
Impossible! How do I Take Care of This??

People say that I am the kind of woman who is her own man. Well, they are not wrong. I am a proud and strong woman who is on top of her career. But what is this? What is this 'thing' doing, wailing in my house? What have you got yourself into? My friend, this is not a joke! I can't do this...

MonsCiel · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Dinner Date Gone Wrong

It's finally Tuesday and I went back home early since I had promised Mia to have dinner with her today and get her to see her daughter. As I reached home, I've excused the nanny and Jami to retire for the day. I figured if I have to talk about delicate matters to Mia, I have to ensure she gets the privacy she needs to properly talk about it.

I carried Hani and placed her in the baby chair in front of kitchen counter so I can directly supervise her and put some toys in front of her to keep herself entertained while I cook. The nanny has already took out the chicken from the fridge and prepared the seasonings just as I instructed. Tonight's roast chicken is going to be awesome.

Time passed by quickly and by the time I finished setting up the dining table, I've already heard the door bell. I carried Hani and went to the door to greet her mother.

"Hiiiiiii... my baby girl! Mommy missed you so much!" Mia expressed and took Hani from my arms to give her hugs and smooches. Hani seemed very excited to meeting her mom and I let the mother and daughter pair to continue their bonding while I went to continue adding the final touch on the dishes. As I completed setting our dinner,

"Kids, dinner's ready!" I called from the dining room.

"Yes mom! Hehe..." answered Mia entering the dining room with a big grin on her face while Hani still giggling in her arms.

"Come on sit down. You can let Hani sit in the baby chair next to you."

"Mmmm... This smells so good. I am famished."

"Then, dig in." I said feeling proud. As we were eating the spaghetti carbonara that yours truly made, I started the conversation.

"Grandpa has caught me a fish."

She stopped chewing and blankly stared at me. She gulped down her food, drank a mouthful of wine and asked, "A fish? Do you mean he's arranged someone for you to marry?"

"Mhmm." I answered while still chewing on my roasted chicken.

"Are you alright with this?" Mia asked carefully.

"To be frank, I actually don't mind. I'm not exactly excited to marry someone but I am also not that against with Grandpa finding someone for me. Afterall, he did fully supported me to pursue my dream in fashion industry. But I did wish he took his time finding me one. He caught it too soon. I don't know if that fish and I match, but I'm cool with it nevertheless."

"Oh." Mia replied sounding a little confused. But she didn't push further and instead, she fed Hani a tiny piece of chicken.

"How's everything going in your end?" I asked casually without looking at her.

"Well, he and I went to meet my family for dinner. But, it didn't exactly went on great. The pressure he got from Dad made him end up getting indigestion."

Heh, serves him right.

"What's his name?" I asked. I need to know how they met and how much she knows about him. She put down her fork and knife and slowly wiped of remaining food on Hani's cheek.

"His name is Reuban."

"Oh, come now Mia. No need to be so tensed up. It's only natural that I want to know about him."

"Okay" she said and slowly took her fork and knife started to cut a small piece of the chicken.

"So, how exactly did you meet him? Surely it isn't just from a bar right?"

"Actually it is. We did met at a bar. But it's not that I went there to party or anything. I joined for the company celebration on a new partnership with Simons and Co. All of us drank and ate and chatted for long time, but mostly we drank. Then, out of blue, I noticed Reuban. He walked past our table and sat at the bar counter. There was something about him that made me feel like I want to know him. He had this air of mystery on him and I couldn't stop myself from staring at him. So, after our group finished with our dinner, I stayed back at the bar and went to talk with him."

"Wait. You just approached him on your own just because he looked mysterious?"


"Okay. It's okay. Go on."

"So, when I talked to him, I found out that his engagement were broken off and he was there to drown his sorrows. Then we continued talking and somehow I ended up in his home and uh... well, we did it"

I was speechless for awhile. How could she just follow a guy like that. To his home at that. I know she could be drunk at that time but this was a little too dangerous. But it's too late to reprimand her on that now.

"Is that so. So, do you know anything else about him? Like what he does for a living?"

"He's a businessman. His company gets contract for building properties like condos and malls."

"Is that so? Then, how is it going for him?"

"Not bad. But it can be shaky at times you know."

"I see... Do you trust him?"

"Of course I do. Why do you ask that?"

"Because I actually found out something else about him."

"What is it?" Mia asked. At this point I thought I should just tell her straight to the point but I know she's not going to like what I am about to say.

"I heard that he is actually a con artist." At this, Mia's eyes darken. She really is doubting me. I continued telling her anyway.

"He gets himself into relationship with a rich family's daughter and suck money from them and pump it into his business. Once they are drained to his satisfaction or if his cover is blown, he breaks up with them and continues with another victim."

"So? What is your point in this?" She asked, her voice got deeper in anger. Hani stopped smiling and stared at Mia. Guess the child is only sensitive to her mother's emotions. This is the first time I've seen her so angry at me. But that doesn't matter. I hope she will think this through once she's calmed down.

"My point is, I am afraid that you are his next victim."

"Arte. I will not listen anymore to this."

"Mia, come on, you..."

"I'm full. The dinner was delicious. I need to help father tomorrow, so I need to get going. Please continue to take care of Hani. Good night." She said cutting me off. She got up from her chair and kissed Hani on her forehead. She went to the living room and took her handbag and blazer. I carried Hani and slowly followed after her. As she made her way to her car, I called her out, stopping her from her track.

"Mia. I really don't care that you got angry at me, but please think about what I say. You know, my sources were never wrong. Don't be selfish and think about your daughter too."

She looked at me, and said, "You don't get to use my daughter against me. I'll be the judge of who Reuban really is."

With that, she got into the car and drove off.

Hey guys,

I'm looking forward to more feedback to my story since this is novel is my very first work officially. So I'm interested on your thoughts.

Feel free to comment and if you are shy to comment here, you can reach me in my email:


Peace ♥️

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