
Chapter 1: A meeting with God

Jim is your average High school student with a passion for technology, average height, weight, looks grades etc. But he has Terrible luck always loses at Rock/Paper/Scissors, always draws the short straw. One day though luck strikes him like a lightning bold, Literally.

One day as Jim is Walking home from school storm clouds start to gather and it starts raining.

Jim: (Oh great, I still have 10 minutes of walking to do.)

As he thinks that the weather suddenly worsens and Jim starts running.

When suddenly he trips over a rock and falls on his back.

Minutes start to pass and he isn't moving or rather he isn't able to move.

Jim:(Ahhhhh, why wont my body move, I've been lying here for god knows how long.)

Jim continues to lie there helpless until he falls unconscious.

He wakes up in a hospital bed 1 month after his accident, realizes that hes paralyzed.

In the following months he drifts in and out of consciousness when one time he wakes up,

He is standing on top of a lake that seems to go on forever.

In the distance he spots a pitch black figure and decides to go talk to it.

When he finally reaches it:

Figure: "Hello Jim and Welcome to the lake of afterlife, where you will spend of your time until you become one with it."

Jim:"What!?" "Who are you and what is this nonsense you're spouting about afterlife"

Figure: "oh, sorry for not making it clearer, you see I'm what you people call a God and You Jim are dead"

Jim:"What?" "I call bull" "Why would a god appear in front of a human when he can put his grimm reapers or whatever to do the job for him"

God:(I've already checked his soul, he isn't evil so why not.)

God:"Well, you see a friend of mine wants to retire and we are looking for someone to be his replacement " "soo, what do you say, are you interested?"

Jim:"Hell yeah I'm interested"

God:"Very well then, see you later."

As God finishes his sentence Jims eyes are starting to intensively glow white with beams of light shooting out of them. And just like that, Jims vision becomes blurry and every thing becomes bright.

What is happening to Jim? Could this be the strike of luck he's been waiting for his entire Life?

Find out in Chapter 2.

spoiler:He's being reborn as a baby in a pretty standard fantasy world.