

"Little Junior Brother?"

On the side, Cecily looked at Fang Li, whose expression suddenly stiffened, and asked with some curiosity, "What happened to you?"

"…Nothing." Fang Li couldn't help but take a deep breath and said somewhat helplessly, "It's just that I have a mixed feeling of not knowing whether to be happy or worried."

Regarding this sudden sequence of three Side Quests, Fang Li truly didn't know how to react.

Is he happy?

Well, that should be the case.

After all, the rewards for these three Side Quests happen to be 20,000 Exchange Points, precisely the completion scope required for Fang Li's Main Quest.

This timely rain of Side Quests suddenly triggering like this, Fang Li naturally couldn't be unhappy.

However, besides being happy, Fang Li also felt a sense of being deceived.

"After all, I just mentioned that Amagiri Ayato, whose third seal is released, will be quite formidable…"

As a result, the Main God's Dimension presented Fang Li with these three Side Quests, truly feeling like it was opposing Fang Li.

"So, does this mean I have to go fight Amagiri Ayato with all seals released?"

The first Main Quest requires Fang Li to help Amagiri Ayato release the seal before the 'Phoenix Festa' concludes.

In this way, Amagiri Ayato, with all his powers restored, would undoubtedly become a more formidable opponent than Ardi.

And the second Side Quest requires Fang Li to use only the power gained in this world in the matches of the 'Phoenix Festa.'

In other words, Fang Li's Mystic Eyes and Stigma cannot be used; otherwise, this Side Quest cannot be completed.

This Side Quest seems simple, but since the matches also involve facing Amagiri Ayato, it's equivalent to making Fang Li face Amagiri Ayato with all seals completely released without using Mystic Eyes and Stigma.

It's basically two Side Quests that complement each other.

Adding the third Side Quest, Fang Li must defeat Amagiri Ayato while ensuring the completion of the first two Side Quests, and this situation is already unalterable.

Therefore, the Quest Difficulty given by the Main God's Dimension is B-Rank.

A B-Rank Side Quest means only a ten percent chance of success.

It can be imagined how strong Amagiri Ayato would be after completely releasing the seal.

If Fang Li could use Mystic Eyes and Stigma, then it wouldn't be that difficult.

Even if he only used one of these abilities, Fang Li was confident in defeating Amagiri Ayato.

However, if that were the case, it would be equivalent to Fang Li gaining Exchange Points for nothing, and the Main God's Dimension would never issue such a Quest.

In summary, isn't this a trap?

Of course, Fang Li could choose not to complete it since there are no penalties for not finishing Side Quests.

However, faced with a Quest that offers rewards and has no downsides, there's probably no Divine Envoy who would unreasonably give up, right?

"I guess I have no choice."

Fang Li opened the Space Screen and checked the match schedule.

Whether it was because the battle with Ardi and Rimsy was the last stroke of bad luck or not, until the semifinals, Fang Li and Cecily wouldn't encounter opponents that were too formidable.

In other words, until the semifinals, Fang Li and Cecily's opponents wouldn't be strong enemies, and they would at least be weaker than Ardi and Rimsy.

And Amagiri Ayato's next two opponents were both participants from the Jie Long faction.

Moreover, all of them were Fang Li's Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters, disciples of "Banyuu Tenra."

In the next match, Amagiri Ayato's opponents are ranked second and eleventh in the sequence.

At first glance, they might not seem like formidable opponents. Unfortunately, in Jie Long, opponents of this rank are almost as formidable as Page One, or else they wouldn't be worthy of being disciples of "Banyuu Tenra" compared to the other academies.

Considering Amagiri Ayato's condition, it's unlikely that he will fully recover from the side effects of releasing the seal before the next match, right?

In this situation, Amagiri Ayato has to face opponents on the level of Page One without releasing the seal. That is undoubtedly very challenging.

Not to mention, even if he passes this stage, Amagiri Ayato faces another one.

In the next match, Amagiri Ayato's opponents are the Li siblings, ranked ninth and tenth in Jie Long's seventh academy sequence.

For this sibling pair, Amagiri Ayato's weaknesses will likely be thoroughly targeted, maybe even adding insult to injury.

"Once he loses any of these matches, my Side Quest Three will fail."

Thinking up to this point, Fang Li struggled to support his heavy body and said to Cecily, "Senior Sister, how's your injury?"

"There's no problem." Cecily waved her hand, unconcerned, and said, "In a little while, this level of injury will heal."

The restorative power of Genestellar is much stronger than that of an ordinary human. Cecily's level of injury is indeed not a big deal.

"In that case, Senior Sister, you go back on your own later." Fang Li said, "I have some things to attend to, so I won't go with you."

"Go ahead." Cecily waved her hand again and shortly afterward closed her eyes, falling asleep.

Fang Li shook his head with a wry smile and then left the lounge.

As soon as he left the lounge, Fang Li felt that his steps became somewhat difficult after not much time.

The excessive consumption of Prana kept Fang Li's body in a state of weakness, and he didn't know when it would fully recover.

"Healing Jewel can't be used to recover energy; there's really no way."

At this point, Fang Li could only walk with somewhat floating steps in a certain direction.

In this instant, something unexpected happened.

An indescribable oppressive force suddenly permeated the entire corridor, as if making the air heavy and thick, enveloping the surroundings.


Fang Li's steps suddenly stopped.

At this moment, Fang Li clearly felt it.

Behind him, two auras quietly appeared.

The next second, a voice like this echoed.

"Is this the disciple of 'Banyuu Tenra' that you mentioned before?"

It was a man's voice.

And, it seemed like a voice he had heard somewhere before.

It was like having memories of this aspect but being unable to recall it no matter what. Fang Li was certain that he knew this voice, but he couldn't remember to whom it belonged.

However, the next voice was one Fang Li remembered clearly.

"Yes, it's this little guy. I don't know how he found out about my business."

Hearing such a voice, Fang Li suddenly turned around.

What entered his sight was two people.

One wearing a mask, dressed in a suit – a man.

One wearing a necklace, with lifeless eyes – a woman.

As for the former's identity, let's put that aside for now.

The latter, however, was someone Fang Li had encountered not long ago.



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