
IN [ASOIAF/GOT] - Like Arthur Pendragon and all the Skills and Power

Any guy with the power of King Arthur from the Type-Moon Universe on planetus ** Hello, lords and ladies! Well, everyone is already used to how cliché it is for protagonists to be transported to another world or how a random ROB kills someone and grants wishes, just like the Genie from Aladdin. Well, in my case, it wasn't quite as expected. And you're probably wondering about his old shitty life, full of death and random shrinking tropes like any other young passerby and his golden finger. Well... not really. It all started on his last day at the office when he was returning home. As you may have noticed by now, this 25-year-old young adult who, after graduating and working around 8 hours a day, received a salary that didn't match his position because, of course, supply and demand law which I think is pure bullshit. His life was good, he had good parents, but like any setback in life, they separated and as if that wasn't enough, it wasn't the last nail in the coffin. nurse, super busty who has the face of a 13-15 year old girl! What the hell? Where am I?!

Kaioshin · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Chapter 4 - You marry your COUSIN! It's tradition!

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Note: This is one of my first fanfictions. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

🛑Insert GIFs and Images Here - Which Targaryen was the most bloodthirsty to ever set foot in Westeros?🛑


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness." by George R. R. Martin

(POV: Arthur's and third person Author's perspective.)

Now with 8 days of my name. After spending a year in which I trained my sword skills as instructed by my master, "learning" my letters, numbers, and the houses of Westeros (A/N: the main houses and clearly, the ones closest to my house).

During this period, our house was able to improve, mainly due to how much they started producing, which began to exceed the current planned capacity. And with that, Sarya Whent was able to progress in her cultivation advances on the lands, expanding her farming areas, and finally being able to hire the necessary number of soldiers for patrol, enabling her to deal with all the bandits that stayed in her territory.

Thanks to his ideas, his mother finally gave him more freedom to explore business possibilities because, in her own words: ["My heir is so wonderful!"]. Of course, this could all be a mother's love, but who cares.

Well, he had a new plan that could further advance our family's wealth and hopefully allow us to repair one of the keep towers that this castle has. After all, they were all destroyed, and when it rained outside the castle, it drizzled inside. With extra money, renovations could take place in the castle.

A windmill and waterwheel project to grind grains and spin wool would be an interesting and versatile venture.

Firstly, it is necessary to design the structure of the windmill, considering the location and the prevailing wind direction on-site. The windmill should be built with sturdy and durable materials, such as wood or metal, and it should have a tall tower high enough to harness the power of the wind.

The waterwheel is also an important component of the project. It can be built in a nearby river or stream, harnessing the force of the water to turn the wheel and provide power to the mill. The waterwheel should be designed efficiently, with blades that capture the energy of the water and transfer it to the mill.

To grind grains, the windmill can be equipped with grinding stones, which are heavy, rotating stones that crush the grains into flour. The rotational movement of the windmill's blades or the waterwheel is transferred to the grinding stones through a system of gears.

For spinning wool, the project can include a spinning wheel attached to the windmill or waterwheel. The spinning wheel is a device that transforms wool into yarn, allowing it to be knitted. The energy provided by the windmill or waterwheel is transferred to the spinning wheel, which spins rapidly and pulls the wool, turning it into yarn.

It is necessary to ensure that all moving parts are protected and that the windmill or waterwheel are regularly inspected and lubricated to ensure their smooth operation.

With a well-planned and executed project, a windmill and waterwheel can be an excellent solution for sustainable and efficient grain grinding and wool spinning.

Obviously, this time I kept the project for it a secret, as if there were no windmills or waterwheels in Westeros or Essos. After all, this would be an advancement in the "pseudo-industrialization" of the production process.

Nodding and waving to the guards in the corridors, he moved towards his mother's room.

Knock knock! ~~*

"Come in!" said a feminine voice from inside the room.

Clang! ~~*

"Mother, if you please," said young Arthur with a smile on his lips, along with the papers under his arms.

The beautiful and young Sarya Whent couldn't help but move away from her desk and open her arms to welcome her son with a loving embrace. Arthur couldn't help but feel sorry for this woman who is his mother in this life. She was supposed to marry Walder Frey and would die shortly after their marriage, probably being sent to the birthing bed time and time again until her premature death, as she had him when she was 15. During this time, she was fortunate enough to marry her cousin, who later abandoned her, and because of that, she couldn't work as hard as she could to avoid losing her position as the lady of the castle to her married cousin who has daughters. Fortunately, my uncle (Walter Whent) and aunt (Shella Whent) only had daughters. (A/N: Yes, they were cousins. Yes, just like how the people of Westeros complained about the Targaryens, but their own families married cousins, and their descendants did too.) After a long hug between the two, Arthur stepped back and sat in the chair.

"Mother, I have these ventures that we could use to advance our house's development. I believe that with them, we will have more money to use and invest in our lands, possibly even upgrading our men-at-arms," said Arthur, sitting in the chair across from his mother.

Sarya Whent had a surprised and somewhat happy look on her face, as she was ready to read. Sarya quickly picked up all the papers (A/N: parchment, in this case?) and eagerly started reading to give her opinion on her beloved son's venture.

After finishing reading and placing the paper on her desk, she focused her lady-like gaze and stared for a while. Although Arthur was a reincarnator, his body and brain were still childlike, and his body and mind still behaved in childlike ways. Arthur couldn't help but squirm; he could even feel tears welling up. ["Damn it! How pathetic, I'm getting like this just because my mother looked at me a little harder. As if I were experiencing some emotional damage! I trained with a sword and didn't cry, I'll hold it back!"] thought Arthur, trembling slightly. After maintaining the hostile gaze, he leaned back in his chair.

"Explain to me how we would go about and where we would place the grinder and spinning wheel," said Sarya with all seriousness, as this could change the entire business structure of their house. After all, House Whent was only capable of selling primary products like their grain and wool. This would greatly change their house's capacity.

"We can use the existing windmills and waterwheel; we can adapt them to make a grinder and also adapt them to make our spinning wheel, a device that transforms wool into yarn, allowing it to be knitted. This way, we can progress and gradually invest and build as our product sales increase. After all, if we simply start building, we will waste money if our products aren't being bought," said Arthur, affirming his points that were already outlined.

"I understand..." Sarya spoke softly as she drummed her fingers on her desk.

After a moment of thought, Sarya thought it would be best to tell him what has been happening, as he is capable of understanding much more than a child should.

"As you know, my position in this house had become very unstable because I am a woman. The only luck, if I may say so, is that you were born. If you were a girl, my position would be untenable, and I would have to yield my position to my cousin, becoming Lord Whent. Given the state of affairs, an agreement was reached between me and my cousin," said Sarya, leading to a point that Arthur already had an idea of where it was going.

"Starting tomorrow, your cousin will begin sleeping in the room next to yours. You will set aside some time in your day to spend with her and get to know her. When both of you reach the age of 14, in your case, since she is one year older than you, you will be married to each other," Sarya spoke, revealing what was causing her so much trouble.

"Mother, you and father were cousins and still got married. My uncle and aunt are cousins as well. If you believe this will solve the problem and prevent any attempts to take over the lordship, I don't see any issues," Arthur said as he looked into his mother's eyes, who seemed saddened by what had to happen to her son.

"Very well, I knew you would understand. If there's nothing else, you may go. Tomorrow, you will meet your bride," Sarya said, ready to return to handling the paperwork related to the bids and finding out who can build the windmills and waterwheel.

Arthur stood up and went next to his mother, unable to resist hugging her. He stayed there for a while before leaving, giving a wave and a smile as he simply walked away.



Alternate Title:



A.N: Eager to see what Arthur will do! Check it out in the next episode of..





You marry your COUSIN! It's tradition!







Throw stones at me!!!


Author's note:



I'll post some from time to time here. Anyway, I'll make the images available for all Patreon versions.

I managed to post on time, more or less. I'll see if I can fix the ASOIAF fic and then upload it to the site.

See you later.

That's it guys, see you later!!!

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:

Nicholas Berenguer

Ben Phillips


Taco Tsk



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