
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs


Luke's eyes scanned the holographic interface, taking in the glowing text that displayed his name, job, class, and levels. He marveled at the numbers that represented his attributes and the skills he possessed. '23 for dexterity huh? I guess I'm pretty quick' Luke thought to himself.




'huh? What's that?'



'wow, that's insane. So, the title grants perks? What about my other title?'



Luke's curiosity was piqued as the notification of a new title appeared on the interface. He quickly read the description and perks associated with it. "The Only Survivor... Absorbs a deathblow once," he murmured in astonishment. The gravity of the title's significance dawned on him, realizing that he possessed an extraordinary ability to cheat death when faced with a fatal blow.

Continuing to explore his status screen, Luke turned his attention to his other title: Inheritor of the Shadow System. He read the accompanying perks: "Improved growth rate with shadow-related skills." A mixture of excitement and uncertainty washed over him. The connection between his abilities and the shadow system intrigued him, yet he still had much to learn about this mysterious power.

Lost in his thoughts, Luke failed to notice Roland's concerned gaze. Sensing Luke's distraction, Roland decided to break the silence. "Hey, Luke? You've been very quiet since the ride began. Are you alright?"

Luke snapped out of his reverie and looked at Roland, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm good... But Roland, do you know anything about classes and skills?"

A proud smile stretched across Roland's face, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Oh, definitely! Are you interested in that? I'll have you know, I have the Knight class!" He puffed out his chest with pride, emphasizing his chosen path.

Luke's interest piqued further. "Knight class? That sounds impressive. So, what does it mean exactly? And how does it relate to the skills we possess?"

Roland chuckled, happy to share his knowledge. "Well, the class represents a specific profession or specialization that you can pursue. It determines the types of skills and abilities you can learn and develop. As for the skills themselves, they are unique abilities that can be acquired and improved over time. They can range from combat techniques to utility skills and even magical abilities."

Luke nodded, absorbing the information. "That's fascinating. So how does one acquire these skills and classes exactly?"

Roland grinned, pleased with Luke's enthusiasm. "well! The adventurer's guild is the perfect place to start your journey. They can assess your abilities, provide guidance, and connect you with trainers and mentors who can help you unlock your full potential. It's an exciting step towards becoming a true adventurer! But at the end of the day it all depends on your potential really, some people never have much growth because they choose a class that doesn't fit them"

The carriage continued its journey through the bustling streets of Valeria, the anticipation of new possibilities fueling Luke's spirit. As they approached their destination, Luke couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with a touch of apprehension. The path of an adventurer lay before him, and he was ready to embrace the challenges and wonders that awaited.


Captain Lydia Whitewood entered General Elara Stormheart's office, her presence exuding a sense of purpose and readiness for action. The general's gaze was fixed upon a map spread out on her desk, her expression a mix of concern and determination. She looked up as the captain entered, her voice filled with urgency.

"Captain Whitewood, I've summoned you here for an important matter," General Stormheart began, her voice resonating with authority. "The bandits we've been tracking, the ones with the cracked rock tattoos, have evolved from mere thieves to ruthless murderers. They massacred an entire village."

The captain's eyes widened in disbelief. She had heard rumors of the village's tragic fate, but to hear it confirmed by the general sent a shiver down her spine. She composed herself, ready to contribute to the discussion. "General, I've been gathering information on these bandits. It seems their leader has somehow obtained a high-ranking class and defeated a group of adventurers who attempted to bring him in."

General Stormheart nodded, her expression grave. "Yes, Captain, we've received similar reports. This situation has escalated beyond what adventurers alone can handle. We need to take decisive action to put an end to their reign of terror."

Captain Whitewood's mind raced, considering the options available. "General, I understand the urgency, but our military is already stretched thin. We are on the brink of war with our neighboring kingdom, Eldoria and we can not afford to lose or spare any soldiers."

General Stormheart's gaze intensified, her voice filled with resolve. "Captain, I am aware of the delicate situation we face with the neighboring kingdom. However, the safety and well-being of our people cannot be compromised. These bandits have caused immense suffering, and they must face justice."

The captain weighed the general's words, acknowledging the weight of the situation. She spoke with a tone of caution. "General, if we divert our military resources to this bandit hunt, we risk weakening our defenses and leaving our kingdom vulnerable. Perhaps increasing the bounty on their heads would motivate adventurers and mercenaries to take on the task."

General Stormheart considered the captain's advice, her eyes narrowing in thought. "You make a valid point, Captain. Increasing the bounty could attract capable individuals to aid us in this mission. However, we cannot solely rely on them. We must have a coordinated effort, with our military providing support and strategic guidance."

The captain nodded, understanding the general's perspective. "I agree, General. A joint effort between adventurers, mercenaries, and select members of our military could be the most effective approach. We need to strike a balance between maintaining our defenses and ensuring justice is served."

General Stormheart's gaze softened, appreciating the captain's wisdom. "Thank you, Captain. Your insight is invaluable. We will increase the bounty and assemble a task force comprising skilled individuals from various backgrounds."

Captain Whitewood saluted the general, her commitment unwavering. "I stand ready to carry out your orders, General. We will not rest until justice is served and the people of our kingdom can live without fear."

With their minds focused and a plan in motion, General Elara Stormheart and Captain Lydia Whitewood embarked on a mission to hunt down the bandits with cracked rock tattoos. They knew the path ahead would be treacherous, but their determination to bring these criminals to justice burned brighter than ever. The kingdom's safety hung in the balance, and they would stop at nothing to ensure that justice prevailed.