
In A Game As A Blood Mage

you know the shit this is someone else's novel and I am just stealing it. Not even sure myself why I do this but oh well.

Death_God_Ryuk · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Chapter 3

The Kingdom is ruled by the... Merchant Guild. On the surface it is a guild made together by merchants to protect themselves from bandits or nobles overusing their power. But now it is the unofficial ruler of the kingdom.

In the Human Continent exist 4 kingdoms. They were started thousands of years ago. When the then Human Emperor died defeating the Beast Emperor. He had five children, four sons and one daughter. His four sons separated, and on the Empires lands were created four kingdoms. The kingdoms exist even up to today. Let's start with where Alex currently lives, The Reach Kingdom. The descendant of the first emperor still sits on the throne but the ruling of the empire it is done by the Merchants Guild… even though they are greedy pieces of sh*t, the good that they have done for the country is undeniable.

The king before the current one was a lazy idiot who had a harem, and wanted to attack the Elf's Forest. Which is south of The Reach kingdom. The kingdom was poor back then and everyone knew that fighting the Elf Forest Kingdom, the ones who were going to get slaughtered weren't going to be the Elfs,it was going to be them, so there almost was a civil war.

So the king and all of his descendants except one, had 'accidents' happen to them, so they died… all of his 83 children and the King himself. Everyone suspected the current king killed his family after all he was the 33rd in the succession line. But now the kingdom is prosperous and the richest of all the kingdoms so no one complains... or 'accidents' might fall on them too.

Though Alex knows the one who killed the Royal Family was the Merchant Guild. There was a whole Detective Story Quest during the second version of the game to figure that.

This is why Alex let Pork go on the forest after all a beast that has the potential to become as strong as a 3rd rank being or as strong as a high class mage... that can change a normal battlefield in the blink of an eye. So yeah a LOT of people would do a lot of things in the dark to take that type of creature from me.


While Alex is walking he can't help but think of the most fanatical kingdom.

The Holy Kingdom or as some call it the Holy Union. It was taken over by the church of the Goddess of Light Ariel after one of the kings of the past almost had a revolt in his hand because of poverty and corruption in the country. So he did something… who seemed smart at the time… He proclaimed that he ruled by divine right. So to make a VERY long story short the church took over and the kingdom is unofficially ruled by the Pope and the 12 Cardinals. Then the royal family was exterminated like rats.

Then comes the Paraseon Kingdom, who isn't really a kingdom and more like twenty states who overthrew their own King once he tried to take over the beasts territory that he shared a border with. But the worst decision that the king during that time made is that in a gathering of one noble's party he announced that he would take control of the Magic Academy and Magic City since they technically were in his lands... it took only three days to overthrow him and kill all of his descendants up to the last child... people in this world aren't dumb enough to leave loose ends that might come back for revenge. Since then the leaders of the twenty states chose a king amongst themselves once every 10 years. So they have the closest thing to a democratic election that exists in this world.

Then the Wayne kingdom… the only kingdom currently who is really ruled by the Royal Family... they have a whole history when they came close to collapse but it's pretty boring… since this should be around the time where they were weak and close to the collapse… they are the weakest

kingdom of all of the others in the continent.

Alex can't help but think of the exciting political games… some players didn't even care for the other aspects of the game and just played political games against the NPC.

'There are a lot more political things going on in the darkness of each country. Most of their top people also are very cunning. When I was a Guild Leader I was once trying to get mining rights to a mountain in the Wayne territory. They didn't even use the mountain for anything I still had to pay three times the average money that is needed to buy mining rights and most of that went towards bribing people.'

Alex was just going to use the mine as a base of operation to massacre the monks in the Monks Cathedral nearby. They were going to break their barrier and the dark assassins were going to steal their secret techniques but then… someone in the team had warned the monks. This is what sucked about having so many choices in a game like this. Betrayal of the team is a very possible and common action.

They were the ones massacred by the monks instead and he was only able to survive because of his VERY expensive respawn item. He was at Legend Level at the time and he even had 13 others who were low leveled Legend Players with 200.000 other cannon fodder players and 10.000 of them were 3rd rank with 1000 of them as 4th Rank High Wizards.

'We were going to completely wreck those bald fu*ks but... we were all killed. By some super secret old monk in the monastery.' Thought Alex a little annoyed at how that situation had turned out. But in this world, he doesn't have any negative relationship with the Monks, so he plans to make use of that.

That attack on the Monk's took a lot of time and effort to put together all of those people and some of them were very bold and did dumb stuff. The only restrictions the players had on this Game was not being able to take their underwear off… so there were some players who… were VERY weird. Like travelling just in their underwear and getting caught by the guards and such debauchery...

Though that defeat against the monks was Alex's most embarrassing moment, he won't hold useless grudges.

'Anyway I hope that Pork is okay out there.' Contemplated Alex, as he took this chance with Pork, if the best survives, it will be a big boon to Alex in the future. If it doesn't, well that is just unfortunate.



(1 month later)

We see Alex running around the village while also twirling sticks in both of his hands. With his baby fingers it has been hard but he got the hang of it after some time. Even his agility was raised by 1 point by doing this.

"Pet Status."

Pork (Fire Boar) LVL 6

[Baby Fire Boar Lvl 5/5]

[Fire Boar Lvl 1/10]

HP 75/75

MP 0/3

Strength – 4

Dexterity – 2

Constitution – 5

'So Pork was finally able to level up to the adult level. I should go and meet him again, maybe bring some Yellow Grass that the village is known for...'




And just like that four years pass by like a butterfly in the wind... Alex is now six he has gotten taller and his body has started to grow as expected, he was only slightly taller than kids his age. His dark hair has gotten a little long and it is a little spiky and his blue eyes have a certain coldness to them that is usually well hidden. He is wearing loose black pants and a loose green shirt with a short sword on his back.

He is sitting on top of a fat boar as big as an Elephant. The boar has red fur that seems like it is on fire. With every one of it's steps shaking the earth.

"Pet Status."

Pork (Fire Boar) LVL 15 (Max)

[Baby Fire Boar Lvl 5/5]

[Fire Boar Lvl 10/10]

HP 200/200

MP 15/15

Strength – 6

Dexterity – 5

Constitution – 10

'Pork has reached his max level... some beasts truly grow fast.' -Thinks Alex with a sting of envy...

Then suddenly Pork looks at some bushes. And Pork immediately charges towards the bush...


Five small green humanoid creatures were bashed away.

Alex looks at his exp bar and sees that he got 6 exp. That means that a goblin is worth 5 exp, and when Pork kills it and he is in the vicinity of around 50 meters so he gets 2 exp, less than half of the exp... but still better than nothing.

Then Alex jumps down from the Pork's Back. He takes out his short sword and gets close to the goblins. He looks at their faces and they both have blood coming out of their mouths.

He stabs the first Goblin in his eye. While he goes to kill the other goblin. The goblin has a scared look on his face as he desperately screams something at him. Probably begging for his life or something like that. He doesn't know the Goblin Language, so he can't understand it.

Alex just stabs him in the throat. When he does thatha frown appears on his face.

"Tch... I thought it would be a hobgoblin this time. At least they have a magic core in them.... you can eat them Pork, they are now useless to me." Says Alex with a little annoyance.

Then as Pork goes to eat the goblins bodies. Alex pulls out a brown cloth from his pocket to clean his sword.

He mustn't let blood on it or it will start to dull the blade. He can't wait to get an enchanted sword so he doesn't have to do this stuff anymore.

"Status." Mutters Alex quietly.



Name: Alex


Race: Human



 Main Class: None


Life Class: None


Experience: 835

HP 15/15

MP 0/0

SP 15/15



Strength – 3

Dexterity – 3

Constitution – 3

Intelligence – 6

Wisdom – 5

Charisma – 5


Unused Stat Points: 0

Potential Points: 0




Beginner Sword Skills Lvl 3/5



Exceptionally Smart

[Every 5 levels you gain +1 Int]



'So I got 10 Exp from the two goblins.

835 exp, that will give me a huge advantage immediately in the beginning when I get my Main Class. I searched around the village but there seems to be no one that can teach me my Life Class. Also I could learn Abilities from just training without using any potential points. That was considered impossible back in the game.'

This was good news for Alex after all that means that some things that he has planned can go more smoothly.

The life class that he has in mind is not quite rare, but it is definitely useful and very versatile that it will cover the weaknesses of his main class...

He has Pork give him a ride outside of the forest, while Alex contemplates different plans and the different roads his journey could go.

When he arrives at the outskirts of the forest, Alex jumps off of Pork. As the beast turns around to walk back into the forest.

"Be careful of the forest druid. If you see her just start throwing fire blasts around" Alex shouts at Pork.

Pork then just nods at me. He has gotten really intelligent... well compared to the little piggy that he used to be that is. Also the druid in the forest is another rank 3 level 15 creature like Pork. She can definitely defeat Pork especially since she is in her natural environment but... if they fought there would be a forest fire and the druid class for all of its power, amazing regeneration ability and strong attack & healing magic. Their life force and mana depends completely on their forest. If it burns well... the druid is pretty much dead.

Druids are very beautiful female creatures who are born when a forest is born. It is said that they are also agents of the God of Nature. Also this might seem like good romance material, some players even tried to see if they could gain some kind of relationship with them but all they got was their life being drained and dying.

Also even though the druids are not necessarily evil they are also not nice. For example they let the goblins in their forests to r*pe human & humanoid women to birth more goblins. I mean to other creatures this might seem not worth paying attention to, after all even humans don't care if two dogs are doing something. So in a way, the druid is neutral to all races.

The Druid has senses all over the forest so she definitely heard what Alex said. Just as he intended… As long lived and wise creatures like Druids, she should know that I meant that if she does something unwise… Alex would definitely burn this forest down.

'Anyway tomorrow I will go to Gungai city. I will finally be able to get my class... and I will finally be able to put some of my plans in action.' Thinks Alex with a little excitement.