
Infinite Spirit Energy in Cultivation World

Transported to Cultivation World, Lu Zhou finds out he's become the young master of the overlord family in the northern city. But little did he know, the strength was mandatory, and intellectual was unnecessary. With stupidity, his family was on the brink of destruction. Note: The book cover was not mine and if the artist wants it to be removed, I'll do so. Gratification is all mine. https://www.paypal.me/@JuGGerNoice Small motivations, thanks!

JakeQueen · ตะวันออก
28 Chs

I Have Infinite Spiritual Energy


The words colored in deep white were glowing in front of him. Steadying his stance, Lu Zhou looked at the disciples who had their mouths opened from the instantaneous win.

They seemed to ignore him, and instead of helping Lu Peng to get up, they step back.

What a relieves!

His beating heart was calming down after confirming the system prompt was not visible to others besides him.

' Well, I'm not sure for higher beings, but...anyway. What's is this? A new setting? '

The game he played back then had no this kind of gift. The game's developer will surely choke the player's neck for asking for a few extra coins, with no refund at all! And this new development was entirely impossible in his previous world.

But here I am, living inside another person's body.

Upon thinking until there, Lu Zhou said.

" One move, you've lost..."

Lu Zhou had an expression of shock and excitement which was hard to cover up.

Whatever means necessary...heh

Before the battle, because of the mentality he had as a person from the 21st century, Lu Zhou was confident that by relying on his experience for dealing with mischievous kids, he would be able to block one of Lu Peng's moves, and if used well, he could be able to block more than 5 moves.

The result, however, was well within his expectations, albeit....shameless.

Lu Peng's attack was very fast for the bystanders, but under his vision, all of his movements were as clear as day.

My mind was clear, and my body is my instrument of death.

And when his mind and body were activated to their fullest capabilities, Lu Zhou felt that the opponent's moves seemed slow and clumsy.

Using the opponent's off guard because of his ' hidden weapon ' Lu Zhou reacted on instinct, and gave the opponent a deadly hit, which allowed him to win in one move.


All the disciples on the martial arts field were shocked.

" Did I see wrong!? The one that lost was Lu Peng!"

" You are right! The person who lost was Lu Peng!"

" But, Lu Zhou was using a weapon in this. Are we not gonna talk about that? "

A disciple asked the previous action of Lu Zhou with disdain on his face.

All the Lu disciples opened their eyes wide and had weird faces on.


" Lu Peng caught it...yes? "


" How is this possible...How could I lose to this weak ass?"

Lu Peng had a questioning face.

Damn It!

He lost so suddenly he didn't understand.

" It was because of his hidden weapon!"

At this time, the expressions on Lu Peng were in that of rage. When the Lu disciples saw the facial discomfort on Lu Zhou's face, they understood.

After this was said, all of them started agreeing.

" You are right! This kid's luck must be too good, he won by cheating."

" His action must be condemned! "

" His luck must be too good....."

The crowd agreed on the reason for Lu Zhou's victory.


Lu Zhou gave a faint smile and turned to leave. He's doesn't need their approval for agreeing with his result.

" Boy! Stay there!"

Lu Peng clutched his stomach as he slowly stood up before he, in a dark manner said, " Lu Zhou! You were cheating! That's why you won. Let's fight again!"

Crazy son of bi**!

Fight again?

Lu Zhou scrunched up his eyebrows and looked at Lu Peng, " You're hurt. Go treat yourself ".

After saying this he turned towards a corner in the martial arts field and left behind a group of disciples with stunned faces.

" Bastard! After I'm healed, I'll perfect my Ten Formation of the Fanged Spider, then I'll fight you."

Lu Peng had a face of anger as he then left without another word.

Looking back on the fight, Lu Peng had his reasons of why he lost, and there were three main reasons:

Firstly, he looked down on his opponent.

Secondly, he had only learned the first 2 moves of the Ten Formation of the Fanged Spider, and there were still many faults as it was yet to be perfected.

Thirdly, Lu Zhou was using tricks.


On the other side of the martial arts field, Lu Zhou started to reading the descriptions of the Level 1 Magic, Fire Fist.

[ Reward for defeating a worthy opponent: Level 1 Magic, Fire Fist ]

" Worthy opponent? That kid? Well...The reason I was able to win is mainly that Lu Peng looked down on me too much, as well as the fact the marvelous Level 5 Throwing Skill was super useful..."

Retrieving the second marble from his robe, Lu Zhou played with it.

He's been using this kind of skill, but not use it when being beaten by that Lu Peng?

In Cloud Step City, besides training and eating, Lu Zhou has been using his free time to throwing this kind of marble. Training his perception toward the control of his energy. Then raising it to these new skills, that had lethality to normal humans.

What a nuisance. Why not practiced something else instead?

" And this, what I'm supposed to do with it? I need to at least have a SE! and don't even think about reaching Magus Apprentice. I need the Book of Enlightenment to activate the necessary elements...sigh."

Sighing again for the tenth time this day, Lu Zhou was confused by the reward from the system.

What happened if he fights a 1st rank Martial Path, is he will have another gift?

Upon having this thought, Lu Zhou crouched down and began to searches pebbles. In a while, on his hand were tens of stones pebbles that suited his heart and were smooth to grip.

The Martial arts field, was wide and big enough to housing a couples thousand disciples. Some of them preferred to trains their martial arts alone, and this was true especially for disciples from the side branch family.

Nearing a big guy who alone, that came from the southern area of the Lu Family branch, Lu Zhou said in his heart.

I'm sorry, I'll pay you back later.

After that, the skill was activated, and his vision was enhanced. The figure of his target was enlarged and the world was seen slowing down.


That stone, with his precision above that of the sniper, was stuck at the guy's back.

" Arg!! who's that! " Before he turned his head, Lu Zhou was already successfully activated his Running skill and appear behind that dude.


Using the same movement, Lu Zhou defeated him. And without any hesitation, he ran away after confirming he was not dead.

Back to his training area at the martial arts field, Lu Zhou was confused right now.

So, I need an opponent at 2nd rank and above me then?

Receiving no notice from the system, Lu Zhou concluded.

Thinking about the strength of the 2nd rank Martial Path, Lu Zhou was reluctant to do so.

Lu Peng would not go easy on him in the next fight, and if he practices the Ten Formation of the Fanged Spider to the next formations, then Lu Zhou doesn't have any confidence in winning again.

Thay was because the difference between the 1st rank and the 2nd rank of the martial path was too big.

The Martial Path had 9 ranks in total, the first three were known as Stability Ranks

Stability was about gaining more strength and increasing one's foundation.

Moreover, the first rank and the second rank of the Martial Path have a difference of around 100kg kilograms in terms of strength.

" I need to increase my strength."

Lu Zhou take a deep breath and started to said.

" Status "

[ Lu Zhou ]

[ Lifespan: 13 / 50 ]

[ Race: Humans ]

[ Cultivation: 1st rank of Martial Path ]

[ Technique: Iron Fist ( Core -20%-) ]

[ Skills: Close Combat Level 3 ( 30% ), Running Level 2 ( 26%), Throwing Level 5 ( 40% ), Cooking Level 1 ( 2% ), Sewing Level 1 ( 3% ), First Aid Treatment Level 1 ( 49% )

[ Magic: Fire Fist Level 1 ]

[ Spiritual Energy: --- ]

[ Inventory: 2 Boxes ( None, None ) ]

[ Equipment: None ]


A rise of 5 percent?

The Throwing skill's progress was raised after he beat down two enemies.

Sick. This skill needs a living thing to boost its progress?

Bewildered, Lu Zhou throw that back to his head. In fact, in the game, players need to kill monsters to raise their skill level. So no need to dig it deeper. He has no idea how that happened anyway.

The first magic after he's arrived at this world.

Let's try then

Although no SE points to his status, Lu Zhou thoughts that, he needs to try first before continuing his practice.

The most average consumption for level 1 magic was above that of 10 points, and a Magus Apprentice can cast level 1 magic 10 times before they completely deplete the SE points. In some rare cases where the unique classes, their SE will be ten times that of a normal Magus Apprentice. Furthermore, their cultivation will starts as the highest realm.

In simple terms, the larger your SE, and magic without any cooldown time, you can continuously cast your magics. Since the unique class is extremely powerful, the majority of the player who had this kind of large amount of SE will rise above the others.

Without wallowing in melancholic thoughts anymore, Lu Zhou holds up his hand.

Fire Fist was activated.

His palm was glowing red and his knuckles were in deep black.

Level 1 Fire Fist, was long-distance magic. On level 1, they can be shoot at the distance of 10 meters and will raise their range a meter each for 10 percent raised in its progress.


Along with the shock came exhilaration.

I can cast magic even though my SE doesn't show anything?

Suddenly Lu Zhou stopped his magic and walked past the martial arts field and returning to his quarters.

Confirming no one followed him, and locking the door, Lu Zhou stood beside the small pool, intended for raising a fish, but with now that it's still empty with only water inside. Lu Zhou raises his hand.


A glowing fist in light orange moves forward before it exploded exactly ten meters from him.

" Hahaha! Indeed! A new improvement...but "

Looking at the blank on the SE option. Lu Zhou raises his hand again.

Wanting to test to see if he can at least cast the average 10 fire fist that normal Magus Apprentice could cast, Lu Zhou, cast his magic.


Nine more fire fists were shot and exploded before him, increasing the vapor in the air.

" Oh, average rank then. Well, at least I will not need the Book of Enlightenment for the time being. "

The Book of Enlightenment was used for players to become Magus Apprentices with different attributes. In his previous life, Lu Zhou was given the same treatment, thinking that these lives were no different, he smiles happily.

But....well, let's test again.

Raising his hand again. Lu Zhou needs to confirm how much his SE is currently. This will help him for knowing his reserve in spiritual energy.

Fire Fist!

The eleventh fire in fist-shaped flew out and exploded just like the ones before.

Ohh...more than a hundred?

Counting the average consumption for this magic, Lu Zhou gauges his energy. His face was full of smiles.

He stopped and walked toward the door, seeing no one, he returns to his previous spot and looked at the small pool.

It's decreasing...haha

Awkwardly smile, Lu Zhou hesitantly raised his hand again.

In his heart, he was hoping for the points on the SE option will show up after he depleted his spiritual energy.

....Fire Fist...Fire Fist...Fire Fist...

Lu Zhou's smiling expression soon turned into incredulousness, as he had counted more than 100 Fire Fist flying and exploded before him.

The pool that was full of water before has turned into glory holes with countless holes inside.

Well, lucky for me to choose to stay outside the sect then.

Lu Zhou's quarters were outside the sect main buildings, with the tress and the vegetations covering his area, and the small sound from the Fire Fist, Lu Zhou was full of relief. Furthermore, the main use of this magic was for its penetrating endeavor.

" Ten times the normal amount of energy an average Magus Apprentice has!? "

A unique attribute! Lu Zhou summons his status and looks at his SE. Still blank but with how much energy was used for that casting, Lu Zhou gauge that he had a ridiculous amount of spiritual energy.

More than a thousand!

Mother, father, and my newly acquired cute little sister, don't worry. For I, could conquer this world!!!!

Running his imaginations to the limits, drools began to drop from his mouths. His expression was that of a perverted old man, and it was weird for it to appeared on a young youth's face.

" Oh, yeah....." His eyes were turning back, and his lewd expression was intensified.


[ Fire Fist has been upgraded to level 2 ]

His wild thoughts were interrupted by the system's notice.


Wiping the remaining drools, Lu Zhou without any hesitation raised his hand.


Feeling no exhaustion at all, Lu Zhou continuously casting the level 2 Fire Fist.

500 casts...

600 casts...


[ Fire Fist has been upgraded to level 3 ]


900 casts...

The pool became a crater, and Lu Zhou indifferently changes his trajectory.

1000 casts...


[ Fire Fists has been upgraded to level 4 ]

Then he stopped.

Lu Zhou looked at his hand with no emotion from his eyes and face.


His hand behind his back, he raised his head and looks at the sky.

" Ah, what beautiful scenery..."