
In My Solitude (gxg)

A girl drowning in her own isolation meets a girl who's mind is amongst the stars. Drea is anything but normal. Suffering from social anxieties, ADHD, a weird disorder, and her past. Trying to survive a life she doesn't fit in and a world that seems to be against her is quite difficult. Not to mention her having to mask it all of with a fake persona. Will she let darkness swallow her whole or will she realize that all her problems are just in her head? Emma has her own problems to deal with. Being compared to her twin her whole life and finally having the spotlight while battling against OCD isn't quite easy either. How can she adjust with all the attention she never even wanted? Two very different lives meet in a world so against them. A slowburn.

Solitude_daisy · LGBT+
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Mornings


As the sun rises up, the streets quickly become occupied. People begin their everyday lives. Some go to work, some go to vacations. They do everything they want while they still can. Fascinating how time doesn't wait for anyone.

Another day starts.

Much to my dismay.

I, of course, will proceed to enter the land of giant unicorn donuts from outer space.

But, unfortunately, my eyes open against their will. Rubbing them, I stare at the ceiling, half asleep waking myself up. Another day. A sigh escapes my lips as I stretch my arms. After about five minutes, I get out of bed and look at the clock.

10:29 AM

Much too early to wake up.

An urge to go back to sleep, I come out of my room into the kitchen.

"Good morning hun, look what time it is. You've slept late again, did you?" My dearest mother says as her back is facing me. I don't say anything as I don't have the energy to do so. "What time did you sleep? Gosh darn it you better get used to sleeping early, school is right around the corner!" Again, no words. "Oh! Which reminds me, we're going to Baguio (ba•gee•ow) this week. Isn't that exciting! Now, brush your teeth."

Now that got a little smile out of me. It's been a long time since we travelled, and I could finally buy the latest Colleen Hoover book! Unfortunately, we don't have a bookstore in the town.

"Really? When?" The first words I said this morning. Mom finally turned around to face me. "Hmm.. I don't really know when, I haven't found us a private driver, but definitely this week." Mom explains as she prepares my fruit snack.

"Awesome." Brushing my teeth, I got lost in my thoughts.

Hey, I'm Drea. This is my life. 18 years old, starting college next month. My family is not rich, but we have enough wealth for me to grow up privileged. When I was a kid, we always went on trips around the Philippines.

My parents... Weren't the best. And yes, up until now you've only seen my mother so sweet. She is, half of the time. I wasn't abused- well I am living in a Filipino household so not abused is an overstatement. A few beat ups and bruises were quite normal as discipline. But I was mentally abused.

Then again, that is still quite normal for a Filipino household.

"Oh! The dragon has finally awoken after years of slumber!"

My father joked as he entered the kitchen. Rolling my eyes, I finish brushing and take the chopped up fruits my mother prepared for me.

"You're lucky she hasn't bitten you yet, she's quite feisty when awoken" my father laughs at this, as he proceed to add butter to his bread.

I then go to my room and turn on my phone. Hoping for no messages, the notifications say so otherwise.

'hey Drea! We're going to this new restaurant later, wanna tag along?'

My friend Caroline asked. She's not much of a friend, but an acquaintance. A childhood acquaintance. Our parents are partners in business.

Nope. Absolutely not. Too much humans in a single room. I think of an excuse as Yaya entered the room and placed my breakfast on the table.

"Good morning madam, for today's breakfast we have Pancakes and eggs."

Yaya is my servant since I was 10 years old. She saved me from a lot of dangers (that I put myself in)

"Yaya, I told you a thousand times to call me by my name, you've known me for 8 years!"

She just shrugs it off and smiles.

"Bath will be waiting for you at 12:00pm, madam." She then left the room. I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the message.

'sorry, I'm busy packing for a trip we have, but please enjoy ;)'

That should do it. Hopefully.

'ohh come on D, you're always so busy, why not have fun for once?'

A slight pull tugged my heart. No. Not this time.

I gripped my phone irritated. I am having fun! In the comfort of my own room!

'I really can't Coraline, I have a lot to pack'


Fucking finally. I then eat my breakfast and take a shower. Time passes and it's getting dark. I've been in my room, reading a book. Quite a good one.

Yaya calls me for dinner and I ate. After that I went back in my room scrolling on TikTok. Then I go to Instagram. I see a post from Caroline with her and her friends laughing and making funny faces at the camera. For a second, I regret not going, but then again, knowing how that would turn out; me being ignored, I closed my phone and drifted off to the land of Space Pirates.

A/N: Yay first chapter! Hope you guys weren't too disappointed, but yeah :P

Also Baguio is a place in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Greatly known for its cold temperature and is called "City of Pines"

Don't forget to vote, comment, and let me know what you think!

-Bea signing off :D

Solitude_daisycreators' thoughts