
In Honkai with Tom Cat

Because of a single choice, Li Huan traveled through time and space, ending up in a collapsing world. Dead soldiers, Honkai beasts, Herrschers—gradually, all these dangers appeared before him. "I think I'm doomed." With this thought, he decided to take a chance on the system's newbie reward draw. In a flash of light, a blue-gray cat, standing on two legs, appeared before him. "Take back what I said earlier—I think you're all doomed now." Having drawn the epic character Tom, he vowed to bring laughter to this world together with Tom. Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is a translated fanfic and please check out the others as well Advanced Chapters in Patreon https://www.pat reon.com/senatuspopulus/ OG: 人在崩坏,和汤姆当搞笑角色

Senatus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
48 Chs

Chapter 37: It Will Definitely Be Fine!

When Kiana's hands touched the Herrscher of Thunder's head, the latter let out a scream. This scream was filled with endless pain and fear, enough to move anyone who didn't know the situation.

Of course, this didn't include Li Huan and Kiana—they only found the noise too loud, tormenting their ears.

Li Huan, who still had one hand holding a wooden sword, could at least cover one ear, but Kiana, with both hands pressing down on the Herrscher's head, couldn't block the sound and had to endure the scream at close range.

Meanwhile, Tom just used his paws to cover his ears, completely isolating himself from the noise.

With one hand covering his ear, Li Huan watched as the Herrscher of Thunder shook her head frantically, her face contorted in pain.

It was clear that she was suffering immensely, with tears and snot running down her face, completely losing any semblance of dignity.

If it weren't for the skill that forced her into the stance of catching the blade bare-handed, she would likely be rolling on the ground in agony.

"Hey, are you really saving her or torturing her?" Li Huan shouted to Kiana.

"Huh? What does it have to do with me!" Kiana pressed down on the Herrscher's head and responded irritably, "I'm just suppressing the last of her Honkai energy. The reason she's in so much pain now is that Mei-senpai's consciousness, which she had been suppressing, has now recovered and is fiercely attacking her mind."

"So, you're saying it's not you making her suffer, but the original owner of this body?"

"Exactly! Although I'm not entirely sure, I can sense that Mei-senpai seems really angry right now."

"Thinking about it, it's not surprising. If someone took over your body and used it however they wanted, you'd be furious too. But how long is this going to last?"

"She was already at the end of her strength, so I think the fight should be over soon!"

Just as Kiana finished speaking, the Herrscher of Thunder suddenly rolled her eyes and went still. Li Huan was startled,

"Hey, is she dead?"

"No, it looks like the battle is over," Kiana released her grip and sighed in relief. "The Herrscher lost, but Mei-senpai's consciousness also fell back into slumber. She'll probably wake up after a while."

"That's good enough."

Li Huan lifted his wooden sword slightly, pulling it away from the hands of the Herrscher—now Raiden Mei—whose body went limp and collapsed. Kiana quickly caught the unconscious Raiden Mei and laid her gently on the ground.

"It's finally over."

Li Huan sighed deeply, put away his wooden sword, and sat down on the ground. After all that effort, he was exhausted.

"If I had known I would end up using the skill to force her to catch the blade bare-handed, I would have used it at the start and let Kiana do whatever she wanted to the Herrscher."

[The saying 'trying to steal a chicken only to lose the rice' fits your situation perfectly. You tried to save your skill, but ended up using it and even lost your clothes in the process.]

The system, which hadn't said a word during the battle, suddenly spoke up to mock Li Huan, giving him a headache.

"Can you not say anything? We just finished a boss fight and instead of comforting me, you're mocking me. My head hurts."

[Well, there's only that one problem with you. But all things considered, everything turned out fine.]

"Speaking of which, can you get me some clothes first?"

Li Huan sneezed, mucus running down, and said in a muffled voice, "Damn, is the wind always this strong on the rooftop?"

[It's summer now, so the nights are cooler, especially at higher altitudes. Plus, this is the Herrscher of Thunder's domain, where Honkai energy significantly affects the weather. If it weren't for the hidden enhancement from Chinese martial arts strengthening your body's resistance, you might have already caught a cold.]

"Yeah, thank goodness for the martial arts training, otherwise this would be tough."

While Li Huan was contemplating, a shadow appeared in front of him. He looked up to see Tom.

"What is it, Tom?" Li Huan sat up. "Are you hungry? Sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit for that promised feast."

Tom shook his head, indicating that wasn't the issue.

"What is it then? Did you discover something?"

Tom shook his head again, then pointed to Li Huan's upper body. Li Huan looked at himself and suddenly realized, "Oh, you're worried I might catch a cold because I don't have any clothes, right?"

Tom immediately nodded, confirming it.

"Sorry for worrying you." Li Huan patted Tom's head. "But I have no idea where to find clothes right now."

Hearing this, Tom suddenly gave a thumbs up with a confident expression on his face.

Li Huan immediately understood what Tom meant. "You're saying you'll take care of it? Alright, I'll leave it to you then."

Since Tom insisted, Li Huan decided to trust him. Tom saluted like a soldier, then left Li Huan's side.

Li Huan watched as Tom walked to a spot near the rooftop door, sat down, put on a pair of reading glasses from who-knows-where, and took out a basket of yarn before starting to knit.


Li Huan shifted his gaze from Tom and finally decided to focus on the main task at hand. He opened the mission tab and looked at the side quest.

The side quest showed that the task of subduing the Herrscher of Thunder was complete, and the reward could be claimed at any time. Seeing this, Li Huan's face lit up with joy.

This was the very thing he had to risk everything to obtain: two pieces of excellent-level equipment or skills.

After some thought, Li Huan decided that his current priority was to choose a passive skill that could enhance his combat ability or some equipment.

The battle with the Herrscher of Thunder made him realize his current predicament: his defense and speed were acceptable, but his attack power was severely lacking.

In the recent fight, Li Huan managed to withstand the Herrscher's attacks and became the MVP as the team's tank, but his damage output was zero. He now needed a means to effectively deal damage to zombies and even Herrschers, which would increase his chances of survival in the future.

Therefore, obtaining a skill that could improve his combat abilities or a suitable piece of equipment was his current goal.

Though the random nature of the selection made him feel a bit uneasy, he quickly brushed off that feeling.

He believed in his right hand—everything would be fine!


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