
32. Hogwarts Express(2)!

"Ah, the crowd is moving." Ryan immediately shared his vision with the shadow of a raven he had extracted.

"Hmm, weird, only the father came? Also, weren't there rules against enchanting muggle items or something like that, then how do they use cameras?" He muttered aloud, a bit confused. He did make a note that the cameras were old school.

The bright flashes ended showing me a man wearing round glasses, brown hair, dressed in gaudy clothes, and a child with similar features, with a slight reddish tint to his hair, but the amount of... pompousness he carried was... staggering. Ryan didn't even know what to say. He was sure that even Draco 'my father will hear about this' Malfoy would look less snobbish.

'Ugh, the amount of snobbishness I'm sensing from him is killing my brain cells.' He thought and winced. 'Yeah, I don't see any way I would be able to mend relations or something with pompous bitches like this. Even with my main character syndrome, I'm sure my mental state is much better than his. And I know my condition is still pretty bad.' Ryan thought to himself.

He also didn't like how Marcus's face looked similar to his before Ryan gained his powers. Currently, his real looks are of a 15-year-old, with black hair had shining green eyes, but he was making himself look 12 through shapeshifting. Not much of a difference if you look closely, but there were some. He was glad he put his relation to Potter's in a fidelus as that would make most ignore their somewhat identical looks.

'Though it's surprising wizards look different even after centuries of in-breeding.' He thought to himself.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing two girls peeking inside.

"Um, Can we sit here?" The one in the front asked. Ryan nodded to them and they gained a light smile as they placed their trunks and owl stands. Ryan glanced at the Owls and wondered if he would get instinctual knowledge of a person's location if he put one in Gluttony. The said owls felt a chill crawl up their spine and started fluttering in their cages, much to the two girls' confusion.

The two as down and spoke, "Nice to meet you, I am Susan Bones, and this is my friend Hannah Abbott."

"Nice to meet you." Hannah followed.

"My name is Ryan. A pleasure to meet you." Ryan followed as well. He didn't give his last name for now.

Susan noticed this and spoke, "You don't have a last name?" She asked.

"I do... but it's troublesome," Ryan spoke with a shrug. "So, excited to finally attend Hogwarts?" He continued, hoping to divert the topic.

Thankfully slight mental nudges were completely unnoticeable, and kids have a short attention span at that. "Yes. I have heard so many stories about Hogwarts from everyone. I can't wait." Susan spoke excitedly.

Ryan had not put any warding charms because there were sensors on the doors, not that he needed to rely on just magic to make them ignore this cabin. While he was sure there were multiple students placing charms without any respect for the shitty rules, he didn't want to give away anything to alert Dumbles. He knew Dumbles would mind-rape all kids to learn more about Ryan, and it wouldn't take long for him to understand Ryan could use wards to dismiss people, which is a high-level skill in the wizarding world.

He also had Aria form minor personalities with their cores just to provide a fake room for Dumbles to explore Legilimacy into. Even a fake magic core that hides his true strength from any magic probing, as Ryan's entire body is drenched in mana down to the cells. Having so many kids to scan helped to make sure the parameters and personalities are within a normal range.

He didn't keep himself immune to legilimancy or magic probing as that too would make the bearded fool trouble him. He couldn't be a mob as he was Black... wait, that came out wrong.

Anyway, he didn't want Dumbles to interfere in the life of Ryan Black. This was to make sure Dora, Andy, and Ted are not targeted. He rather wanted to confront him as Grim in both, mind games and magical combat.

A Dark Lord acting as Leader of Light VS A Pendragon acting as a Dark Lord. If that didn't scream anime, he didn't know what did.

Ignoring his desire for living out his fantasies, Ryan considered himself lucky to get an early introduction to little Bones. While he would be treated as 'dark' because of what the public believed of Sirius's actions, if Dumbles did not interfere then Ryan could have good friends with Bones and a positive impression with Amelia Bones.

Not boring the readers with kid talk, Ryan liked the two girls... Not in that sense, he was not a pedo. Thanks to being raised in wizarding families and the accelerated maturity of magical children compared to muggle children made the two fun to converse with.

The talks went from Susan telling all stories her aunt told her about Hogwarts to the four houses, to their first time using wands, and then spells. Ryan joined the talks and noticed that the train finally started moving.

Susan and Hannah told Ryan about their greenhouse that they maintained together at Hannah's house and different plants, then spells they had learned from adults.

And just as their friendship blossomed and Ryan started having fun, his life decided that he can't have a good time, and crashed the moment in the form of a bushy-haired girl barging through the door. And if wasn't for Aria, he was sure there would have been a dead toad joining them.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost it." The bushy head spoke, while a boy peeked from behind her. Something about Hermione just... ticked Ryan off. Probably her voice trying to show off superiority, and even with a mature brain, he felt insulted. Even after the incident with Fafnir, Ryan was still having problems suppressing his superiority complex, and his inability to control himself was making him annoyed.

"Neville did?" Hannah asked. Ryan guessed most kids of pureblood families knew each other.

Hermione then glanced at their drawn wands and ignored Hannah's question. "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." She crossed her arms and waited for us.

"You should talk with the prefects about the toad. They would know how to find the toad" Ryan spoke looking at Neville, ignoring Hermione, who scowled at being ignored. Susan covered her mouth to suppress a chuckle seeing him ignore Hermione, while Hannah was a bit confused at what made everything awkward. Ryan noted that Susan was good at reading the room, even for her age.

"We don't really know many spells as we were not allowed to perform them. As for the Prefect coach, I think it's 4 coaches away towards the front." Susan spoke, which calmed Hermione down, and they left while Neville muttered a thank you and followed behind the bushy head.

Susan then turned towards Ryan and spoke, "Did you have to antagonize her?"

Ryan shrugged and said, "She started it. Who comes in without knocking and demands others."

Susan giggled and spoke, "You're quite petty."

"I believe in equivalent exchange," Ryan countered with a mock huff. They continued their talks when Hannah saw the trolley lady passing by and decided to buy chocolates, only to find the trolley empty. That reminded Ryan of the scene when Harry had bought the entire cart off for him and Ron and wondered if Marcus did the same.

Fortunately for Hannah, Susan had bought sweets beforehand, which she shared. The sweets had a lot of variety and unique quirks, like changing the color of the tongue, to make one speak like a squirrel and stuff.

Ryan opened a chocolate frog card and found... Marcus Potter. 'Why can't the universe let me enjoy my time? Why must I be reminded of his existence?' Though he noticed that Susan was not that much of a fangirl of the boy who lived. He sensed a story there.

Ryan then took out cards that he had Aria just make and explained the rules of blackjack, and they started playing. Hannah in turn showed him wizarding chess, and the only difference between it and the muggle one was that we had to instruct the pieces verbally and watch some banters. The best way to describe it is that they have different animations for interactions between different pieces like the queen piece whacks everyone with her chair.

And as such time soon passed and a bell rang in the compartment, signaling all to change into their robes. Ryan let the girls change first and then did so himself. He was glad he had them made of the best materials and enchantments but wondered if he should just do the enchantments himself since he could do much better.

Calling them back in, they packed their books back and left them behind. Ryan had left a stamp produced by Salazzar's locket, which would transport the trunk to his special room in the dorms. Noticing fog starting to cloud the windows, Ryan felt the increasing energy density. He has arrived at Hogsmeade.

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