

Hiro woke up and the only thing he could think of was his training.

The first thing he did was read the guide that the system did for him to train this new energy which was a mix of chakra and reiatsu.

He opened the item and the information popped into his mind.

The way to make the amount of energy increase was through meditation, but this meditation not only affected the body by withdrawing energy from the cells, it also took away mental energy.

In his first training session after two hours he fell to the ground exhausted, both physically and mentally.

To eat he used Hyōrōgan, the pills the ninjas used to restore chakra and keep fighting.

For a week Hiro's life was just that, he would meditate until exhaustion ate a pill and went on.

He continued this way until he was able to do the kage bunshin, ready to begin the actual training.

"System, now that I use a different version of energy, does my chakra still have affinities?"

[Sure host, to train both ninjutsu and Zankensoki you need both of them.]

Hiro opened the store and bought a chakra sensitive paper.

He put some of his chakra on the paper.

The paper split in half, one half caught fire and another shrank.

"Fire, wind and lightning, three types that are perfect for combat."

He went straight to the store and bought the pack of jutsu rank E and D.

Hiro was able to do five kage bunshin, he and one of the clones were training hand seals, and the other four trained chakra control, either climbing trees, walls and hills and then walking on water, he trained in a lake near the hut ,in the night before go to bed he meditated to increase his energy.

He was practicing ninjutsu for a month, during that time he dominated Justus until rank B.

"Now that I've trained the ninjutsu part, it's time to start physical training."

Hiro went to the store and bought everything he could to train his body.

He started by buying zanjutsu, which was the art of the way of sword developed by the shinigami, as well as bought all kenjutsus from the world of Naruto, having more of a martial art about swords would do no harm.

After he bought all the taijutsus available in the store, for his movement technique he bought the shinigamis hoho, his advanced form known as shunpo would be of great help.

Hiro intended to learn Hiraishin no Jutsu, the minato trademark, but for this he had to have notion of spatial movement, which he could not identify yet.

Currently Hiro could do twenty kage bunshin, he left the clones training while he went to a part of the forest without much vegetation.

He would train to control his Zanpakuto, as much as he could not use shikai and Bankai yet, his flames were still powerful and difficult to control.

eight months have gone by in the blink of an eye, Hiro was already proficient in all the arts he trained, but something threw him into despair.

He currently had 0 points, the animals that he hunted in the forest did not give much points when they died.

"How does the Hunter room work?"

[As there is no colossal amount of monsters in this world, the system create the hunter room.]

[in the hunter room you have eight different dimensions, ranked from highest to lowest SSS to E.]

Hiro looked up at the sky and saw the moon illuminating his clones training.

He entered the hut laid on the couch and undid the clones, the fatigue and memory arrived at him, exhausted from all the experience of the clones he fell asleep, tomorrow he would begin to hunt.

Two years and nine months later, inside the Hunter room rank A.

Hiro took a punch from a white gorilla and was thrown a few feet away.

"Shit, even with my sharingan it's hard to keep up with his moves," Hiro said with his three tomoes sharingan locked in the gorill movements.

He used shunpo and appeared behind the gorilla and attacked.

"Chidori." His hand went toward the heart of the beast, but he forgot that the white gorilla's heart was on the right side.

pain and anger, that's all the gorilla felt, with his anger inhibiting the pain for a moment, he hit Hiro with a punch, he goes through the room like a bullet coming out of the gun.

"Fuck, my arm is fucked, I hope I can still use it." blood dripped from his mouth.

The gorilla quickly appeared in front of him with both fists raised.

"Yoton." lava comes out of Hiro's mouth, hitting the gorilla's face, which has melted to the death.

Hiro sat on the floor and finally being able to rest, he put his hand on his broken arm and began to use medical ninjutsu.

"You can get me out of here system."

Hiro appeared in the hut, tired he sat on the couch.

"My status system."

[HIRO (lv03 system) 10 (389/400)

Zanpakuto: Ryūjin Jakka: Skills:

Asauchi: allows you to control flames,

Shikai: Reduce all creation to ash, Ryujin Jakka (sealed, only available when host, reach level 05)

Bankai: Not available, host level too low.

Zangetsu: Bankai: Tense Zangetsu:

Ability: getsuga tensho.

Blodline: Uchiha, Skills:

Sharingan: 03 tomoe.

Yoton (lava release.)

Shop / missions / hunter / inventory.

System Points: 13,000]

"This mission of passing rank A without using the abilities of my Zanpakuto almost killed me." As he looked at the arm that gradually recovered.

"At least now I can buy you," Hiro said looking at the shopping window, where he saw.

Mangekyō Sharingan: 10,000 points.

[Host I recommend that you rest and heal before acquiring the Mangekyō Sharingan.]

"But that's exactly what I meant to do."

Hiro finished curing his arm, and lay down to sleep, dreaming of his mangekyo.