
In the Devil's Arms

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Beatrice Devonshire is a successful erotic novelist, drawing inspiration from her vivid dreams of a mysterious and seductive man. But when she discovers that her dream lover is none other than the Devil himself, seeking to claim her as his bride, her life takes a dark turn. Desperate for guidance, Beatrice turns to a kind priest, and their forbidden love affair further complicates her situation. Meanwhile, her family begins to act strangely, consumed with their desire to possess her or betray her. She finally found out that she has been cursed. As Beatrice delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her cursed fate, she must make a difficult choice: give in to the Devil's temptations and accept her fate, or risk everything to break the curse and free herself from his grasp. With each decision, she is faced with temptation and danger, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Will she succumb to the Devil's promises of power and freedom, or find the strength to resist and save herself?

Suzu_Rim · แฟนตาซี
106 Chs

The Devil Reminiscence III

"Lady Beatrice has become so confident lately. All of your dress choices are amazing. It must be because of the third prince," said Lady Elana, giving a genuine compliment.

Beatrice felt irritated. Despite the compliment, it was Edward and her mother who had always made her feel insecure about her changing demeanor. However, she decided to let it go and just smiled in response.

"You're too kind, Lady Elana. The dress is indeed beautiful and it's designed by Isabela Maison," Beatrice replied, trying to be modest.

"Oh, Isabela Maison! Her dresses are divine," another noble lady chimed in. "I've always wanted to wear one of her creations."

Beatrice chuckled, pleased with the positive attention. She didn't want to hide her beauty secret from the ladies who wanted to be more confident like her. After all, it was thanks to the man in her dreams that she became like this.

They chatted for a while, and the topic eventually shifted to Lady Elana's latest novel. "Ah yes, recently I published a novel with Scarlet Rose Publishing," she announced, fanning herself with excitement.

"Oh really, what's the story about, Lady Elana?" Beatrice asked curiously, eager to know more.

"It's based on a true story in my life, about a romance," Lady Elana admitted, covering half of her face with the fan in her hand.

"How wonderful and romantic! It must be with your fiancé," another lady chimed in, her eyes shining with excitement.

Lady Elana blushed, nodding her head. "Yes, it is," she said softly.

Beatrice couldn't help but feel a bit envious of Lady Elana's success as a published author. She longed to share her own story, but the genre of her dream-inspired tale was far too scandalous to be considered a respectable novel. 

However, the dreams continued to plague her thoughts and she found herself constantly comparing Edward to the mysterious man from her dreams, making her feel guilty and ashamed.

To distract herself and put her ideas to use, Beatrice considered writing her story down. Maybe if she could express it in writing, she could finally move on from the unsettling dreams. But the thought of finding a publisher who would take on such a controversial story made her hesitant.

But then a glimmer of hope shone upon Beatrice's troubled mind as she remembered one person who might accept her novel. It was none other than the most infamous and controversial noblewoman in the entire circle.

//End of Flashback//

As Beatrice reminisced about the journey of her novel, a bittersweet feeling washed over her. It was an account of how her book was published by Scarlet Rose Publishing and the owner was Countess Garnet. 

The most controversial noblewoman in the circle, who had become the first reader and fan of her work. Despite the ups and downs, she experienced while writing, the effort was all worth it.

Her thoughts shifted to the man in her dreams, and she couldn't help but feel nostalgic and sad at the same time. It was ironic that in her novel, they became lovers with a happy ending, but in reality, he turned out to be the Devil. 

Despite this, she realized she wasn't as scared of him as she once was, at least not when she remembered him like this. But the thought of encountering him as the Devil in her dreams or worse - reality - still made her tremble.

'But he won't hurt me anymore, I hope he can't,' she thought to herself.

Beatrice knew that for now, she needed to focus on healing herself and figuring out what she wanted for her future. Was she content with spending the rest of her life with Edward, constantly irked by his behavior? 

Or did she want to pursue a relationship with Gilbert, the man of her dreams who would undoubtedly bring her joy? But with so many obstacles in their relationship, she couldn't help but question if it was worth it.

Today was a beautiful day after the storm at night. The bird was chirping and the flowers blooming beautifully even when Avaloria Kingdom weather was uncertain. 

Many people in the Kingdom believe this was because Solariel - their God - loved them and protected them from any harm that was why the plant was still growing and the land still fertile. 

This has become even more believable since unlike other kingdoms, the Avaloria Kingdom rarely has monsters and it was because of the shield that has been instilled in this country that made many monsters unable to live in the Kingdom. Making this kingdom become the most faithful one. 

Beatrice was seated in the front yard of the temple, looking at Gilbert that talked to many noble ladies. As usual, she comes here to meet him. She couldn't help but admire his stunning features - his sharp jawline, broad shoulders, and perfectly sculpted chest. 

He was a vision of perfection, and every angel in the temple must have been envious of his beauty. His body was perfect, with broad shoulders and a broad chest that made every woman want to touch him, to trace their fingers down his body to his most intimate parts.

'I hope the rest of these noble ladies perish,' she sneered inwardly, disgusted by their cheap behavior. At that moment, she didn't care about God or the Devil; she just wanted Gilbert all to herself. 

Her mind drifted to the memory of the priest who had come to her at Devonshire Manor three weeks ago, offering her the ruby amulet that now hung around her neck - a ruby-colored gem - that initially frightened her since it reminded her of the Devil's piercing eyes. 

But now brought her comfort knowing that it protected her from the Devil's grasp. As the days passed on, she felt the grip of the Devil's nightmare loosen, and vanish.

As her emotional state stabilized and her physical condition improved, Beatrice found herself struggling with conflicting feelings toward God. She couldn't help but feel like something was blocking her ability to fully embrace God's goodness and cruelty. 

It was an unsettling feeling for her, given that she had always been either a staunch opponent of God or a fervent believer in salvation through Him.

'It must be the power of the amulet,' she thought to herself, her gaze shifting to the ruby-colored stone hanging around her neck. 

She also needed to push away the fear that always lingered at the back of her mind. This was the fear of the devil that had been haunting her for as long as she could remember. 

But despite her efforts, it was always there, gnawing at her sanity and causing her to second-guess everything she did. Yet, whenever she was with Gilbert, it was as if the weight of the world was lifted off her shoulders. 

The all-consuming anxiety that had been suffocating her dissipated, replaced by a heady rush of desire and longing.

However, her mind was disturbed as Gilbert looked at her and smiled. He said goodbye to the noble ladies and approached Beatrice.

"Good day Lady Beatrice," he said as he took a seat beside her. "What brings you to the temple today?"

Beatrice smiled softly, feeling her heart flutter at his presence. "I simply wished to offer my prayers to the gods," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.

Gilbert nodded in understanding before continuing, "If I may be so bold, would you care to take a walk with me? The flowers are simply breathtaking this time of day."

Beatrice couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at his suggestion. She nodded eagerly, "I would be delighted, thank you."

As they strolled towards the small forest behind the temple, the gentle breeze caressed their faces, and the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on everything around them. 

The birds' chirping created a melody that echoed through the woods, and the smell of the blooming flowers filled the air with their sweet fragrance.

Beatrice's heart skipped a beat as she walked beside Gilbert. She felt the warmth of his presence and the beauty of the surroundings seemed to enhance the feeling. 'Is this what falling in love feels like?' she thought to herself.

Gilbert turned his gaze towards Beatrice and smiled. "I have something special to show you," he said in a smooth voice. He gently took her hand and led her deeper into the forest. As they walked, Beatrice felt a sense of excitement building within her.