

As a child I was in love with the idea of love and Thought that one day my Prince Charming will show up but at the age of 21 I'm starting to lose hope, as a college student no one knows that I am a hopeless romantic except my best friend Viviana who is also my roommate , brother Alex, and of course my parents.

"MIA!! Why are you still asleep?!!, get the fuck up we have classes today!" Viviana yelled from the door

I responded Some incoherent words "what?get up you're gonna be late for your class!" She said while I turned to look at the clock "SHit!" I whisper yelled getting out of bed hurriedly to run to the bathroom to do my business, brush my teeth and shower. After I was done I went my closet and while struggling to find what to wear even though I have an exceptional amount of clothes I finally picked some blue ripped jeans and a black long sleeve loose hoodie crop top and adidas shoes then did a simple makeup look then when to the mirror to inspect myself, I was 5'5 with an athletic hourglass toned body which I thank my parents for and had big hazel eyes, long black hair and warm fair skin. After looking myself over I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and a To-go fruit smoothie.

I went over to Viviana's bedroom " V you done yet? Cuz I'm ready to go" I informed her and It looked like she was in her bathroom doing makeup, she loved doing makeup and most of the time she somehow convinces me to do my makeup " just a second, did u eat breakfast?!" V asked " yes mother!" I responded and we both chuckled, I'm going to find my keys, hurry up" I said " don't rush me, you're the one who woke up late which barely happens by the way" she she defended " I know I know" I sigh. After she was done we drove and talked about our plans for the day while driving to our campus, we said our goodbyes and went to our lessons, hopefully today will be fortunate.