
System and Worlds

[Host. The system is awaiting your commands.]

"What are the things that you can do, System?" Linley gets straight to the point after calming down his excitement. After the shock at first has passed, one needs to cut down wasting time so that one could get straight to training.

[Host. The system will now summarize the systems' features.]


[There are 5 main tabs, Missions, Shop, Status, Summon, and Worlds. Would you like for me to summarize in order, random, or at your selection.]

"In order please." Linley prefers things orthodox after all.

[The Mission Tab is useless to speak of as of now.]


[The Shop Tab featured four sub-categories which are equipment, items, skills, and bloodlines. The Host may exchange for various things at select prices based on a currency known as Exchange Points or EP for short.]

"Go on." Linley wanted to know more.

[The Status Tab featured your basic statistic and known information.]

[The Summon Tab featured as you can imagine.]

[The most important tab would be the Worlds Tab. It is your limitation and your strength.]

"Huh? Normally in these novels, it's either the exchange shop or status menu that is the most important is it not?" Linley got confused for a moment.

[According to the host's memories, that is true. But in this case, Worlds Tab is important. Because it is what allows the host to access the missions, the shop, the summons, thus it is the crucial piece of this system.]

"Can you elaborate a bit more, System?" Linley curiously asked.

[Worlds tabs allow connections of Worlds. Where you can acquire equipment, items, skills, and bloodlines, and summons from. Do you understand now Host?]

"System how many worlds are connected right now?" Linley wondered about this.

[None so far. Host. This system is at its initial phase. The system will develop along with its host. So the host has no need to worry about upgrading the system manually.]

"Yes, that sounds good, but wait by that logic. Does that mean you the System is not omnipotent or omniscient in any way?" Linley recalls that System is usually super powerful, so powerful it's beyond the setting usually.

[Indeed, I am not either one of those. My identity as the system itself is essentially a disposable duplicate piece of advanced technology in simple terms. Such as a phone or computer.]

"Duplicate?! Does that mean I'm not the only one with a system in this world?" Linley was more shocked than before when he realized he had a system.

[Unable to answer that host, the System does know there are others like you with the same system, but cannot answer if those hosts are in the same world.]

"..." Linley thought with hype from before, that he was practically going to be an invincible unstoppable force with the system backing him up.

But if there were others just like him. Then doesn't that make him mediocre in general?

Linley won't mind if there are others like him. It doesn't mean it's not the same for them. Imagine if they want to be only one with the system here. Then people like Linley would no doubt be considered a hindrance to that ideal.

"System, I'm wondering now exactly, if I have no worlds connected right now, then how can I use the shop then. Isn't the system useless then?" Linley asked a simple question after his mind calm down a bit.

[Host, do not worry, every System is able to give the Host a single free random draw ticket to the Host to allow the Host to draw a random world to be connected.]

"Does that mean it's possible for some random lucky fellow to draw a connection to Dragon Ball World or an overpowered Xianxia World?" Linley asked.

[Indeed Host, but connecting to another random world is a lot more complex in nature.]

"Please elaborate, System, do not keep your Host on his toes here," Linley said straightforwardly.

[To explain in greater details, the System will utilize Host's database of memories to speak in terms familiar to the host. Permission allowed?]

"You have my permission." Linley nods his head.

[Although there many and various worlds. There are those different from others then you can expect. Let's refer to the original concept of the world as the source material. It can be considered as one might consider canon to its own original product. The problems that these original concepts have is lack of information. As you might have guessed Host. Original creators of these creative works could not possibly sustain enough information to allow the creation of all lifeforms, naming of resources and such in a world. That's why additional information such as filler or oddly foreign concepts may be added in. Sometimes original worlds may be fused with one another to form a more cohesive whole.]

"So essentially, rather than original material like the author intended. They're more like fan fiction instead made because of how the universe works?" Linley asked while confused.

[Indeed host, because of this additional information infused within the original world. Even if there was a general trending in a possible reference which is known as the original plot in focus. It is not an absolute force. It can be changed with or without external influences. That's why some worlds can live in different eras.]

"Eras, you say. Can you explain in greater detail System." Linley thinks he knows what an era is. But the System might have an entirely different definition for it.

[Have you heard of different timelines? Parallel Worlds? Difference periods of times? The era may be appropriately described as the last question here. But because of the complexity of worlds, when entering a world, one may enter a so-called era. One's personal entry creates one's personal timeline for the host.]

"Wait, it's not just time periods, but timeliness. Isn't that too complicated to explain?" Linley asked.

[Treat a world as if it's a hub world of one series. When entering said world, one's own entry form one's own path. This one's own timeline. One's personal timeline. It allows them to make their own changes and results. If the host feels as this is straining to one's mind. The System suggests to put all this additional information on hold here.]

"So System, should I use the random draw ticket right now?" Linley asked for the System opinion.

[Based on the System's understanding, you can use the random draw ticket anytime you desire. But, it is luck dependent. If one so chooses, you can trade a ticket for EP. But the System does not recommend the Host to do so. After all, it is a chance for the Host to get more powerful and secure his own personal safety. If the Host does not use it, then the System cannot access most of its functions. Thus it is fundamentally recommended to use it at your leisure or at your supposed luckiest moment that you can feel.]

"..." If Linley understood the System correctly. The System basically said "Do whatever you want with it. Don't ask me."
