
In love with Fabio (extra ordinary love)

DaniellaDaniel · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter Ten


Mrs Luna smiled as her son walked out,he has really made me proud by saying that.

Fabio sits in front of his mirror still on his bathrobe.

He ruffled his hair and smile recalling how Camella smiled at him when he asked to be her friend.

" I miss her already" He mutters.


" I love it here, the food is so tasty" Maria says as she chew on her food.

" Yeah, i know you will like it here" Kay replies stealing glances at Maria

She have been his first love and crush since their childhood but she is not aware.

Camella is the one aware.

His phone buzzed and he reads the message.

💌 Don't forget to gift her the flowers

From Maria.

He smiles and drop his phone.

He snaps his finger and a woman enters carrying a bouquet of rose flower.

Maria wowed at the beauty.

She have always loved Rose flower even though it is common but she's so much in love and obsessed with it.

" Is this for me" She said happily as the woman pass it to her.

She inhaled the sweet fragrance and smiled more.

The woman bowed before leaving.

" Do you love...

" I love it, thanks Kay " She cut him off happily.

This must have cost a lot.

It's the biggest size and very beautiful and classy.

" And also, this date is the best" She said and this got Kay blushing like a girl.

She just called it a date.


‹ Next Morning ›››

Fabulous company »~

Fabio steps into the company looking all dashing as usual.

🗣️ Woah, is this Mr. Fabio?.

🗣️ He's the chairman's son right? he looks so handsome.

🗣️ Yeah,he looks so handsome and hot..

" Good morning Mr Fabio" everyone greets with a bow.

He responded them with a sweet smile and walked into the office his mother prepared for him.


< Evening>>

Liss Bar ~~~

Camella drops the whiskey ordered by a man and his friends.

She tried leaving when the man held her wrist.

" Do you need anything else sir?" She asked politely.

" Yes" The man replies.

" What's that?" She asked.

" You, I want You" The man replies and his friends laugh.

" Please enjoy your drink" Camella says with a bar struggling to get the man's hand off her.

" I said I want you, stop acting innocent when You're a slut , you must have f**k a lot of customers here" The man says and his friends laughed again.

" Please leave my...

" Ouch!!!" The man screams falling from his seat as he fell together with the table.

The whiskeys shattering on the floor.

Fabio just punched him.

" When she says let go, you let go, you motherf**ker" Fabio seethed.

" Fabio " Camella stuttered.

Fabio throws some cash on the man for the broken drinks before taking Diana's wrist and dragging her with him.

🗣️ He's so cool

🗣️ I wanna have a rich boyfriend too



Fabio let go of her wrist.

" You're quitting this job Mella" Fabio says.

Camella's heart melted.

The first time someone is dividing her name.

It sound so sweet in his mouth.

" Fabio,I can't quit, I'm used to it....

" I'm not f**kin used to it" He yelled.

She swallowed hard.

The first time seeing him so angry.

He ruffled his hair.

" I'm sorry for yelling, some idoits thinks that every lady who works in a bar is a slut, that's why they f**kin see you as one, come work for me, try a decent job" He says.

" Work for you?" She asked confused.

" Yeah, become my personal assistant" he said. " I can't bear to watched yo work here anymore, I might lose my mind and kill someone for touching you " He said and she smiled hugging him.

" Thank you so much Fabio, thank you so much for making me meet you" she whispered hugging him and he hugged her back.

" Is this a yes that You're gonna start working for me?" He asked.

" Yes, I'm quitting this job " Diana replies.

" Come on, I will take you home" he said taking her wrist again pulling her to the car.

It starts raining the moment his car zoomed off.


" Thanks" Fabio says as Camella helps him dry his wet hair.

" It's raining so hard and if you drive, you might get into an accident" she says and he smiles.

" I will leave once it stops raining" He replies and she nodded passing a hot coffee to him.

He muttered a thank you before taking a sip.

" Can I start working tomorrow, I haven't worked in a company before" She says happily.

He smiles seeing how happy she is.

" Which company is that?" She as.

" Fabulous company..

" Oh my, You're a Rodriguez?" She asked after gasping.

He chuckled at her surprised look.

" Not like we are God" Fabio said and she smiled.

" I can't believe this, Fabio, You're...

He couldn't resist her pinkish lips anymore and he cut her sentence off by taking in her lips into his mouth.

He breaks it.

" You should kiss back and stop widening your eyes" He says before crashing his lips on hers again and this time, she reciprocated.

He sucked on her lower lip like lollipop rolling his tongue inside her before nibbling on it, slowly biting on it.

Her hands went up to his neck pulling him more closely as they feast on each other's lips like hungry lions.

His phone rings making them break the kiss.

" Excuse me" Fabio said and move away from her.

It was Kay calling.

Fabio told him to call him back later before ending the call.

He turns back to Camella.

" The rain stopped, you should get going, it's late" She said and he nodded.

" Okay, goodnight" He muttered kissing her forehead before leaving.

She smiled as Fabio left.

He's not only kind but cool and romantic too.

She have fallen deep for this stranger.

It Haven't even been up to a week since they knew each other.

Is this what Soulmate is???

She remembers the kiss and screams happily falling into her bed.

" So sweet, taste like strawberry" She mutters rubbing her lips.

She remembers she's starting work tomorrow.

She quickly stood and rush to her closet picking out decent clothes for office work.

" I can't wait to work in a company, it's gonna be cool" She sang happily.

She suddenly heard a hard thud on her door.

Before she could reply.

A man enters holding a whiskey bottle.

The clothes fell from her hand.

She stepped back in fear.

It is the man Fabio punched for touching her.

Why is he here?

For revenge?

Did he follow them all the way from the bar?

What's she gonna do now?

" Oh, your rich boyfriend left? Who's gonna save you bow" The man sang angrily walking to her as she stepped back.

" Ple...

" Bitch" The man seethed hitting her head with the bottle which shattered.

Her eyes closed before she landed on the floor..






Pink heart for you guys 💗💗💗💗💗💗

I love you all and please continue to give me strength 😘😘😘.