
Ink Stained Fate

Author: FadingSlowly
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Closing his eyes, Li Jing waited until the image of the first time he had met her took hold of his mind, conjuring for a last time her bright, mischievous eyes indignantly gazing at his as they stumbled into the waters of the Purple Palace. 'A-Yin... My A-Yin' he prayed 'We were not fated in this life... May Destiny be good so I can meet you on my next life. I promise, i will never betray you again.' And with the memory of her smile warming his heart and the hopeful words of her forgotten letter tucked close to his heart, Li Jing flew up. Or: What if Li Jing had found Bai Qian's letter confessing her feelings? What if it changed his actions on the war? The world is karma, and maybe – just maybe – in another world, in another life, his actions might translate in a future he had never dared hope for.

Chapter 1Ink Stained Fate

PART 1 – A Forgotten Letter

Si Ge,

… Si Ge, I've thought it over, and I still want to tell you something.

I met the Ghost Prince, and we like each other.

Me and him, we didn't do anything inappropriate, he doesn't even know that I'm a girl yet, but I think he is the one.

When he nags, I get annoyed. But when he stops, it feels worse. He sends me the most stupid, girlish things, with no use whatsoever. But when he doesn't, I can't help wanting to throw a very large, very heavy stone at his head.

But now the tension between Heaven and the Ghost Tribe has gotten worse. The Ghost Lord will fight Heaven sooner or later.

Si Ge, sometimes I wish we could just leave everything behind and just be somewhere else. Maybe on a small hut on Mount Junji, drinking when we are thirsty, eating when hungry... Just life. Pure, simple, and beautiful.

I know it's wrong, but he and I…

Li Jing closed his eyes, the letter locked tightly between his frozen fingers as the meaning behind those few words finally begun to sink.

I think he is the one.

The Ghost Prince chuckled. A broken, self-derisive sound that echoed hollowly inside the empty room.

Maybe his family was truly cursed, after all. Maybe he simply couldn't outrun the desgrace of his Father's blood running through his veins.

Because, how else didn't he notice? How come he didn't know?

Si Yin loved him…

His A-Yin loved him.

Li Jing felt his knees weaken, his weight falling agains the wall for support as the tears finally freed themselves from his lashes, sliding silently down his face and into his collar, dampening the dark red of his clothes.

At that moment, the Ghost Prince thought that, if he was anywhere else, he might actually be laughing at his own stupidity.

It had been in his face all along. The truth.

In every blush, every shy answer, every half smile... It was as if she was hinting at her own secret, asking him to understand, to see beyond his eyes.

Still... At the end, he had failed her. Over and over, he failed her.

After everything, was he even any better than his Father? Was he any different from the monster that haunted his deepest, darkest memories?

What would Mother think of me, now…?

Li Jing found that his only consolation was that the Heavens couldn't hate him more than he hated himself at that moment.

"It will always be you" he had promised just a few nights earlier, his fingers playing with A-Yin's hand as her head rested over his shoulder "It doesn't matter to me wether you are a man, a woman or even a Heavenly Beast. It is you. It is who you are that matters to me. It is enough.".

"Knowing your heart... Li Jing... That is enough for a lifetime".

But apparently, it hadn't been, not for the Ghost Prince.

Li Jing still couldn't understand what had happened that night... Why he'd fallen into that woman's trap, why had he betrayed the one person he loved with his entire self, treating her feelings so callously. Without remorse, without looking back. Without a moment's hesitation.

It was his fault – his own, shameful weakness.

After having so many concubines, after sleeping with so many, man and woman alike, he felt almost detached as Xuan Nu came to him. Her smile so sweet, her skin so soft against his. It felt like holding his A-Ying close for the first time... For a few seconds, he permitted himself to dream, to wonder how could life be so good. It had been the perfect fantasy…

…If only he could ignore the eyes.

It didn't matter how good the disguise, how similar the of them looked, Li Jing knew, he simply knew, deep in his heart, there would never be a pair of eyes like Si Ying's to him.

Her deep, caring, mischievous phoenix eyes were engraved in his very soul.

Si Ge, I think he is the one.

Li Jing looked down at the paper still clutched close to his burning heart, the light, yellowish color a stark contrast with the cold stone floor of A-Yin's chambers on Kunlun Mountain.

Everything was so quiet, so empty. There was not a single painting, not one piece of clothing left around. Where once all his presents had stayed, now only an empty, clean shelf was left.

It almost felt like the room itself was mocking him. Laughing at the stupid Prince that would never be enough. That, when it mattered the most, would always make the wrong choices.

'How could I have been so blind?'

She had loved him, just as much as he had loved her - maybe even more.

Even if she didn't show. Even if she mocked his gifts and flipped his poems away… Li Jing had always known she cared, hadn't he? Always seen the spark of affection on her eyes when they were together.

Alas, it didn't matter anymore. It was already too late.

Their fate, Li Jing realized, was like the first snow... Coming and going with brightness and strength. And then disappearing quietly, like clean water melting back into the ground, till there was nothing left of its beauty but a soft, distant memory.

His eyes rose sharply with the long, whistling sound that reverberated through the walls, his entire posture stiffening at the thought that one of his Father's underlings might see him in a moment of weakness.

And he had to be strong. Because even if his heart was broken beyond repair, even he had nothing left of light in his life… There was still his little sister. Yan Zhi was the better half of him. She was the one part he wouldn't allow to get hurt in the crossfire.

Yan Zhi had done nothing to be judged for their Father's mistakes.

So he had to stand his ground. He had to be firm and move forward.

For her. For the last spark of good left in his heart.

With the second whistle, Li Jing's gaze strayed once more to the letter on the ground.

It was finally time to leave Kunlun Mountain.

They had already gotten the strategy maps. Already guaranteed that the Ghost army would be able to thwart the entire formation of their enemies. Now, Li Jing had only to go back. To stand tall by his Father's side and watch as the world burned.

To stay unmoved as all the realms fell into a war that might end up killing her.

"Sometimes, destiny is deep... Yet fate is shallow"

With one more long, fortifying breath, the Ghost Prince straightened his shoulders, leaving that small room behind as the old letter was kept carefully stored inside his vest, just over his heart.

He was ready.

For the firs time in his life, Li Jing, the unwanted, lazy Prince of the Ghost Tribes knew what to do.

And he wasn't scared anymore.

Not even for a second.



Bai Qian looked up, a slight frown appearing between her brows as she took in the worried look on Shifu's face. Through all her years on Kunlun Mountain, the Fox Princess had never seen Mo Yuan like that.

She was no stranger to the flash of anger that could light up his gaze and be gone just as fast. She had been witness to his frustration with the Sky Emperor, and his look of resignation when the news that war was unavoidable finally reached the Mountain.

She had seen kindness on the turn of his eyes when he rescued her from the Goddess Yao Guang, and even a streak of amused resignation whenever he caught her daydreaming behind a book.

But now was different.

In the thousands of years they had known each other, Bai Qian had never seen him worried before.

A cold, foreboding feeling slid down her spine.

Because in that one second before High God Mo Yuan was able to school his expression, she had already seen it. The man that hid behind his kind eyes, a stranger that carried the knowledge and grief of a thousand lifetimes on his gaze.

For the first time, Bai Qian felt like she was in the pretense of the famous God of War, Mo Yuan.

"Shifu?" she asked worriedly "What is wrong? Did they not agree with your plan? I thought Goddess Yao Guang was going to help!".

Mo Yuan only smiled softly, his hands still gripped behind his back.

Sometimes, the High God found himself worried if taking her in had actually been a mistake. From her first moment, Bai Qian had been mischievous and strong-willed, easily jumping around her older disciple-brothers as she pulled pranks and escaped to the Mortal Realm.

Maybe his old Mountain was not strong enough for her personality, after all.

But then, there were these other times… Times he could only feel blessed. For being able to see the sparkle of excitement and youth in her eyes, to see her smiling and dancing and remember how it had been once, to feel strong and undefeated.

The Mo Yuan sang and praised as the God of War was a man that didn't exist anymore. What was left, after so much blood and pain and loss, was just a shell, a recluse man that kept to his mountain. Favoring isolation to the changes of the world.

It was Bai Qian's youth that let him know, even for the briefest of moments, how it would feel to be that man again.

"Seventeen, come with Master for a bit" he asked instead, motioning for them to slowly walk towards the camp entrance, the cold, white moonlight shining brightly over their heads.

"When the world was still young, there was a saying between us, my Father's children..." he said eventually, his gaze lost on the night sky "It takes a single drop for the water to overflow, but it takes thousands to fill a river... Seventeen, do you understand what Shifu is trying to say?".

Bai Qian only blinked, her frown growing as she remembered hearing those same words before, many years earlier. It had probably been from Zhe Yan, she decided, in a particularly drunken night…

The old phoenix didn't really care about partaking wisdom to the younger generation, only deciding to wax poetry when deep in his cups!

"There is no need to strain yourself" Mo Yuan chuckled softly, bringing her attention back to his indulgent smile "Seventeen... You're still so young and naive. Have you ever considered how big the world is? How much we actually have to lose?" he breathed deeply, a far-away look clouding his features once more "The actions of a single man put into motion the wheels of fate. But I'm afraid, this time, it'll be needed more than his blood for the engines to stop."

The fox squirmed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

By her side, the High God closed his eyes, the moonlight shining over his upturned face, making his beautiful, timeless features even more alluring as they walked. And Bai Qian knew, even as the years progressed, and through everything that followed, she would never forget Mo Yuan's expression at that moment.

The moment she understood they were much farther from winning than the Sky Emperor was willing to accept.

"Seventeen, did I ever tell you about the Bell of the Eastern Emperor?"

And it was right there, at the gates of a dusty, bloody war camp, with only the moon and the smell of ash and sweat around the two of them, that the Fox Princess finally understood what it meant to be an adult.

That was the moment Ba Qian left her childhood behind.


"JIU SHIXIONG!" (A/N: Ninth Brother).

The world came to a sudden halt.

Mo Yuan, Qing Cang, the blades crossing, the blood flowing like a thousand rivers… Time seemed to slow to a crawl as her gaze locked with Ninth Brother's wide-opened eyes, his feet staggering as thick, warm blood dripped from his mouth.

Bai Qian felt her mind go blank.

For a moment, it felt like her heart had stopped, the only sound of the battlefield the loud ringing on her ears.

And then his gaze focused on her, eye already glazed as his lips curved into the tiniest of smiles.

His face softened.

The general screamed over the jumble of her mind.

And the, the ghost soldiers ripped their spears out of his chest with a single, merciless pull.

Bai Qian didn't know she had moved until Jiu Shixiong's body weighed down against her own, his head falling limp over her shoulder as the two tumbled to the ground. All along, she called for him, her hands trying to hold onto the gashes that had ripped his white, pristine armor to shreds.

But the blood just wouldn't stop flowing, pooling around the two of them like an open wound to the very earth.

Her hands were red now too, she noticed.

Her hands, her clothes, her arms…

Part of her wondered if she would ever be able to wash away the stain. If maybe her hands would forever be bloody, like a proof that they had all failed that day.

"Jiu Shixiong!" she called once more, shaking him slightly as her voice broke "Jiu Shixiong, I'm here...! Please, I'm here now! I will help you. Jiu Shixiong!"

And then finally, his larger, shaky hand found her own.

But it was wrong. Still so wrong…

Ninth Brother had never been this cold before.

"Seventeen..." he whispered, eyes glassy, barely lucid "Seventeen… Go… Quick, you have to go…"

No... No... no!

She shook her head, silent tears streaming uncontrollably over her face. Bai Qian wouldn't leave. She couldn't leave him there. He couldn't... He...

"Ninth Brother! Ninth Brother, you have to stay awake" she begged, barely conscious of the approaching enemies surrounding them from all sides "Seventeen will take you out of here, okay? I... I will get you to Shifu, S-Shifu will save you!" she kept going on, willing him to stay awake "Night Brother, please! You can't... You can't..."

He coughed, more blood spilling from his discolored lips.

"So... Tired..." his words, slow and soft, sounded like the final rip on her sanity.

"JIU SHIXIONG!" Bai Qian cried, completely unaware of Li Jing's figure fighting his elder brother and Mo Yuan's desperate calls for her to go back.

It didn't matter, anyway.

Not now. Maybe not ever again.

"Ninth Brother... Ninth... Ling Yu! Ling Yu! Please, you have to wake up! You can't die here! Please, Ling Yu! Ling Yu!".

Why wouldn't he open his eyes? Why couldn't he just answer?

"Ling Yu!" Bai Qian screamed, shaking his unmoving body as she tried to find a way to fix it, to burry the small voice inside her head that kept saying it was her fault.

Her fault, her faul her fault,…

If she hadn't met Li Jing, If she hadn't brought Xuan Nu to the mountain... If she hadn't been so childish in wanting to visit the Purple Palace…

My fault. My fault, my fault... All my fault.

"Ling Yu…! Please…"

The words kept echoing on her head, an endless vortex gripping all the strength left on her body...

Until she heard it.

His laugh.

The laugh of the man that had started it all.

The laugh of the man that should be dead… That should be the one laying on a pool of his own blood in Ling Yu's place.

Bai Qian knew Si Ge had left his post at some point, trying to reach for her. She knew there was something terribly wrong with that scenery. Something she was missing. But the other part of her... The biggest one, just felt numb. Bai Qian couldn't think. She couldn't plan.

There was just Ling Yu's weight on her arms... And the Ghost King's laughter on her ears.

The Ghost was roaring, his head thrown back as he taunted her Shifu, his despicable excuse of a son by his side, a wide grin illuminating his face as Yan Zhi contained Li Jing, gripping his arm to keep him from joining the fray.

Suddenly, Bai Qian felt calm, her hands shaking so hard she felt like they were about to brake.

But that didn't matter.

Nothing mattered at that moment.

Because she had reached her limit.

With jaw set, eyes burning with vengeance, the Fox Princess reached for her fan, jolting it with energy until she was holding a long, double-edged sword on her hands.

"Seventeen!" she thought she heard Mo Yuan scream "Si Ying! Don't do this!".

It was already too late, anyway.


Her eyes where hollowed.

Li Jing thought he might never forget the look on her eyes at that very moment. The way she looked haunted, devastated. So far gone into her own mind he doubted she could hear even if her Master called for her.

His fingers tightened around his sword, a heavy weight settling over his chest.

My fault. All my fault.

If only he had not believed Xuan Nu; If only he had been stronger; if only he had stood up to his father…

At this point, there were simply too many 'ifs' between them.


Li Jing blinked, his attention snapping back as Yan Zhi tugged at his arm desperately, trying to stop him from breaking free of her hold and lunging forward in Li Yuan's direction.

"Brother, please! Please, stop! It's too late" her voice was sad, wobbly with unshed tears "Please, let go… I don't want to see you hurt!"

Li Jing stopped, all fight leaving him as his face fell.

"A-Yin…" he whispered brokenly, chancing another glance at her. Just ano–

Her face suddenly shot up, expression empty, lifeless like a rag doll.

She got up slowly, releasing a gush of internal energy as her fan extended into a blade.

The Ghost Prince froze, fear gripping at his insides as he took in the murderous look in her eyes.

And then the world shook.

Looking up as more and more soldiers from both sides fell, fighting to keep himself and his sister on their feet, Li Jing watched, in growing panic, as his father conjured the Bell of the Eastern Emperor from an air pocket, raising his hand hight before ring it with a loud, maniac laugh.

The entire Ruoshui river came to a halt.

A heartbeat of confused silence

Another clang as the bell rose even higher over the water.

And then chaos.

From every side, soldiers, ghosts, rocks, trees, dirt, everything was sucked by the silent strength of the bell, its size only growing more and more at each new offering, until there was nothing left bu a fiery hole, devouring everything on its wake.

"He is going to kill us all…" Li Jing realized, exchanging a short, terrified look with his sister.

"Er-Ge!!" Yan Zhi called pitifully "Er-Ge, what can we do, now?"

But just as he was about to answer – nothing, there was nothing that could be done anymore – A-Yin screamed, her body shaking as she lunged from the ground, as if trying to reach for the Ghost Lord.

Li Jing didn't know he had moved until his arms were encircling her small body, trying to hold her still as she attacked him with every manner of spell she could think of.

"Let me go! Get away from me!! GO!"

"A-Yin! A-Yin!" He called, trying to reach her between the pain and despair gushing out of her in waves "A-Yin, please! Please, you can't! He will kill you!"

"I'm gonna kill him!" she screamed instead "He's going to pay for this! I swear! He is going to pay!"

"A-Yin!" Li Jing grasped her by the shoulders, shaking her forcefully until her eyes cleared, looking at him with a semblance of recognition "A-Ying, you have to stop! He is going to kill you! It is too late now! Stop!"

Si Yin stopped so suddenly, the prince almost lost his balance, her body still as a rock in front of him.

"What is it to you if I die?" she whispered venomously, eyes burning with fury as her legs begun to shake "What is any of this to you? You, Li Jing, betrayed us. You betrayed me! You are just like your father!"

The Ghost Prince stumbled back, her bitter words hitting him like a punch on the gut.

"A-Yin..." he called softly, unable to hide the pain on his voice "A-Ying, please... It's not as you think..."

"It doesn't matter now, though, does it?" she retorted, face cold as ice "You chose your side. I chose mine. We can never again walk the same path."

No. No, no... He didn't want to hear it. His heart was crumbling into peaces, shattering slowly inside his chest.


Thunder clashed above, their eyes instinctively darting up as the fight stopped around them. There was another moment of tense wait, the two weapons locked onto each other as the immortals qi raged. And then it happed.

On the sky, Mo Yuan had stabbed the Ghost King.

For a second, the world went completely still. The air turning into ice on his lungs. Li Jing couldn't breath. He couldn't move.

His father...

But the bell rang again, the ominous sound lost into his fathers crazed laugh.

By his side, Bai Qian's eyes widened, her face going deathly pale in realization.

"SHIFU!" she screamed, a madness he had never seen taking her expression as Mo Yuan stood frozen in the air, his eyes straying to the bell in resignation.


Li Jing grabbed at her hand, trying hard to ignore her shoving, screaming and punching as she reached for her master.

"Stop! Stop! You don't understand!" she grasped at his front robes, bringing the two to a halt "He is going to sacrifice himself! He is going to die for the bell! I have to stop it! I have to stop it!" she cried desperate, looking at him with pleading eyes "Please, you have to let me go! I can't lose him, too! Please, let me go! SHIFU!"

The ground shook.

The bell rang again. Stronger. Louder then before.

"Shifu..." Bai Qian mumbled, Li Jing finally letting go as another fox reached for her "Shifu… Please... please don't..."

Li Jing looked up, reading the resolve on Mo Yuan's eyes.

He understood what the High God was willing to do, but seeing his A-Ying… Seeing the broken look on her face… Li Jing knew he couldn't allow it to happen. Not again. Not if with had to live with the knowledge that his actions had broken the most beautiful thing to happen in his life.

If any of them deserved to have any measure of happiness out of this… It was her.

Always her.

With a new resolve, the Ghost Prince flew up to the sky, stopping only when he was standing beside a tired, bloody Mo Yuan.

"This is not your responsibility, War God."

"Ghost Prince, Li Jing" he acknowledged "The Bell is my own creation. I could never ask for anyone to atone for my failures. This is what I must do."

"A sword that is not wielded is not a weapon. The fault is not on the blacksmith that builds, but in the warrior that destroys" the prince recited, giving himself the right to enjoy Mo Yuan's wide eyes at seeing him recite the doctrines his own father had written before entering the void.

"Besides, you didn't ask, High God" Li Jing continued with a bitter smile "Since the beginning of times, aren't children always paying for their father's sins?"

"Er-Ge!!" The prince stilled, closing his eyes at Yan Zhi's sudden call "Er-Ge! Er-Ge, what are you doing!?"

But Li Jing couldn't turn to her. He couldn't allow himself to look her. Because he knew, deep down, that his resolve was like gauzy fabric, standing a single tear away from shattering.

"When this is over" Li Jing said, fighting to keep his voice still "Please... Spare her. You can do anything you want with my brother, he is too dangerous to be left free, but Yan Zhi... She is good. This was nothing of her doing."

Slowly, Mo Yuan's old gaze turned back at him.

"I would never hurt an innocent" he vowed "This was a feud your father begun. And it died with him."

The ghost nodded, fighting to keep his gaze straight, to ignore A-Yin's confused cries, to not respond to the loud, beautiful sound of her cracked voice as she fought her brother's grip.

She hadn't understood yet, had she?

A-Yin… Even at this moment, do you think so little of me?

Finally, as the warmth of the Bell descended over his skin, it's flames burning into his very soul, Li Jing gave up. Looking down at her distraught face, he whispered a last, soft request.

"Please, take care of her."

Mo Yuan didn't need an explanation to know who he was referring to.

"You have my word" he agreed softly, seemingly just as emotional as Li Jing was feeling.

Closing his eyes, Li Jing waited until the image of the first time he had met her took hold of his mind, conjuring for a last time her bright, mischievous eyes indignantly gazing at his as they stumbled into the waters of the Purple Palace.

'A-Yin... My A-Yin' he prayed 'We were not fated in this life... May Destiny be good so I can meet you on my next life. I promise, i will never betray you again.'

And with the memory of her smile warming his heart and the hopeful words of her forgotten letter tucked close to his heart, Li Jing flew up.

Inside the Eastern Emperor's Bell.

To a better place, he hoped, where there was only the two of them.

Where there were no mistakes between us.

Where they could be happy, just two people that loved each other on a small cabin on the mountains…


The Ghost Prince smiled, eyes closing as a small, lonely tear made its way down his cheek.

Her voice. Her sweet voice – calling for him earnestly. Just like before.

Wether it was real or just imagination, in his heart, Li Jing knew it didn't matter anymore.

To go listening to her, to feel she cared for him one last time...

It was already enough.

At that time, as the fire of the Eastern Emperor's Bell enveloped him, it was indeed everything.


Shuangqing, China.


Ma Shang jolted up from the bad, his breathing shallow and eyes wide as he stared at the dark room.

It was still the middle of the night, the air-conditioner turned up high on the ceiling. And yet, he was feeling warm – burning, like his muscles were still on fire.

"Ma Shang?"

His face jerked back, watching as An Jing rubbed the sleep from her eyes while tapping the bed-side table for the light-swish.

"Is everything all right?"

Instead of answering, Ma Shang did the only thing he could. With a tight knot on his throat, the man lunged forward, bringing her back into his arms, holding her so tightly against his racing heart he wondered if she could actually heart it racing out of his chest.

"Ma Shang… Ma Shang, you are scaring me" An Jing tried again, but her arms rose to circle him too, the warmth of her body just barely seeping into his flailed nerves "You are so cold…"

Ma Shang only hummed, burring his head on the side of her neck as he tried to shut away the images of that dream. To brush away the feeling of her eyes filled with hatred. The pain he had felt for disappointing the woman he loved so thoroughly that destruction had looked like the better ending to his life.

The Nacional Security agent didn't know he had started crying until he felt her hand on his hair, brushing softly while his tears dampened her clothes.

"Shh… It was only a nightmare" An Jing eventually whispered against his neck, her breath playing over his skin like a soft, feathery kiss "It's over… We are all fine…".

Ma Shang closed his eyes tighter, only managing a small hum at her words.

An Jing probably thought he was having a relapse about the case now that Du Meng had finally woken up from the come, and he couldn't blame her for the assumption.

After Cheng Lei was arrested, he had been getting less and less sleep, even showing up by her front door once because he couldn't silence the voice on his mind that told him Horus Corporation would eventually come for her.

He didn't think it was PTSD, exactly – in their line of work, Ma Shang had dealt with more disturbing cases before. It was probably just his mind cashing in ten years of worry, of thinking An Jing was dead, and then lost to him.

That the two had found their way back to each other, that they had managed to be together despite everything… Ma Shang felt that thanking the Heavens every night for the blessing was not enough.

They had decided to move in together only a couple months after his relocation to the Shuangqing Bureau – to the utter delight of their mothers, who thought they were subtle by already arranging for marriage sites and baby names – and the proximity, the feel of her next to him every night, the small babbling noises she did after a too long day on NSS… It was everything he never thought he would have a chance to experience.

And now, just that week, Du Meng had finally come out of his coma.

At the time, the doctors had been reticent, saying that the stab to his neck had damaged the artery too much – that if he survived, he might never wake up again.

But An Jing had never faltered.

"Du Meng is too stubborn to let you just waltz in his city without complaining about it. He will come back. He just needs some time to rest."

Ma Shang hadn't doubted her words, but his perspective was a bit more gloom.

So he understood her reasoning. That Du Meng's awaking might be bringing back some bad memories. If he was being honest, the agent actually felt grateful.

That was a dream he would never share with her. That was a fear he would never voice again. Not when, in their line of work, every case could very well be the last.

She was the best. He was a prodigy. But they weren't gods. They were not invincible.

And to say the words, to make that one possibility real… Ma Shang was not strong enough.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled, finally letting go a bit from her, just enough so that they could face each other "It seams I am determined to interrupt your sleep, even when not intentionally" he joked, forcing a small smile.

An Jing scoffed.

"Shameless" she shot back, pushing the covers aside "Besides, you didn't wake me… I was going to get something to drink, anyway."

"Are you going to call room service this late?" He asked amusedly, the last remnants of the dream finally ebbing from his tired, stiff muscles.

"You were the one complaining that we should make better use of State Resources and book a single room" she reminded him with a lifted eyebrow "Now, thanks to your big mouth, there is nothing left – and I'm thirsty."

Ma Shang grinned, unable to stop the innuendo just dying to sleep from his mouth.

"One word" she shot "One word, and I go book another room."

"Director Song would throw a fit having to explain the additional expense."

"I'm sure he would survive" An Jing deadpanned, still looking a bit spiteful as the other agent rose from the bed, almost tumbling from the messy sheets before reaching to hug her once more.

"An Jing… Please don't be mad?"

The woman chortled, unable to prevent a small laugh at how silly he looked then, with hair a bird's nest and yellow-ducks shorts.

"You are ridiculous, did you know it?"

"Aish this woman, such a sharp tongue! You are lucky I love you so much."

At those words, An Jing's eyes softened, her giggle falling into a caring smile as she took his face between her small hands.

"For some reason, I seem to love you too" she answered, before adding "Better now?"

Ma Shang hummed, letting out a deep, fortifying breath as his hands fell over hers, their foreheads connecting.

"Mn." He nodded "Just a nightmare. It is gone now."

"Do you... Want to talk about it?"

"No. Maybe tomorrow" he conceded after a small moment's hesitation "But not now."


"Now… Can e go back to bed?"

"I still want to call for something that is not tap water to drink."

"You know, if you are awake enough to be picky–"


If their laughter woke up the neighboring rooms, the two would let the Bureau deal with the extra fees.

After all, they had saved on their expanses by booking a single room.

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(1v1, pure and sweet) Xiliang's Prince Residence. With a tiger-like energy and at just 5 years old, Little Prince Xiao Moxi saw his mother dash off to the fields again, and his steamed bun-like face scrunched up in frustration. Looking grievously at his father beside him, he complained with an air of worldly wisdom, "Father, how did you fall for my mother, who likes to run off all the time?" Xiao Yeyang gave his precociously mature son a sidelong glance, then pretended to ponder the question. Indeed, why had he fallen for that woman? After a long silence... "Who knows? Maybe I got my head caught in a door!" Sharing a look of mutual commiseration, father and son let out a helpless sigh in unison. What do you do when you're stuck with a woman who's never at home? There's only one thing to do with your own Princess Consort (mother)—spoil her, of course! … Transported to ancient times with a space filled with rice flowers, all she wanted was to quietly live out her life in the fields. Unexpectedly, with a father who was a county magistrate, she was forced to leave the countryside for the city! Life in the city was bustling with activities, and in order to have a say at home, she bought estates, grew flowers and medicinal herbs, and developed high-yield, high-quality grain varieties. Remarkably, she helped her father, who had been a county magistrate for nine years, to rise step by step, bringing the lowborn Yan Family into Beijing's elite circles! This is a story of a noble daughter from a humble family aiding her clan to thrive and prosper, and a sweet love story of mutual success and growing together! Male lead: In front of others, he is the prideful Little Prince, the domineering Prince of Xiliang. In front of the female lead, he is a soft and tender-hearted man. Female lead: Clearheaded in all matters, warm-hearted and self-reliant!

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Lin Xinlan, who possessed both spatial and wood manipulation abilities, was betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend. They had drugged her and sent her to a laboratory to become a test specimen all for the sake of a month’s worth of food supply. Having suffered both physical and mental torture, she chose to self-destruct, taking the lab researchers down with her! When she woke up again, she found herself in another era as a twelve-year-old girl named Lin Yuelan.When Lin Yuelan was nine years old, a Taoist who had been begging for water asserted that she would grow up to jinx her husband! Rumors spread and the assertion of her jinxing her husband turned into jinxing her parents, to her relatives, then her friends, and eventually she was said to be a jinx of the world. Her grandparents, uncles, and awful relatives were terrified of being jinxed to death, so they resolutely severed ties with nine-year-old Lin Yuelan. They removed her from the family register and made her live on her own. Her foolish father had obeyed the clan’s wishes, her mother was a crying mess, and her siblings couldn’t do anything to help. Being separated from the family at nine years old, she was given a shabby and shaky little hut, one paddy field, and two dry fields as severance compensation. From then on, the Lin family had nothing to do with Lin Yuelan, and Lin Yuelan became a girl with no background. She warily reached the age of twelve, but accidentally offended the village’s bully. The bully’s comrade eventually beat her to death, and that allowed Lin Xinlan to transmigrate onto her.“I have spatial abilities, and the world will be mine! Watch as I, Lin Xinlan, command authority wherever I go, and become a supreme being!”

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The Actress Queen’s Rebirth: She’s a Bigshot Loved by All Her Uncles!

One moment I was riding on a roller coaster, the next I was back to ten years ago. Let me ask you, is that exciting or not? Lu Zhen looked at her fresh, young, sixteen-year-old face in the mirror, and she laughed maniacally. In her last life, she established herself as the nation’s mascot with one advertisement. Until she was twenty-three years old, no one could shake her position. As the nation’s mascot that everyone had watched growing up, she was loved by thousands of people of the country. Her acting career was smooth sailing, and awards fell into her lap without much trouble. However, she wasn't the best judge of character. She mistakenly treated wolves as sheep and raised them by her side, supporting their growth with everything she had, and finally brought a disastrous end upon herself. Being forced out of her rest time, she didn’t hate it. Framed for drug use and forced to quit, she survived it. Even after all the ruckus when the public forced her to pretend that she was mad and stayed in the mental hospital, she endured it. But when she saw her father mistakenly take someone else for his daughter, atone for that snake and even died because of her, Lu Zhen couldn’t take it any longer. Even if she never called that person “Dad”, and even if he never knew she was his daughter, he had still died for his “daughter”. She never felt such a warm and sincere love before. That warmth should have been hers! Lu Zhen escaped from the mental hospital, but she couldn’t escape from the big truck that rammed into her head-on. Fortunately, the heavens had mercy on her and allowed her to have a do-over. In this life, there were only three things Lu Zhen wanted to do. Get revenge, find her father, and make some money. Once she got her revenge, she wouldn’t throw away the scumbags and bitches. She would dunk them in eggs, sprinkle them with bread crumbs and fry them until golden on both sides! Even the kids next door were crying! Her father was an incredible actor. He couldn’t pamper her enough, so he brought in a few more awesome uncles to pamper her together! She tried to persuade her uncles to treat everyone equally, but they didn’t want to listen. Ah, how worrying! At least a little money…Lu Zhen: “Twist a little, soak a little… Huh? I accidentally got my hands on the richest man in the country. Is this considered an alternative to getting rich?”

JQK · ทั่วไป
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The Real Rich Daughter is Exposed at a Variety Show

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A 19-year-old young lady came to the Jiang family, a prominent family in Sea City. Rumors had it that she rescued the Jiang family's madame many years ago in the countryside. After she enrolled at Sea City University, the madame took her to the Jiang family's residence before school started, claiming to familiarize the lady with Sea City's environment. It was said that that the young lady was an orphan who grew up in the countryside. However, she carried herself in a manner that befitted a rich young lady from a prestigious family, more so than the real rich young ladies. It was said that the young lady had not seen the world and was not presentable. However, she maintained her composure in front of the bigshots from all walks of life. She maintained a proper smile that made people look askance. It was said that the young lady was brought home by Old Madame Jiang to be Young Master Jiang's wife. It was said that the young lady came from too humble a background and was not fit to marry into the Jiang family. It was said that the young lady fell in love with the young master of the Jiang family at first sight, but the young master of the Jiang family did not care about her at all. … First meeting. She sat by the lotus pond in the Jiang family mansion as she read a book. Even though she was in a simple outfit of a white T-shirt matched with black pants, he saw the charm of a beautiful lady. She exuded the aura of a young lady. First meeting. Her book fell. He called after her. She turned around after hearing him. At that moment, she suddenly understood what "a man as beautiful as jade" meant. He was a bright gentleman who was as gentle and beautiful as jade; she was an elegant young lady, reserved and upright. If someone asked her what her greatest gain in coming to Sea City was, she would answer without hesitation, "Meeting him." If someone asked him what his greatest gain in staying in Sea City was, he would answer without hesitation, "Meeting her."

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Table of Contents
Volume 1


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