
187. The Battle I

Third-person POV

Hong er gracefully sat across General Yi and drank a cup of tea that he ordered the servants to brew. Hong er glimpsed at the awkward old general in front of her and chuckled.

Hong er: "Ben Gong respect General Yi's dedication in protecting this city for decades. Father also praised General Yi and told me to learn from your bravery. So Ben Gong trust you, if there is anything please just ask. "

Since he knew that Hong er isn't the type who likes flattery words and sweet talks, he just went straight to the point.

General Yi: "If His Majesty Emperor didn't receive the letter that this official sent, then how could His Majesty Emperor move his soldiers?"

Hong er: "So, what is General Yi's point?"

Hong er asked nonchalantly yet her tone didn't sound disrespectful.

General Yi: "The reinforcement isn't Da Qi's soldier, am I right Your Majesty Empress?"

To move troops especially the Imperial army, one needs the seal. If they tried to command the army without the seal, it would be considered as a crime and an attempt to treachery. As far as he knows, the seal currently is in Weisheng's hand, therefore it would be impossible to move such an amount of troops without Weisheng direct command.

When Hong er and Weisheng just got married, she had predicted things like these would probably happen. So since she didn't have the authority to move the imperial army, she created her own army and seal. Unrelated to the Xu family and Da Qi military, only she could control.

Hong er glanced at him and only smiled slyly. General Yi immediately got the message.

General Yi: "Well then, this official has to do an errand. I excuse myself."

Hong er: "En."

General Yi rose from his seat and walked out of the tent. He didn't expect that someone as young as Hong er could achieve so much. With that thought in his mind, he shrugged his shoulder and went to his personal tent to look over his reports.

Hong er started to get bored and went to walk around the base camp with her elite forces following behind her. Everyone that passed by her would kneel and gave their greetings to her.

She silently stared at the ocean and closed her eyes to activate her inner sight. Only after a few seconds, Hong er opened her eyes and sighed.

Meiyun: "What is the matter, Your Majesty Empress?"

Hong er: "What is the distance between here and that island?"

Meiyun: "About 15 km and it is the enemy's base. Why Your Majesty Empress suddenly asks about that?"

Hong er: "*Sigh, I don't know but maybe this little one affected my inner sight. If it was me before pregnant, I could see that far but now I can't."

Huayun: "Please don't worry Your Majesty Empress. I heard from Zhiruo that it is normal as the baby absorbs their mother Qi to stay healthy and strong."

Hong er: "Oh?"

Huayun: "She also said that the more Qi they absorb, the higher the possibility the baby to survive if the mother happens to be in a critical situation. Nonetheless, it is better if nothing happens to both sides."

Hong er: "En."

Hong er nodded her head and rubbed her belly.

Meiyun: "Your Majesty Empress, what if His Majesty Emperor notice that you are here?"

Hong er: "I'm pretty sure that a letter from him will arrive tomorrow."

Meiyun: "Hm?"

Hong er: "This ring that he gave me about 9 years ago has magic injected in it. He could detect my location with this ring."

Meiyun: "Hoo~ Then why Your Majesty Empress wear it?"

Hong er: "Because he told me to never take it off."

Meiyun: "Since when do you know that the usage of this ring?"

Hong er: "A few years ago. It is better if I keep wearing it. We won't know what will happen to us."

Meiyun: "En."



Hong er was discussing a few things with her elite forces when a bell being hit resounded all over the base camp. They immediately stood up and wore their mask before went out of their tent. Hong er approached General Yi that was using his inner sight to check the situation.

Hong er: "They attacked?"

General Yi: "Yes, Your Majesty Empress. They attacked from both water and land."

Hong er: "General Yi, you handle the attack from water. Ben Gong will handle the other."

General Yi: "Your Majesty Empress, after a second thought, it is dangerous for Your Majesty Empress to be involved."

Hong er: "Don't worry, Ben Gong will return safe and sound."

General Yi: "May God of Light bless Your Majesty Empress."

Hong er nodded her head and turned around.

Hong er: "Depart."

Xiao Bai and the other horses ran to their direction with full speed. They grabbed the rein and mounted the horses whilst the horses were still running. They launched off like wind and only took them 2 minutes to arrive at the other side of the border. There was a strong snowstorm enveloping the whole base and caused the visibility of the soldiers to lower.

The assistant general that reported her in the meeting was commanding the soldiers to get into formation. He is General Yi's oldest son and inherited his father's bravery.

Hong er: "Assistant general Yi, how is the enemy?"

Assistant general: "Your Majesty Empress, why are you here?! This is too dangerous!"

Hong er: 'How many times had I heard this sentence?'

Hong er: "Don't worry. So?"

Assistant general: "The bandits had used this tactic for days as they knew that we don't have that many ice mages. Most of us have water magic so it would only give them an advantage by freezing them."

Hong er: "You stay at the frontline and keep the soldiers in formation. I will support all of you."

The assistant general nodded his head and stomped his away to the most front.

Hong er: "Huayun and ice mages follow me. Meiyun and the rest go help them."

Everyone: "Yes!"

Everyone swiftly went to their own position, Hong er and the others used their qinggong to jump onto the border wall. Hong er glanced at one of her personnel and nodded her head. The latter nodded his head back and summoned an enormous sized war drum and two sticks in his hands. Hong er and the others stood orderly with their hands extended.

The soldiers that stood below the border wall were confused as to why they would summon out an instrument in the middle of battle. Nevertheless, they could clearly see such an intense aura exuded from the war drum and definitely, it was not any ordinary war drum.

The man raised his muscly arms to the air and struck the drum with his stick, the sound and vibration of the impact reached General Yi's ship.

General Yi: 'So this is the power of Xu elite forces.'

At the same time, Hong er and the others pulled their right hand till their shoulders like they were pulling an arrow. The snowstorm abruptly disappeared and caused the enemy to stop in their track.

Enemy commander: 'What happened?!'

They looked up to the source of the sound and their face immediately paled.

Enemy commander: 'The snowstorm we created had turned into ice arrows by those red masked group!.... Red mask?! Xu elite forces!'

The enemy commander turned around and roared.

Enemy commander: "HIDE!"

Hong er furrowed her brows and muttered.

Hong er: "Die."

The man struck the drum harder than previous and they released the grip on their right hand. The ice arrows launched towards the forest and stabbed through the enemies' bodies. With just one move, Hong er and her group almost killed half of the bandits.
