
INTO THE CONSOLE- Dragged inside

Annie and Sammy look at their strange console, whilst Annie holds the disc of their favorite game, Elden ring in her hands.

"D-do you really think this'll go into the console?" Sammy ask confused.

"Mom said that any game we put into this console will fit." Annie responds "So...maybe? I dunno...Let's try it out..."

Sammy watches as Annie places the game into the console, the sister and brother wait for the game to load..waiting...and waiting...and waiting..

They look at each other disappointed, until the sound of the game booting up makes them both jump out of their skin.

"Woah!" Sammy exclaimed surprised. "I-it worked?!"

"Yeah" Annie says with a smile "I guess so!"

The two squeal happily as Annie grabs the controller and opens the game. "First boss of Elden Ring, here we come!" Annie said whilst giggling with glee. "Yeah sis! You've got this, we watched too many walkthroughs to fail this time!" Sammy says whilst punching the air.


Whilst the two siblings celebrate loudly about their new console functioning properly. A creature within a dark inky realm looks with an eerie happiness.

"Yes...celebrate as much as you want children...because soon...we'll be the best of friends...and you're going to be apart of our big family." It says as it licks its lips, watching Annie and Sammy's every move with an anticipated action.


Two hours have passed since Annie and Sammy started playing Elden ring on their new console. Annie was already at the first boss of the game, Margit the fell omen.

"Yeah, you got this sis!" Sammy shouts over her shoulder.

"I'm almost finished with Margit! Those walkthroughs helped after all!" Annie said.

As Margit swung his wooden staff, Annie made the Avatar jump and parry, dodging all of his hits. Then when she had the chance, she struck him with her sword.

"I'm SO close to winning!" Annie said, sweat dripping down her face. "I can almost taste it!!!!"

Just as Margit got to low health, he stopped and fell on his knees. The two siblings looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Huh?" Sammy said as he stopped punching the air. "That's...not supposed to happen.."

Annie looked at the TV screen as she stopped moving her Avatar. "What's happening?"

Margit looked up....he looked at the children and turned his, and not at the avatar. "Well, well, well....Look at what we have here...Two young ones." He said, with an odd mix of a feminine and masculine voice.

Annie drops the controller as she backs away from the console, pulling Sammy alongside her.

"No...please don't run away from me...come and stay awhile in HIS realm. HIS HOME...."

After Margit spoke, wires from the console started to move on their own. They moved like long tendrils, slinking towards Annie and Sammy at a quick speeds.

The siblings scream in terror as they are grabbed by the tendrils, and dragged into the console, now resembling a gaping mouth.

The creature speaking through Margit smiles widely.

"Now...you're going to stay here with father...and we can be friends forever...."


Macy ran upstairs quickly to find her two children missing, their bedroom empty and in a wreck. She stands frozen with fear and confusion as she ponders where her children could've possibly gone so quickly, and why they would trash their room in such a manner.


Annie screams bloody murder as she struggles helplessly within the depths of the console, fighting off the tendril that drag her further and further into the depths of the machine. Annie reaches out towards her brother, who is yanked away as he fall unconcious.

She tries to fight back but it's useless. Soon the darkness consumes her vision, and soon she too loses consciousness.

The two siblings awaken in a dark and murky, void filled with nothingness. Their bodies are sore, and bruised. Their minds are blank. They stand there, wondering where they are and how they ended up here.

The darkness begins to clear, revealing a strange world. In front of them is a small house, with a chimney and a porch, complete with rocking chair and flowers.The siblings stare at it with wonder, but then realize something's wrong.

Where exactly were they?

There is no sign of either parent, and the kids' toys are scattered around the yard. The siblings look at each other frightened, and begin to cry.

Then the door opens. A tall, red haired man walks outside and looks down at them with an eerily large smile. "Why, Hello dear children...welcome to your new home!" The man says, as he approaches the children.

The two siblings cower back, terrified. "W-what's your name?" Sammy asks nervously.

"My name is...well, call me 'friend' for now.... I am the one responsible for bringing you here. Now, if you don't mind..." The man said. "I would like to give you a tour of your new home...now come along!" He says motioning for the children to walk inside.

"No...we don't even know you...why should we follow you?" Annie says as she grabs Sammy's arm.

"Because your family is waiting for you to join the party!" The man says as he opens the door, revealing many characters from Elden ring having a tea party, whilst staring at the two siblings. Annie and Sammy back away slowly.

"T-that's not our family..." Sammy says, nervously whilst shaking.

"Come on, we'll show you everything once we get you settled." The man says, ushering the children inside. As they walk into the living room, the siblings see their more game characters sitting together on a sofa, watching the news with a glass of wine.

Just what was going on? Annie and Sammy look at each other confused, Sammy shaking in fear and confusion.

"Annie..." Sammy says as he grabs his older sister's arm. "I don't know who these people are."

"These are characters from the game..." Annie says, pulling Sammy close to her. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet our parents soon enough, and figure out this whole situation!"

The two siblings smile weakly, the sight of the game characters doing normal things that their family would do, somewhat comforting the two.

"I guess so..." Sammy says as the siblings take a seat on the couch. Next to one of the bosses, Rennala, the tall lady looking down at him with a sharp, piercing stare, yet an eerily warm smile .

Annie sits next to him, eyeing Rennala with a slight caution. The Tall, red haired man walks inside the living room, and smiles at the two children.

"See?" The red haired man says playfully. "They only want you to stay with them, and be a part of our family. We don't want to hurt you..."

The siblings still continue to look around with caution. "Now children...come into the dining room, your friends are dying to meet you!" The tall man says as he drags them into the living room, where more characters await them, with piercing stares and warm smiles.

"What the heck? What's going on?" Annie says with a frown.

The siblings sit down with the rest of the game characters, as the tall man takes the two children to another room. There, he shows them the kitchen.

"Here we have all the food you'll ever want, as well as a fridge full of drinks! You'll love it here...and you'll never want to leave! PLEASE DON'T GO...PLEASE..."

The monsters' voices echo throughout the kitchen. Annie and Sammy try to ignore their pleas, whilst eating some cookies and drinking juice. After the siblings finish, the monsters start crying, making the siblings uncomfortable.

Annie and Sammy leave the kitchen, heading towards a staircase which leads upstairs. They walk into a bedroom...and it looks identical to their own. The two siblings smile as they lay down on their beds, feeling even more uneasy than before.

The red haired man walked into the bedroom smiling, tears still streaming down his face from crying. He approaches the children's beds with a large knife in his hands. The two kids freeze in terror as he looks at them longingly.

"We just want you to stay....why don't you want to stay here? What do I have to do to convince you to stay?...Do I have to....CUT OFF A FINGER?" The red haired man says as he lifts up Annie's hand and looks longingly at her fingers.

The siblings shake their heads. "W-we'll stay here! We don't want to leave, we promise Friend!" Annie says quickly, not wanting to lose a finger. Sammy nods in agreement with his sister.

The red haired man stops looking at her hands and smiles at both of them.

"Really?...You'd stay with us? Forever?..." The red haired man said smiling as his tears dried.

"Y-yeah!" Sammy responds, whilst nodding profusely.

"Good....Sleep well children.." The red haired man said as he left the room. "Welcome to your new home..." With that, the red haired man closes the door.

The two children look around as the realized they were now trapped within a world they would never escape from. They were stuck with monsters disguising themselves as Elden Ring characters, and were claiming to be their permanent family.

They were trapped....both of them, and they weren't leaving anytime soon.