

To those who have enjoyed IKARI so far, please stay tuned. After careful consideration I have decided to rewrite the story, adding some new features to the story, such as the following:

* More context on characters

* Dialed back brutality. My editors felt like the amount of unnecessary brutality should be dialed back so that the story doesn't become unreadable. For gore hunters, don't worry, there will still absolutely be brutality, just not as much as before.

* Better story

* Better flow

Thank you all for sticking with the story so far, and I hope that it becomes better after the rewrite happens. See you then! I will also be uploading the first 3 chapters together, so once I get an opportunity to do that, I will. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on the story, and I still love this like my own child.

With that being said, see you on the flip side, my subjects. Professor Grim out.