
Chapter four


It's been almost a week you don't even bother to call to check on your dad and i Lila, said to Michael over the phone

"mom I have been busy replied, I'm sorry I haven't called he apologized, managing a company is not an easy Job, plus I have personal issues, Michael said.

 "I feel you don't want to Call because you don't want to give me a grand child, Lila whined

Mom please do not bring up this right now, how are you doing he asked in a concerned tone

I am not fine, Michael I am not fine, your Dad is equally not fine too.

What is wrong mom?

Michael asking, feeling guilty, he had always wanted to Call his parents,to check on them but, the fear that they would come up with the whole marriage talk,stops  him from calling them.

"We haven't heard from you or your Sister for almost a week now and you expect us to be fine?" Lila asked

I'm so sorry Mom Michael apologized,

How is Dad?

Your dad is fine, but we both can't wait to start carrying our grand children 

Mom, please can we not talk about grandchildren, for now, please. Michael said sighing

Why won't I talk about grandchildren or are you impotent? Is that why you don't want to get married and give us grandchildren? Lila whined,

Of course not Mom, I'm not impotent, smirked.

"Then why won't you give us grandchildren? 

Mom please can I call you back?

I really have something important I need to attend to right now,

Michael said trying to run away from the conversation.

What more important than,talking about you giving me grandchildren?

Or is it the girls? Are you finding a hard time getting a girl, Lila asked completely ignoring his request to 

end the call

It has nothing to do women,mom, I just haven't found the right one,you and dad need to give me more time, 

Three months it's a enough time for you to get a woman to love you,and convince her to Marry you,L ila said.

and if you are finding it hard to get a woman, always remember,Cherry available,

Thatgirl loves you and is waiting patiently for you,p lease, consider her and start giving me grandchildren , Lila said hoping she would succeed in Convincing him

It's alright Mom, I will think about everything you've said,but I need to go now I've got something really important to attend to, Michael said 

It's alright, I'm glad you are doing great, and please call Rachael and ask her to call me,She haven't been picking my calls and I'm worried, 

It's alright Mom, I will call Rachael and ask her to call you and that,

Buti have to go now, Michael said, please say hi to Dad for me,michael said,a and say hi to Dad for me Machel said and ended the call,

Before his mom could say something else.

I have to Call Rachael he thought,he hasn't spoken to her since after the meeting, he was just shocked at her revelation and faced with the 3 months, and the fact that he has a whole company to run  had made him  completely forgotten about Rachael.

He brought out is phone and dialled Rachaels but it was not connecting, He was about to Dial it for the second time when he had a nook at his door.

He opened the door and found his gate man, standing outside the door,

There is a lady here to see you sir, the gate said to Michael after he opened the door

A lady what did she say her name is? mi asked

Cherry sir, she said her name is Cherry the gate man answered

Cherry? What's she doing here? What does Cherry want from Him? He can't remember inviting her to his house,or was it his mother that asked her to come? Cherry can't be here Michael thought.

Come here! He said drawing the gate man close,

Tell her I'm not around, tell her I traveled , just tell her anything but no matter what do not let her into my house,Michael said angrily.

Now hurry up and go Lock the gate !

Michael order,

but before the gate man could lock the gate Cherry was already inside the compound,walking down to the main house,where Michael stays.

Hi baby!

Cherry said,when she saw, Michael spreading her both hands open to hug Michael,She ran to Michael with her hands still opened and hugged him before he even realize what she was up to.

"Did you miss me? She asked pecking his right cheek

Stop it! Cherry Michael said,pulling her away from her embrace.

What? Don't you Miss me? She kissing him,

Cherry stop this Michael said still,trying to pull off from her embrace.

Babe don't you want me anymore? Why are you acting cold towards me, Cherry Said, still hugging him, when she suddenly discovery the gate man was still There,

"What the fuck her you still doing here"? She asked the gate man angrily

I'm sorry ma'am the gate man, said and headed back to his office(gate),

She resumed touching,kissing and hugging Michael after the gate man left.

Stop it Cherry Michael said,my gate man will see you,you know? Michael asked.

Let's go inside then,Chery said, dragging Machel along with her.

Cherry what are you doing here! Michael asked once they were inside

Can't I pay my man a visit? Cherry asked,sitting on the cushion, I came to see you,

because your mom,said you need ea woman to   come calm you down,

I didn't ask my mom to invite you over to my place,and you should have at least called before coming,michael said sounding as polite as he could so as to not hurt her feelings.

"Why are you being cold to me Michael, I thought we are an item?" Cherry said pointing at Michael.

Cherry we talked about this the last time you came, Michael said calmly trying not to sound offensive, you are I can't work, he said pointing at himself and then Cherry,we both have different perspective of life,i need a woman that can compliment me,Cherry,yes our parents wants us to get married,but I don't think you and I are comparable, my soul just doesn't connect with yours Michael said trying as much as possible to convince Cherry.

"Well at least you can over me a drink or prepare something for me to eat "Cherry said relaxing on the cushion. She has a mission and she has decided she won't leave till she accomplishes her mission of coming to his house.

"I will prepare something real quick for to eat Michael said,

Feel free I will be back shortly Michael said and went to the kitchen.

Once Michael was in  the kitchen,cherry brought her phone out and went live on Instagram

Hello it's your Girl Cherry, I'm actually live in hobby's house, chilling and having fun,

hubby is in the kitchen making dinner and I can't wait for him to be through, I'm so, so hungry, isn't it a blessing to have a hubby that can cook? 

What ever hubby is making must be nice Cox it's smell so good and ... She paused when she had a knock on the door,

"Hello babe  is at the door,she yelled

Can you please get it for me? I'm a bit busy here, Michael responded,

He was in a hurry to get done with what he was making for Cherry, so she could eat and leave, 

"Good day ma'am, the gate man greeted when she opened the door

How can I help you? She said coldy 

There is a lady at the door,the gate man said,

He lady? She said raising her eye brows

What does she want? She asked suspiciously

She said she came to deliver something to Mr Michael, the gate man replied.

Take me to her at once! she ordered.

How may we help you? Cherry said, when she got to where Ella was,

with eyes that looked like she wanted to devour her

Goo.. gooday ma'am Ella stamp,she wasn't expecting to get a cold treatment for such a pretty lady.

I came to deliver clothes to Mr. Michael, Ella managed to say

Here,Cherry said stretching out her hands to take the clothes from Ella,let me have them, I will give it to him.

No ma'am I want to give it to Him myself,

Ella said holding on to the clothes,

i  actually owe Mr. Michael an apology, she said

he was supposed to pick the clothesb up earlier,

but something came up and he couldn't get the clothes and left angry, so I decided to deliver them to him myself and apologize to him,

and see if I can convince him to continue patronizing us, Ella said.

You can't see him, he is busy Cherry said,i will deliver it to him and apologize on your behalf, Ella said trying to take the clothes from Ella.

No! I must deliver them myself, Ella said stubbornly

I said let have them you whore! Cherry said trying to snatch th clothes from Ella, 

It's obvious you came Here to seduce my finance and not just to deliver clothes,Cherry snthie. ,

How dare you call me a whore, Ella flamed up, she has been trying to keep her cool all along but she just couldn't stand Cherry calling her a whore.

You are a whore,if not, what are doing here,and why do you insist on giving my fiance the clothes yourself? Cheap whore.

I've told you I owe your finance an apology and that i must do,Ella said still holding on to the clothes

Cherry lost her cool and started fighting for the clothes with Ella,she called Ella a lot of names like,whore , lowlife, thief, and was about to hit Ella when Michael side appeared and ordered her to stop it Cherry.

Cherry stopped, immediately she heard, Michael's voice if she is to win his heart she mus not, portray an act of violence before him,

Not like she is not violence but she has to keep it in check until they are finally married.

Babe I just wanted to take the clothes her  from her so I could hand  them over to you to you, but wouldn't let me s Cherry said,

Suddenly changing her tone, she said softly, now that you are here I will let you handle it,

she said and Gave Ella a cold stare before going to the main house.

Michael Turned around to address Ella, 

Ella's heart stopped beating for a second when she saw his face,she froze, she couldn't say a word, she could blink she just stared at him eyes open, mouth,She couldn't believe the Man she had always seen in her dreams was standing right in front of her! 

 He looked so beautiful, much more beautiful than he had appeared to her in her dreams,

It's just a dream she thought,Wendy will wake me up soon and tell me I'm dreaming but it's just feel so real, dear God! It better not be a dream Ella thought out loud.

Hello Michael said, snapping his hands on her face, 

Ella jumped back to reality she wasn't dreaming after all, this is reality she thought. And managed to answer him,

Hi.. hi she stammered

"Are you alright"? Michael asked 

I'm fine sir, She managed to say

I .. just I.. just Ella stammered

Your bag, Michael said Pointing at the bag on the floor, it was then she realized the bag had fallen down from her hands.

I'm sorry sir, she said picking  up the bag from the floor.

These are your clothes she, said handing over, the clothes to him, I'm sorry you couldn't get them yesterday,

there was a a little delay si, that was why you couldn't get them, so I decided to deliver them to you, to make up for whatever inconveniences we may have caused you. Ella said trying to avoid Michael's gaze.

It's alright Michael said taking the clothes from Ella, I wanted to wear the clothes to a meeting but, it was cancelled at the last minute? Michael said still holding gaze with Ella

Hope the meeting wasn't cancelled because you these Ella said, pointing at the clothes.

"I'm so sorry sir, Ella apologized,

Apology won't uncancel the meeting that was cancelled because of you, No said trying to sound rude.

I'm really sorry sir, Ella murmured softly

He looked at her really looked at her, she was pretty and petite, she definitely was the kind of woman, he likes,and she definitely was not a push around else

she wouldn't have had the guts to argue with Cherry even after she lied to her that she was his finance

He liked the fact that she  was stubborn,and her eyes,how he adored them! It's been two years since, someone ever made him feel this way, he had only met her few minutes ago,but he had this feeling he had seen, her before and he definitely wants to see her again at least until, he figures out what is it he feels for her.

"Go on a date with me" Michael suddenly said.

"A date? Ella asked with her mouth open,

"Yeah if you are really sorry, go on a date with me and apologize properly" He said gazing into her eyes.