Eloise shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Too close, she thought.

'I'm just curious,' She whispered back, slowly looking away.

Wrath slowly cupped her face in his palm. 'I have always loved Beau'

The tiny spark inside her suddenly diminished. Why was he telling her this?

'The same way you are always going to love Cole,' Eloise looked up at him a little stunned. Was it that obvious?

'I do not know the whole story. Honestly, I do not want to know. But I envy him if just a memory can make you smile that easily,' He said with a small frown with his thumb grazing her cheek.

Eloise stared at him for a second, they were a hair's breadth away from each other's lips now.

He was still in love with Ysabeau.

And so was she with Cole.

Then what were they doing now?

'Wrath…' Eloise looked up into his eyes.

'Eloise' He replied softly.

'What do you want from me?' She stared down at his lips and then back to his eyes. His lips curved into a dark smile, one that told her he was up to no good.

'Everything' He replied, his lips slowly parting to take hers.

Eloise placed a finger on his lips stopping him.

'Don't play with me, Wrath,' She said in a quiet tone.

Wrath slowly held her finger away, placing her hand on his shoulder. He grabbed a handful of her hair and then looked into her eyes.

'I am not,' He took her lips gently.

Eloise eased up in his arms as he held her to him. She forgot whatever it was she was worried about.


He was going to be her end. She knew he was worse than Cole.

She'd heard the stories of the Night of Wails. She knew what he did at Velmont. All the lives he took without a blink. If Cole was evil, Wrath was the very embodiment of it.

But all she did was hold onto him, kissing him back with everything within her. With no care in the world what he'd done, was still doing or planned to do to her.

Wrath carried her from the balcony to their bedroom. His fingers lingered on her body as he laid her on the bed. Her nipples perked through the blue night dress she wore. Her left shoulder strap slipped off her shoulder exposing that side of her breasts. Her hair was sprawled over the pillows her green eyes intently watching him.

Wrath crouched over her staring at her with a hungry look in his eyes.

'Are you sure about this?' He asked her with his hands at both of her head.

'Are you?' She raised her right leg, with her night dress slipping off her thigh. Her leg grazed his crotch slightly. They both stared at each other thinking at the same time.

Wrath raised her right leg, kissing her toe down to her thighs, to her belly, then up to her breasts, then to her neck then her lips.

His hands slowly massaged her breasts as they kissed, pinching her nipples through her dress. Eloise let out a soft moan, writhing beneath him with her arms wrapped around him.

This was a mistake, she thought. She could stop him but she couldn't even think straight with his mouth evading her senses. To be honest, she didn't want to think at all. All she wanted was to feel, she'd pound over the consequences later.