I don't really know what i was doing but it was a good day.. deciding to go for a walk was a good plan if anything the only thing i had to do.
i lived near a forest with a nice mountain range almost seemed scary at times, i remember the stories my grandfather used to tell me of the monsters in the woods. the beasts that roam deep within.. they never seemed too attack because of the barrier. we were ultimately the lucky ones.
magic ruled the world, the massive kingdom of the north, the east, west and south, they would usually monitor the regions but it seemed the peace had gotten to us.
a few years had gone by in silence i kept practicing the sword and magic, though i was really only good at the sword i tried my best, i finally reached the 4th level. my swordsmanship was far above that though being 7 stars..
i thought i was strong, strong enough to push through anything until… that one fateful day, the day we all heard a crack.. the silence rung the continent it seemed everyone and everything had heard it no matter how far they were. we all heard the terrifying screach that still haunts my mind to this day. a monstrous black dragon had broken through the seal leaving cracks everywhere, the cracks may have been sealed quickly but the destruction the dragon left in its wake made us all in the small village suffer, everything was burning in its red flames. i remember looking back seeing everything destroyed as i ran through the forest hiding.
"I must've lost that beast now" thoughts ran through my head.. how many people were dead, is anyone even alive, the survivors guilt was getting to me before even confirming anything. suddenly i felt a hand grab me.. it was… below me?
i was pulled down but i couldn't tell where.. it was calm yet my surroundings were unfamiliar. "where am i" questions rang through my head- it's alright i just have to find a way back no big deal right… right right right???
my heart started beating fast i ran, ran as far as i could and collapsed…
coming soon