
Black Flash

Sylphy looked up at me in wonder as we landed in front of her house, She could clearly see the intense storm… but no rain had splattered us, No it fell upon us but an unseen force held it back.

She looked at my face and I touched her nose.

"Magic," I said and then opened the door causing the brown haired father to look at me in surprise.

"Ahh, Light. You're here," He said and helped me in, "Thanks for bringing Sylphette in, I was beginning to get worried,"

"No worries sir," I said, letting Sylphy down, "Sylph is my friend and it wasn't much,"

The storm seemingly intensified as echoes of thunder erupted from the clouds, The storm itself was rather strange, a cacophony of cursed magic forming at it's center. I looked outside the open window and saw it… Sure the rain clouds were dark and full of water before but now… They were black and full to the brim with cursed magic.

'What the Fuck!' I exclaimed inwardly.

Deep in the forest, The corpse of a wolf was unmistakable… This magical beast had a large hole through it's heart, the remains of cursed magic still leaking in the air.

If Light had seen this wolf, He would remember that the Amplification Blue technique had been first used when the Shadow clone had attacked a Wolf beast blasting a hole through it's center…

The rough storm did nothing to deter the flow of cursed magic in the air, droplets beating upon the corpse of the wolf but nevertheless a terrifying aura shimmered around it.

The hole started healing, puffs of smoke shooting out of the wound… And then it's feral eyes opened, they were as black as the night. It stood up and grew larger, every single part of it's body developing… It was becoming a Cursed soul.

After reaching a staggering height of two meters, A powerful howl shot out from it's mouth vibrating the very forest it resided in and then, it ran heading for the hill close by.

Ruth held her pillow and pushed it against her face, hiding her blush. She couldn't still believe that there was another Reincarnator in this world like she was… And he was so handsome.

The few times he visited, He told her a little bit about the town they lived in and she was grateful for it. She was a bit socially awkward…

Her eyes seemed to find solace in his face, and his eyes gave her so much to think about. She knew what this feeling was… She was in love.

And then the door of Ruth's room shot open with Paul barging in.

"Dad?" She asked but he didn't say a word, grabbing his daughter and heaving her over his shoulder.

"What Dad? What are you doing?" Ruth asked, beating against the back of her father but he didn't answer… He had a look of actual fear in his eyes, something she hadn't seen before.

He vaulted out the front door just as a large crashing sound came from inside, taking apart half the house in one fell swoop. Ruth noticed Roxy and his Mom, as well as Lillia, The nurse that seemed to ignore her from childhood also had that fearful look on their faces.

"A cursed soul?" Those were the words that escaped Roxy's mouth and I looked at her surprised.

"I thought they were only supposed to appear in the Demon continent," Paul said while dropping Ruth down, the rain drenching their clothes.

He reached for his sword and drew it out, just as the remaining parts of the house was destroyed and revealed the Cursed Soul… An overly large wolf beast with sharp teeth and a threatening cursed aura.

Beside this large wolf, There were other regular sized wolves but they gave off cursed magic and their features were a lot defined.

"Paul, Don't waste your time," Roxy said, "Only magical attacks filled with cursed magic have any effect on them,"

Paul turned to Roxy.

"You're a demon, Have you unlocked-"

"No," Roxy said, "Sure I can use Cursed magic… but I don't have any spells related to it, At most I can sense it's amount of cursed aura,"

Paul's expression turned downcast.

As for Roxy, she was regretting not learning Cursed magic. After years of discrimination in her village, She had unlocked the negative magic but she was far too engrossed on becoming a powerful positive mage…

She gritted her teeth and looked at Ruth, helplessly.

"Seriously wolves," I said while scratching my head, "I thought it would be something bigger,"

The three adults looked at the Young boy, standing a considerable distance away from the wolves… They didn't register when he appeared.

"Boy, What are you doing?!" Paul shouted out, "it's dangerous here,"

"What's dangerous? All I can see is a bunch of weak Cursed souls and a weaker Swordsman," I said with a sigh.

'Alright, Is a side effect of Infinity calling everyone Weak?' I wondered.

"Don't worry, I got this," I said, flashing Paul a thumbs-up.

And then my eyes locked with Roxy… She was pretty.

I turned back to these wolves and then cursed magic surged through my eye muscles, I closed my eyes letting the insane amount of energy circulate through them.

And then I opened them… Each wolf took a step back as they were met with the Six Eyes!

Roxy widened her eyes.

"That boy… He has cursed magic?" Roxy said, earning surprised looks from all of them as they looked at me more eagerly.

Two of the Five lesser wolves leaped at me, I didn't bother dodging… They stopped just short of me.

Ruth's eyes shone.

'No way, He's using Infinity,' Ruth thought.

And with a swipe of my palm, Their heads were destroyed and the cursed energy leaking out of their bodies vanished. 

Killing a Cursed soul required a spell packed with cursed magic, That's the simple part of it. But of course, These Cursed souls were separated into grades depending on the amount of cursed magic they manifested upon rebirth.

The first grade was Low grade which I was currently dealing with, The cursed magic present in their body is a little bit high but their combat skills are weak… It's just sad.

The second grade which was more powerful was the Mid grade, The cursed magic that gathered in their bodies radiated an insane amount of power, strengthening their Combat skills and in special cases, Their height and strength as well. Besides, They are able to use Cursed Energy projectiles at this point. I estimate that the 2 meter tall wolf is in the Mid grade. Also, Mid grade Cursed souls are able to command Low grade cursed souls.

The third and final grade was the High grade, The cursed magic gathered in the cursed soul was simply absurd letting it reach the power of a powerful mage easily, These Cursed souls had intelligence and were perfectly capable of commanding lesser cursed souls, that is Low, Mid and fellow High grade souls that are lower in cursed magic than them. This is what makes them destructive beasts.

Now back to the battle… I pushed off the ground, combining Cursed magic with fireballs and sent them toward the other lesser souls, The effects were catastrophic as a powerful wave of fire crossed the battlefield consuming the lesser souls in less than seconds.

I was right in the face of the wolf, cursed magic converging on it's mouth. The wolf freaking fired a ball of cursed magic at me, I focused pure Infinity magic into my hand and slapped the ball of cursed magic away, sending it flying into the air.

The air seemed to thin down as the orb of cursed magic went higher and higher before detonating, a rush of powerful cursed magic erupting through the clouds and even blowing the rain away.

I gathered cursed magic into my fists and they released the bright blue glow that I wanted…

I had completely overlooked the main thing about Cursed Magic… When I got this power, I had been excited but it was negative energy, To be properly able to use Negative energy… I had to have Negative feelings!

When Hoki left, It stirred up an immense amount of cursed magic within me. Even more so than what I was able to use when I got this power… To use Cursed magic efficiently, I had to experience negative energy… I had to have it pumping through my veins.

As the distance between myself and the wolf closed, I snapped my right hand back, cursed magic seeping through every vein, My fists clenched and brimming with cursed energy and then after getting just short of the wolf's face, I punched…

Before my fist made contact, the cursed magic swirled and then it flashed… Black…

There was a crunching sound as my fist made contact with the Wolf's face and then the space around us seemed to distort, The blue cursed magic in my fist seemed to flash black.

Black and red lightning converged on the Wolf's face and it's face was sent flying under the impact of my fist, The cursed magic around the soul rapidly diminished and I landed on the ground with a little bit of sigh, blood spraying out of the headless corpse of the Wolf.

[Host has learned Black Flash]

And then, I could see it… A thin aura surrounding me, Once landing a Black flash, The user enters a state called the Zone where the regular flow of cursed energy becomes natural.

I looked at the victims of the Shadow Clone and muttered under my breath.

"Come on Shadow Clone, You shouldn't have tested it out on that wolf," I muttered.

"Thanks once again, Sir," I said with a bow to Sylphette's father but he waved me off.

"It's nothing," He said, "Sharing a house with these people isn't enough thanks for being with my Daughter,"

The man's words brought happiness to my heart, Remembering that he passed away during the Mass teleportation incident pained me.

I gritted my teeth and then he smiled at me.

"Are you going to stay for dinner?" He asked.

"Umm, No," I replied, "Granny's waiting for me,"

"Alright," The man said.

I can't still believe that this guy just straight up agreed to help Rudeus's family with accommodation until Paul got his house built back up again. People sure are helpful in this world although I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that he knew me and I helped his daughter out a lot. If not, You can forget going to ask a regular civilian for accommodation…

Before I left, I gave a quick hug to Sylphette and before I could get questioned, Flew out to the Orphanage. 

Roxy cast a sigh as she looked out the window, brushing her blue hair. Today sure took a toll on her mental state, She didn't believe that a Cursed soul had actually made an appearance in the peaceful confines of Buena Town… and she still didn't believe that a human was capable of wielding cursed magic. It was all really shocking to her but she had to admit, The silver haired boy she had seen earlier seemed to have complete control of his Cursed magic.

He was incredibly helpful, Unlike other towns in the Asura Kingdom, Buena town didn't have a place for lodging but he had hooked them up with a house free of charge.

Paul was still skeptical about the boy, but Roxy… She wanted him.

Her cheeks turned red as she knew she had thought about that in the wrong way, She wanted him with her as he was able to use Cursed magic… If any other situation like that happened, She wanted to be perfectly sure that she could help people.


Author's Note:

Haah, Such a satisfying chapter.
