

"So this is your student eh?" Raiga Fujimura muttered giving the white haired child a look over.

'He looks as scary as I imagined.'

Smiling at the old man's comment, Jun bowed respectfully and greeted him.

"Kusanagi Jun at your service."

"Hmhp! At least you know how to respect your elders." He said with a neutral expression.

"Who's this cutie." He suddenly said giving off grandfatherly aura while he played with Daruku's cheeks.

Seeing his actions caused Jun's eye to twitch.

'What's with the difference in treatment!'

Ignoring the blatant difference in treatment, he briefly explained Daruku's position within their group. "This is my friend and maid Daruku."

"Maid?" Daruku exclaimed surprised by her title.

'Oh yeah, I forgot to tell her.'

Fujimura also looked surprised by the statement and stared at Kariya.

"Don't ask me, it's their business." He shrugged.

Taking a seat around the table, Fugimura's men served various Japanese dishes to Jun and his companions. They all had various scars on their faces, and from their actions, one could tell that they were not used to serving others.

'Well that's the Yakuza for you.' Jun thought eating a rice ball.

"So tell me Kariya, why are you here?" Fujimura asked with his arms folded.

"Can't I just visit an old friend?" Kariya chuckled taking a sip of sake.

"*Sigh* Is that all you're here for?"

"Of course! We haven't met in years and now I see you're the boss of a yakuza group. Quite impressive." He complimented.

"Impressive my ass!! If this was 10 years ago you'd be swinging at my head trying to get me to surrender myself to the cops!" Fujimura erupted.

"All in the past, you have to learn to live and let go." Kariya said waving away Fujimura's anger.

"You! *Sigh* fine, I'm old enough to let it go." He calmed down.

"See, don't you feel much better?" Kariya needlessly said.

"Yeah, yeah. So what are you really doing here?" Fujimura muttered annoyed.

Smiling at his words, Kariya took another swig of sake and looked at the painting on the wall.



"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been to Fuyuki and I thought that spending a couple days here wouldn't be bad before moving onto our next stop." He explained.

"Next stop?" Fujimura asked.

Listening to the conversation, Jun's ears perked up when he heard them mention their next stop.


"Tokyo? Is it because of Busu-

"GRANPA!!" A girl suddenly burst into the room throwing the Yakuza guards to the ground.

Seeing the girl, Fujimura facepalmed and a throbbing vein that previously wasn't there appeared on his forehead.

"Taiga…" He sighed and said her name lightly.


Taking a better look at the loudmouthed girl, Jun noticed she was wearing a Homurahara Academy uniform. She had shoulder length light brown hair and eyes with an aura of cute ferocity about her.

'So this is young Taiga.'

"Grandpa how could you!" She shouted pointing at Jun and his comrades. "You serve outsiders the expensive sushi but whenever I ask you, you give me discount convenience store sushi!!"

Massaging his temple he met Taiga's fierce gaze.

"They're guests!! Of course I'm not gonna give them the crappy sushi I give you, its called being a good host!!"

"Screw that!! I'm your granddaughter! How can you treat your guests better than your own flesh and blood!!" She shouted back.

"Be grateful for the roof over your head and stop complaining about food!!" Fujimura retorted.

"As a grandfather you're meant to spoil me but here you are lazing around on your ass!!" She retaliated.

"As a granddaughter you're not supposed to be making your grandfather's life so hard!! And if you want to talk about lazing around, why don't you stop your bitching and get yourself a job then pay for your own sushi!!" He argued back.

"YOU!! ARGHHH!!" She stomped away.

Watching the raging Taiga storm away, Fujimura released a breath and went to cheek on his unconscious men.

"Sorry about the trouble but would you excuse me for a moment." He smiled.


"Well that was weird." Jun said not holding back his voice.

Daruku nodded while the other two kept the silence.

"Well then, we're gonna go." Grabbing Daruku's hand, Jun walked towards the door while Sergei tried to follow. "No need." Pulling out some glasses from he got from his trip in Karakura town, he put them on and pulled his hood up. "See, now no one will recognise me."

"But young master-

"My phone also has a GPS in it, so you'll always know where I am." Jun said before Sergei got the chance to speak up.

Seeing that he wasn't willing to back down, Sergei gave in but imposed some rules of his own. "*Sigh* Fine, but I'll be calling you every ten minutes and if you don't pick up I'll head straight towards your location."

"That's fine." Jun said walking away with Daruku.

"Isn't it your job to ensure his safety?" Kariya asked watching the two children disappear.

"*Sigh* The young master is growing too fast."


"So where do you want to go first?" Jun asked.

"Hmm~… I'm fine with anywhere." Daruku answered sweetly with a smile that could literally melt hearts.


"I-Is that so." Jun's smiled seemed a little strained.

While walking around, Jun thought about his current abilities and how he'd fare against a magus. If he were to assume that a magus was just a human with specialized abilities, he'd say that on the physical aspect alone he could kill them as easily as stomping on ants. But when taking into consideration the many types of magecrafts out there, things become a lot more tricky. Of course if he were to face Kiritsugu with his innate time control or Kirei and his black keys, he held full confidence in his ability to kill them before they could even blink.

The problem came with fighting against people who he held little to no knowledge of. He'd be completely in the dark which could prove to be both dangerous and fatal.

But that was a matter for later, right now he was here to spend some time with his beautiful maid.

"So Daruku, what do you think about being my maid?" Jun asked curious about her response.

Placing her hand on her chin, Daruku thought about Jun's question before answering with her own.

"If I become Jun's maid does that mean we'll always be together?" She asked glancing at him.

"Of course. If you become my maid you'll be with me until you die." Jun smiled.

Nodding her head, Daruku showed off another beautiful smile. "Then from now on I'm Jun's maid." She stuck her non-existent breasts out.

The duo walked around visiting the local arcade and park. Jun ended up winning a plush cat from the crane game, he gave it to Daruku as a present for her becoming his maid. She immediately jumped on him and gave him lots of hugs and for some reason kisses on the cheeks which almost fried his brain from a cuteness overload. The nearby adults who saw it, giggled and complemented him on having such a cute and devoted girlfriend.

And if Jun was to be honest, he quite enjoyed this feeling. The feeling of letting loose and just spending his days doing childlike things. Even his trip with his master that was meant to just be a vacation from spending his time at home just became another training session where he learnt the Instant Movement Technique.

He rarely gave himself any free time to do anything other than train and sleep. From the moment his powers had awakened he'd spent almost every waking moment trying to strengthen himself in order to face the supernatural world head on. So for him to cut loose and spend a day with his cute maid, made him feel like he was actually a normal 6 year old... Well a normal rich 6 year old with maid.

The time they spent in the park was mostly compromised of Jun pushing the swing while Daruku yelled "Higher." Although slightly annoying, he couldn't find himself hating it.

Getting a text from Sergei, Jun discovered that they'd found a nearby hotel and sent him the directions.

"Thanks for playing with me Jun. I had a lot of fun!" Daruku smiled hugging her plushie.

"No need to say that, I had fun too." Jun smiled back.

The two departed the park with smiles on their faces and smiles in their hearts.

They're kids...

Fujimura Taiga (Fate series)

Fugimura Raiga (Fate series)

Aradacreators' thoughts