
chapter 77 - Attacking HMS victory

"Captain, We can see HMS Victory, should we blast it with Cannons?" A pirate standing on the look out asked loudly.

Sheyan got up from the chair and slowly walked to the ship mast.

"No, we will engage in naval boarding battle." Sheyan spoke while looking at the lean golden brown ship at the distance.

"This time, I will personally instruct the battle." Sheyan continued.

'Now that my staying period has been increased by 7 days, I have to complete as many milestones as possible if I want to get +5 Legend points.'

'I remember sheyan completed a hidden milestone when he instructed the pirates during a battle and received the title of pirate ringleader. Let's aim for that milestone this time.' Sheyan thought to himself.

"Captain will instruct the battle personally!"

"Hahahaha, who can beat us if captain is leading us!" Pirates cheered with excitement.

"Quiet, Listen to me carefully." Sheyan spoke and pirates quickly stopped speaking and listened carefully.

'let's teach them some simple formation and tips, complicated formations will only do them harm with their simple brains.' Sheyan thought and continued speaking.

"This time we are not fighting some pirates but trained soldiers, at their own ship at that. They know their ship better than us. It's their advantage and they will surely make use of that advantage."

Pirates listened carefully to Sheyan's words.

"After we come across them. First, shoot and kill as many soldiers as you can with the guns. When those soldiers will see our firepower, their only choice would be to go inside the ship and lay ambush to attack us and defend the ship." Sheyan continued.

Pirates nodded, they have experienced situations like this before so they know how hard it is to counter such situations.

"At this time, all of you will divide into smaller groups of ten people. Those with the stronger builds among you will use a sword instead of guns, they will be in the front to block the attacks of those soldiers hiding in ambush. In every group there will be two strong build guys to block the attacks and eight gunners, who will quickly kill the soldiers whenever they reveal their position." Sheyan explained a simple and basic formation.

"Whenever you need to go inside a room to check, shoot three times at the door, three times at the right side of the door and three times at the left side of the door. After this, Open the door by kicking and the vanguard will rush inside the room first and run to the other side of the room without stopping. Gunners will stay alert and ready to shoot any hostile who reveals his position inside the room." Sheyan spoke slowly and even gestured with his hands.

"Understood?" Sheyan looked at the pirates after he finished speaking.

Pirates looked at each other with blank faces.

"I asked if you understood!?" A calm and heavy voice woke them up and they quickly looked ahead just to see Sheyan who was looking at them with sharp eyes.

"We understood, captain, We understood completely!" Pirates quickly answered.

"Good, just remember these things and follow them after we board the HMS victory." Sheyan nodded in satisfaction.


"Sir, All cannons are ready to fire." A soldier came and reported to Cater Beckett.

"Then what are you waiting for? Fire and crush those mongrels who dared to go against the empire!" Cater Beckett chided loudly.

"Yes sir!" The soldier answered and rushed to relay the orders.

There were a total of 18 main deck Cannons and 24 lower deck cannons on HMS victory, making it one of the most fearsome ships when it comes to attack power. Although not as powerful as Flying Dutchman's triple shot cannons but it could still sink any ship from hundreds of metres away with its crushing attack power.

Right now, all the cannons main deck and the cannons at the right side of the lower deck were aimed at the Scarlett who was quickly sailing towards the HMS victory without any sign of stopping at all.

"FIRE!" Cater Beckett ordered loudly.


Whole HMS victory vibrated from shock as 30 Cannon balls got blasted in the air towards Scarlett.

On Scarlett, pirates looked in horror as a rain of cannon balls made its way towards them.

"HIDE!!! CANNON BALLS INCOMING!" A pirate screamed at the top of his lungs.

"MOVE THE SHIP! MOVE THE SHIP QUICKLY!" Another pirate shouted and quickly rushed behind the ship mast to hide.

Other pirates also hid behind sturdy objects, while another pirate quickly moved the rudder to avoid the cannon balls.

"Such cowards, why are they screaming like some girls who saw some flasher in the park at night, it's just some cannon balls." Sheyan shook his head in disappointment and didn't move from his place.


In a blink of an eye, Cannon balls reached above Scarlett and rained down, some hit the ship's outer body, some crashed on the mast while most of them fell in the ocean around the ship and splashed a big wave of water in the air.

But pirates who were hiding couldn't help feeling shock and surprise.

Even though it got attacked by so many Cannon balls, not a single part of Scarlett broke, let alone break it didn't even shake from the impact.

"This! Just how strong is the ship blessed by the captain!" A pirate muttered in horror.

"Although I already knew it's very strong and hard but I still can't imagine that it handled those cannon balls like some pebbles were thrown at it." An old pirate spoke after looking around the ship.

Pirates came out of their hidings and marveled at the resilience of Scarlett.

"Hehehe, let them attack as much as they want, with captain and scarlett nothing can stop us!" Another pirate spoke as a confident smile appeared on his face once again.

All the other pirates also showed smug smiles and looked at the HMS victory in the distance.


At the HMS victory.

"Si-Sir! Tha-That ship... Something is wrong..." A soldier reported while stuttering after looking at scarlett with a scope.

"What is it?" Cater Beckett asked.

"It's- it's completely fine! It didn't suffer any damage and all after being attached by our cannons!" Soldier replied with an apparent shock on his face.

"What!?" Cater Beckett exclaimed and took the scope from the soldier's hand.

He looked at scarlett through the scope and checked carefully.

"This! What the heck are our cannoneers doing! How could they miss all shots!" Cater Beckett chided loudly.

"Load the cannons and fire again, if those bastards missed again I will personally hang them on the mast!" Cater Beckett spoke angrily.

"Yes sir!" Soldier replied and rushed to carry the order.

Very soon, the next batch of cannon balls were ready to fire.

Cater Beckett looked at the Scarlett which was now only 300 metres away from the HMS victory now and ordered loudly.



Cater Beckett looked at Scarlett once again with his scope to see how many Cannon balls will hit it.


At the scarlett.

Pirates were completely calm this time, when they heard the sound of Cannon balls being fired, they calmly hid behind sturdy objects on the deck and smiled smugly.

"Attack however many times you like, in the end you will only feel despair jiejiejie." Billy spoke and laughed evilly.


Since the distance was shorter this time, most of the cannon balls successfully fell on Scarlett but just like the previous time, nothing happened to it at all.

Cater Becker who was unconsciously smiling after he saw most of the Cannon balls successfully falling on the ship suddenly stopped smiling and expression full of surprise and bewilderment appeared on his face.

"How could this be?!" He muttered.

"What the heck is this cursed ship, nothing happened to it at all!" Cater Beckett cursed.

"Sir, what do we do now?" Soldier standing at the side asked with a horrified face.

Cater Beckett looked at the scarlett then threw the scope on the floor with anger written on his face.

"Let them come, if we can't destroy the ship then we will just kill those damn pirates on board that ship." Cater Beckett spoke loudly.

"Get in position! Prepare your guns and be ready to shoot at my order." He continued.

"Yes sir!" Soldiers replied.

Very soon Scarlett crossed the distance of 300 metres and appeared right in front of HMS victory.

The pirate at the rudder quickly turned the rudder and both ships came side to side with each other and slowly crashed into each other.

""Get in position!"" Sheyan and Cater Beckett ordered at the same time.

""Fire!"" They ordered at the same time once again.


Hails of bullets fell on both of the ships at the same time.

But while the soldiers could only shoot once and had to reload their guns once again, the pirate kept pulling their triggers after dodging the first rain of bullets.

"What the!" Cater Beckett looked at the continuous rain of bullets being poured at them from the opponent ship and couldn't help feeling shaken up.

"Arghh" "Damn!" "Gahh"

Many soldiers quickly fell down on the deck with bullet wounds.

"What's wrong with this Pirate group for god's sake!" Cater Beckett finally lost his calm.

"No there is no time to mull over this!" Cater Beckett quickly pulled himself together.

"Quickly rush Inside the ship and get on defence!" He ordered quickly.

By this time, almost half of the soldiers were already dead from the continuous hail of bullets but the rest of the soldiers quickly followed the command and rushed into the ship's warehouse.

Cater Beckett also followed them inside.

"Board the ship! Remember the formation!" Sheyan ordered loudly while standing on the ship's railing with a rope in his hand.

After giving the order, he jumped up lightly and rushed to HMS victory while swinging on the rope.

'Hehehe yes just like a real pirate.' Sheyan thought with an amused smile.


Sheyan let go of the rope and landed on the deck of HMS victory smoothly.

Other pirates also followed behind and boarded HMS victory quickly.

Pirates remembered Sheyan's words and quickly divided into smaller groups of ten people each.

Two people at the front took out their swords while the people behind them held their guns tightly and quickly rushed into the warehouse from different entrances.

Sheyan turned to the girls who also boarded the ship and spoke.

"Krist, you stay here, if any soldiers come up on the deck kill them. Charl, you go inside the warehouse and assist those fellows, Sheryll... You also assist them."

"Yes sir." All three girls nodded in understanding, Charl and Sheryll quickly rushed inside the warehouse.

"Now let's experience the power of ice ice fruit." Sheyan turned back and rushed in the same direction as Cater Beckett.

Sheyan quickly made his way down while checking his surroundings carefully.

As he moved down the stairs and came to an intersection, his body shook as his perspective sense quickly transmitted the danger to his mind.

Sheyan bent down and quickly rolled to his right.


A shimmering sword pierced the wooden wall at the place Sheyan before rolling.

Sheyan got up and looked in front of him.

A blonde man stood in front of him with a sword in his hand.

'Dodged out of habit.' Sheyan thought.

"Who are you?" Cater Beckett scrunchies the easterner in front of him and asks in an apprehensive voice.

"The man who will be the pirate king." Sheyan replied with a serious face.

"What! Pirate king?" Cater Beckett repeated and looked at the person in front of him seriously.

"If someone else had said this in front of me, O would have just laughed at him but you... You have to die right here." Cater Beckett spoke as he eyed Sheyan and his grip on his sword tightened.

"Ohh let me see how you will kill me." A smirk appeared on Sheyan's face and he opened elementalized state.

Cater Beckett didn't waste time anymore and directly rushed towards Sheyan with his sword.


Cater's sword cut through Sheyan's shoulder to his lower waist without any problem.

'Heh! I thought he was someone strong but he couldn't even dodge such a simple attack?' Cater beckett thought and looked at Sheyan's face.

A smile adorned Sheyan's face as he looked at Cater Beckett.

"Hmm?" Cater Beckett felt that something was wrong and quickly pulled his sword out of Sheyan's body.

"This!" Cater Beckett looked at Sheyan's body, a cold breath exuded from the slash wound at his body and the wound slowly healed back, even the clothes returned to their previous state without showing any damage.

"Hmm this is better than I expected." Sheyna muttered to himself while examining his chest.

"What type of monster are you!?" Cater Beckett asked loudly in shock, he has never seen or even heard of a situation such as this.


Sorry, a lil bit late.😅 one more chapter will be posted today. Btw how many of you have caught up with one piece? If you haven't caught up yet then do it quick guys, after all gear 5 is coming soon.
