
First Time ❤️

Suddenly I wake up looked at my phone and time is around 3:45 am , I afraid to check my messages but suddenly I saw that I got a reply " can you give me your WhatsApp number " I happily wear my glasses and give my WhatsApp number to her and again I went to slept when I wake up at 10 o 'clock again I checked my cellphone and saw her message on my WhatsApp .... Actually this all happened around 1 week ago when I use smule app for singing and find a friend from Malaysia . And I join her songs and sungs so many songs with her slowly slowly we becomes friends but suddenly I fall in love so I ask her WhatsApp number and she also felt that same feelings ... when I see her messages in my WhatsApp I feel like fly in the happiness and in 4 days later I proposed her but I afraid that if she reject me or what because this is my first time to fall in love and proposed a girl. Most unique in my case that my first love is from international girl . She reply me are you serious or u joking Rahul . You want a LDR ... LDR ! that time I don't know about what is LDR ... so I reply I am serious and I don't know anything I love you .. she said to me Rahul you 6 years younger than me are you able to feel comfortable with me I asked that same question to her are you ? she said your heart still so pure I feel comfortable if you feel same with me ... I say yes I am comfortable with you always ...My first relationship start with a Malaysian girl omg I feel like so different . In happiness I share this to my best friend he said to me Rahul she maybe fake and say nonsense about her ..I feel he get jealous because my bestie girlfriend looks so ugly and my girl look so beautiful as Moon .. Now presently when I remembered that my past around 2 yeas ago I feel like no one in this world is permanent and relationship need higher level of trust and love especially for LDR ( long distance relationship) right now I'm single I don't have any one special in my Life because my relationship die past 6 month ago due to my bestfriend .. he started chat with my girl and fraud with me I share my girl number to him in trust and faith but I got breakup with my girl whom I love too much all this happening because I trust my bestfriend too much and one more weak point in my relationship is that she not trust me and trust what other said fake about me ... my 1 year 6 month relationship killed by my own people whom I trust too much... everything is like tragedy ... when love and trust are gone everything you do is looking wrong now every lonely night I remembered her and hope that maybe she comeback ....

By- Rahul Verma