
C1: A New Life

• (Emptiness) •

"Mmmnn..." The creator groaned.

"I'm so bored...!" He complains. "What should I do?"

"I've created countless worlds... watched over them... and watching those species trying to become the God of Universe in their own universes is starting to be boring." The bored creator kept complaining.

All of sudden, he angrily announces to no one particularly, "No one has the power to join me! They can't even see me! Or even know of me! They're restricted by the Heaven's Law, preventing them from reaching God of Universe..." The creator slowly stopped.

"Huh? Restricted...?" He questioningly mutters.

"I've got it! Why don't I create a new life that won't be restricted by Heaven's Law at all! It'll be able to join me and become my first friend!?"

• (In the Ascension Realm: Neutral World) •

In a large city, there lies the mansion of Lin Family. The mansion is on the right side of the city. The said mansion suddenly got flattened due to the pressure of a woman's cultivation...


"Bastard! You better stay at my side!" A menacing feminine voice yelled out of the flattened mansion.

"...Ah, the pregnant Lin woman's about to give birth." The bystanders collectively voiced out and then went their way, distancing themselves away from trouble.

The residents in there, though, "Not again...! She's destroyed the mansion for the 3rd times now in a month!" Crying inwardly, they started to think of moving away to another place.

The pregnant woman looked beautifully carved out of a painting. Smooth white skin, 5-8" feet tall, long pitch black hair going down to the waist. She looks to be suffering through a great crisis ever, as if the world destruction compared to it were nothing.

Sweating, she yelled, "Someone fix the damn mansion!"

"Yes, yes! We will fix it!" Several maids and mid-wives around her said. "Focus on your birth for now!"

Being painfully hurt in both heart and physically, a young man at her side gently told her, "H-honey, focus... Breath in... Out..."

'My heart hurts from worry! But my arm also hurts!' He thought, while suffering her amazingly powerful grip on his arm even though he has higher cultivation than his wife.

"Bastard, stop saying the same thing as those mid-wives!" She shouted at her husband. "Ahhh! It's coming out!"

The mid-wife between her legs carefully took out the said 'it' out of her. "It's out!"


The mid-wives quickly washed and then covered the baby with a soft blanket. Looking at the baby, they all thought, 'Holy cr*p! What is this cute creature?!'

'The hell is over!' Sighing a relief, the young man thought. 'Now, let's name the baby-'

"Bastard!" The wife grabbed his left arm even more toughly, "You're not thinking of naming it by yourself, right~?"

"N-no, I was not!" He replied quickly, being fearful of sleeping on the ground outside. "Y-you're the one that will name it!"

"Yes... You're right." Panting, she menacingly stated. "Is it a girl or boy?"

The mid-wife quickly checked for the dilly willy, seeing it's not there, "it's a gi- Ah!?"

An sudden cloud came over them, covering 1/4th of the whole world on their side. The cloud's color is pitch black while the center of it has bright gold color. The thunders started to manifest, and amazingly, its color are very golden with green Heaven's Law runes outlining them.



The bystanders from far away, maids, mid-wives, and finally the parents, "W-what?! An heavenly tribulation!?"


"Who's taking the heavenly tribulation now of all time and close by at that?!" The young man suddenly turned ferocious, shouting out. "I'll kill the damned bastard!"


"Yes, yes!" The wife nodded readily, looking like she didn't give birth at all. "I'll protect my bab-"


The heavenly tribulation moved, as if an alive being. Finally reaching where it wanted, it shoots out a thunder that can easily kill those of Great Emperor cultivation.

*SWISH* Thunder comin' at you, brat!

But then...

"Thou shalt not harm thy new life!" A booming voice sounded out all over the world, no, over all the realms!


The thunder disappeared quickly into the air.

Everyone, "..."

The baby, *flails her arms*.

The heavenly tribulation, "..."

The booming voice spoke once again, "Scram out of there and I'll consider increasing your raise!"

Heavenly tribulation quickly left, as if there was a better victim somewhere else. 'I don't regret doing this at all! I got an increased raise and saw the birth of an soon-to-be Creator of All, too!'

Everyone, "..." 'What the f**k just happened?! Did it just listen to that f**king scary voice?!'


"Heh, ya almost died, new life! Damned Heaven's Law tried taking you away before you even started cultivating." The creator told to no one in particular. "You owe me one now. Wait, no, two since I also gave you a little gift to help your cultivation."



"Ah?" The wife quickly snapped out of it and turned to look at her ba-, "WHAT IS THIS CUTE CREATURE?!"


Everyone's heads turned to the said 'cute creature'. Looking at her, she looks to be at least 1-3" feet long, smooth white skin inherited from mother, cute round blue eyes, and she's also flailing her little arms already. They can't help and think, 'Just need some long hair and I would've kidnap her if it weren't for 'those' parents.'


"Kya~! So cute!" The ladies and maybe severa- okay, all of the men said. While the men did indeed say that, they also got some sudden heavy responsibility from their wives. 'Are you expecting me to somehow give you one like her?! Who you kidding! I don't want to lose my balls!'

"Mine! She's mine!" The mother who gave birth to her protectively covered her from everyone else. Even her husband.

'She's mine too! Why are you even hiding her from me too!' He cried indignantly.