
In love with the devils daughter ( I'm very fragile )

Favour_Chinonso_3455 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

A stranger

Here you can keep the change, thank you she said and took the filled nylon, walking down the street covering her face with a hoodie, she noticed some steps behind her and she quickened her step and the person did the same she took a close nearby and this time they were two, she made sure she walked and mix into the crowd but they continued following, this time more than three men were following her, knowing anything could happen she immediately dropped the nylon bag and turned to run, they chased her in pursuit, lucky for her she knew all the crook and crane on the street, jumping fences and climbing roofs they followed her everywhere, she got to a roof and there was no other route to follow except for a building two miles away, she looked down, jumping down was suicide mission and they were fast approaching she immediately pulled her top and tore it with her teeth as quickly as she could wrapping it round her hands,

Catch her! one of the men shouted she immediately got hold of an electric pole and held on its wire as she used it to cross.

wtf! they exclaimed,

this kid is crazy

I bet she's already planning suicide before this,

Didi didn't care about the views beneath her some were taking photos, she held on the wire and moved as fast as she could, as she almost got hold of the window next building her hands slipped from the wire and she fell down ontop of a waste bin...she groaned bitterly in pain, trying to Balance herself she heard them shout 'down down get her alive' she immediately regained herself and started running, they followed her in hot pursuit but this time she was in advantage of the situation she was many miles away from them, she kept running looking back if they were catching up and she immediately bumped into someone, it was a broad chest, she froze at the spot, they've caught up with her she thought, but a big hand lifted her from the sturdy chest and patted her hair,

what's chasing you girl?

she looked up and saw an handsome young looking man with jaw bears and cute shaped lips

whats chasing you he asked calmly,

she snapped back to reality as she heard running steps behind her, he immediately grabbed her and they started running,

this way! the guy shouted, she followed him and they ran into a building, he locked the door quickly and held her hand as they ran through the steps of the building till they got to the top they entered an apartment and he quickly bolted the door, Didi fell on the floor gasping for breath, again a big hand held her again

are you ok, you need water.... I'll go get some for you, he walked to a corner and came back with a bottle of water, here have some you'll be ok

she immediately grabbed the bottle and gulped as much as her belly could carry then she inhaled deeply as a sign of relief taking in few more breaths she sat upright blinking her eyes, snap! she remembered where she was, she quickly got up and rushed for the nearest sharp object,

easy! easy! I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not like those guys, I just want to help....please drop that knife, not letting her guard down she questioned

who are you and why did you help me

I'm just a common person...my name is Willson you can call me Will for short...what's your name,

pfft she spat... how's that your business

why were those men chasing after you

can you be quiet for a minute, your questions are whizzing in my ears, she looked through the window, sh*t! she said immediately closing it, they're all around, did you lock that door

yes I did...

good good...

knock knock, a voice sounded at the door

darn it! she murmured looking at the confused guy she sighed, like he knew whats on her mind he opened under his bed

hide here they won't catch you

are you....

open this door or I break it down!

she immediately slide in and he stuffed the under bed with clothes and arranged shoes at the front,

gboom! the door suddenly opened,

what took you so long, what took you so long uh, where's the girl, where's the f***ing girl! she ran off.... Didi could here her heart beat fast, the last time she was this scared was eight years ago, she could here slaps, hits and falling of objects, she heard a footstep close to the bed and a hand stretching to pick something under, she froze as she closed her eyes, not even trying to breath, then she heard what looks like a laughter,

she ran upstairs i swear....it was wills voice,

then there was total silence, she wanted to come out but she didn't dare flinch, she stayed for what seem like an hour, and then she heard steps

next time when you see a stranger young man don't you dare give a hand, if not that i don't feel like spilling blood today, aswr you would have been a dead meat by now, then she heard steps of people walking away, she still didn't move until she heard him whisper

hey hey...come out they are gone