

In the depths of eternal existence, the sin of pride, a being that has endured for three millennia, languishes in the clutches of unyielding boredom. Driven by an insatiable desire for meaning and excitement, this embodiment of arrogance unveils a grand plan. Unleashing its formidable power, it engineers a daring and extraordinary gambit: to cast aside its timeless form and embark on a journey of reincarnation into an enchanted world brimming with sorcery and wonder. Born anew into this realm of unfathomable possibilities, the sin of pride takes on an enigmatic guise. Exalted by extraordinary abilities, it swiftly discovers an unrivaled talent for manipulating the threads of magic, a gift that echoes its intrinsic haughtiness and unyielding self-assurance. As pride intertwines with a realm teetering on the precipice of chaos, a tapestry of treacherous alliances, mythical creatures, and forgotten prophecies begins to unravel. Within this enigmatic tapestry, the sin of pride, reborn and relentless, becomes both a catalyst and a fulcrum for events that will shape the very fabric of this arcane domain. Yet, amid this unfolding tale of grandiosity and peril, an unsettling question emerges: Can the sin of pride break free from the shackles of its past and transcend the confines of its own arrogance? Will it rise above the pettiness and folly that defined its previous existence, or will it succumb to the ever-present allure of hubris, dooming both itself and this fantastical realm? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -Double sided mc -Try it guys, it'll be fun :D

ilmaonati · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

ch 5: Unforseen Depths

A slender woman with flowing locks of purple hair and piercing violet eyes, stood by the kitchen sink, diligently scrubbing away at the remnants of their evening meal. The soft glow of the overhead light accentuated her graceful figure, casting a gentle radiance upon her delicate features. Her hands moved with a practiced elegance, the sound of running water and clinking dishes creating a soothing rhythm in the quiet kitchen.

As she reached a momentary pause in her task, a pensive expression crossed Martha's face. With a sense of contemplation, she turned away from the sink, her eyes searching for her husband Joseph. She knew he would be in their bedroom, where he often retreated to relax and unwind after a long day. With purposeful steps, Martha made her way towards the comforting sanctuary of their shared space.

The bedroom was softly illuminated by a bedside lamp, casting a warm and inviting glow. Joseph lay on the bed, his body enveloped in the embrace of the soft sheets, his eyes fluttering with the weight of the day's weariness. Martha approached him with a gentle smile, her heart filled with love and a desire for connection.

As she settled beside him, Martha reached out and softly brushed her fingers against Joseph's arm. He stirred from his drowsy state, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of surprise and affection. A small grin formed on his lips as he welcomed her presence.

Martha's voice, filled with a blend of curiosity and concern, broke the silence that hung between them. "Joseph, dear," she began, her words carrying a softness that mirrored her love for him, "I couldn't help but notice a change in Eli lately. It feels like it's been quite some time since we shared such heartfelt conversations."

Joseph turned to face Martha, his gaze holding a mixture of understanding and reassurance. He shifted slightly, propping himself up on the pillows, his body language inviting her closer. "I've noticed it too, my love," he replied, his voice a soothing balm. "It's a part of growing up, the ebbs and flows of a young heart navigating its way through the complexities of life. Let's not fret too much, for our love and support will always be there for Eli. Trust that he will find his way."

Martha's worries began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of faith in their child's journey. She nestled closer to Joseph, finding solace in the warmth of their shared space. In the tranquil moments that followed, they whispered words of love and encouragement, their embrace serving as a sanctuary of comfort and understanding.







With the break of dawn casting a soft golden hue across the city, Eli resolved to kickstart his day with a visit to the gym. Silently slipping out of the house, he left his still half-asleep parents behind, their presence fading into the early morning mist.

The gym greeted him with an unexpected sight—a throng of people already engaged in their workout routines. The air buzzed with determination and the sound of clanking weights. Eli couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. He had anticipated a quieter atmosphere at such an early hour, but it seemed he wasn't the only one eager to make the most of the day.

Undeterred by the crowd, Eli plunged into his workout regimen, determined to test his limits and push his physical boundaries. With each repetition, he could feel the strain on his muscles, the beads of sweat forming on his brow, and the rhythmic pounding of his heart. The weight machines became his allies, their metal frames a silent witness to his struggle and perseverance.

After a gruelling work-out, Eli took a moment to center himself and tapped into his innate connection with the system. With a flick of his fingers, a translucent holographic display materialized before him, showcasing his current status and progress.


[System Status]

Name: Eli Adler

Level: 1

Experience Points: 25/100

Class: (none)


• Strength: 1.5

• Agility: 3

• Intelligence: 5

• Vitality: 2

• Mana: 7

• Charisma: 6


Eagerly, Eli's eyes darted across the floating numbers and symbols, searching for any signs of improvement. However, to his dismay, the status screen revealed no significant changes. His strength remained relatively the same, his stats unaltered by the strenuous exercises he had just endured.

While a part of him longed for immediate progress, Eli understood that true transformation required patience and persistence. He knew that he had embarked on a journey of self-improvement, and like any journey, it would be marked by both triumphs and setbacks. This was merely a reminder that he couldn't rely solely on fleeting gratification but needed to cultivate a steadfast commitment to his goals.

He left the gym and returned home, preparing himself for another day of school.





The school's hallways pulsed with a frenetic energy as the end of the semester drew near. Students scurried like ants, their hurried footsteps echoing against the polished floors. Amidst the whirlwind of activity, Eli, a quiet observer with an air of introspection, navigated through the bustling corridors. He blended seamlessly into the tapestry of students, his presence marked by an aura of understated confidence.

In this sea of anxious anticipation, Eli found solace in the company of his small circle of friends. Among them, Jared stood out with his towering height and athletic build. Blonde locks framed his face, and a mischievous spark danced in his deep blue eyes. Despite their contrasting personalities, Jared and Eli had formed an unlikely bond, their friendship built on mutual respect and shared experiences.

As Jared approached Eli with a wide grin, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief, Eli couldn't help but return the smile. "Caught me, did you?" Eli quipped, his tone dripping with playful sarcasm. "Skipping class was my valiant attempt to escape the clutches of quadratic equations and the labyrinth of grammar rules."

Jared burst into laughter, his boisterous chuckles echoing through the bustling hallway. "Oh, Eli, you always know how to make me laugh," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "But seriously, man, you should have seen the look on Mr. Johnson's face when he realized you were nowhere to be found in math class."

Eli chuckled, shaking his head. "I bet he was just devastated by my absence," he remarked, a hint of mock self-importance in his voice.

Jared playfully nudged Eli's shoulder. "Oh, absolutely devastated," he teased. "I'm sure he was planning to name the next theorem after you."

Their banter was cut short by the resounding ring of the school bell, signaling the start of another class. With a knowing look, Jared and Eli exchanged playful nods, bidding each other farewell for the moment. They weaved their way through the bustling crowd, heading towards their respective classrooms.

As the students settled into their seats, their anticipation palpable, their class teacher, Ms. Elea, introduced the guest teacher with a warm smile. "Good morning, class. Today, we have the privilege of welcoming Mr. Aeren Zemo from Solaris, the capital of the Isle of Elysium. He will be sharing his expertise on caves, or as we often refer to them, dungeons."

Mr. Aeren Zemo, a knowledgeable figure with an air of authority, stepped forward. His presence commanded attention as he began his introduction. "Hello, students. I am Aeren Zemo, hailing from the esteemed city of Solaris. It is a pleasure to be here today and share my knowledge with all of you."

With that, the lecture commenced, and the classroom transformed into a hub of inquisitive minds. Eager students raised their hands, peppering Mr. Zemo with questions and seeking a deeper understanding of the mysterious dungeons. The exchange of dialogue flowed seamlessly, as the students delved into the intricacies of these magical cave-like structures.

One student raised her hand and asked, "Mr. Zemo, are these caves natural formations, or are they created using magic?"

Mr. Zemo's eyes twinkled with excitement as he responded, "Ah, an excellent question. These caves are indeed magical in nature. They are infused with space-expanding magic, which gives them the ability to house a wide range of experiences within their depths."

Another student chimed in, "Do all caves have the same level of danger, or do they vary?

Mr. Zemo's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he acknowledged the teenager's query. He leaned in slightly, engaging them in conversation. "Ah, an excellent question, my young friend," he began, his tone gentle yet filled with wisdom. "Caves, much like the world we inhabit, come in various sizes and levels of peril. They offer a unique set of challenges and rewards."

He paused for a moment, allowing the teenager's anticipation to build. Then, with a sweeping gesture, he continued, "The four levels of caves, each with its own degree of danger and intrigue, are known as Novice Hollows, Treacherous Depths, Abyssal Chasms, and Cataclysmic Abyss."

The teenager's eyes widened, their imagination ignited by the mysterious names. Mr. Zemo's voice took on a slightly dramatic tone as he further explained, "Novice Hollows are the smaller caves, often suitable for beginner adventurers, where the risks are relatively low. As we ascend the ladder, the caves become increasingly treacherous, offering greater challenges and rewards. Treacherous Depths test the mettle of experienced explorers, while Abyssal Chasms present dangers that even seasoned adventurers approach with caution. And finally, the Cataclysmic Abyss... ah, the name itself sends shivers down one's spine. It is a place of legends, reserved for the boldest and most skilled individuals."

The teenager's eyes glistened with a mix of excitement and trepidation as they absorbed the knowledge. Mr. Zemo smiled, his expression filled with genuine pride. "Remember, my young friend, while the larger caves may hold greater danger, they also hold greater opportunities for growth and discovery. Each step taken within these mystical realms can shape you into a stronger and wiser individual."

As the words hung in the air, the classroom seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the tales of these enchanting realms. Mr. Zemo, his gaze still focused on the teenager, concluded, "Caves are not merely physical spaces; they are gateways to exploration, self-discovery, and unimaginable wonders."





As the guest teacher's lecture neared its conclusion, a tremor jolted through the school building. interrupting the class's peaceful atmosphere. The initial jolt was not too strong, but it was enough to send ripples of panic through the students. Some screamed, while others stumbled and sought refuge under their desks.

Amidst the chaos, Mr. Johnson, their math teacher, rushed to the front of the classroom, his voice filled with urgency. "Everyone, stay calm! It's just an earthquake. Take cover and remain where you are until it pa—


However, before he could finish his sentence, a deafening crash reverberated through the room. The ceiling above him collapsed, burying Mr. Johnson beneath a pile of rubble. The students gasped in horror, their panic intensifying as the true magnitude of the situation became apparent.

Chaos consumed the classroom as students scrambled to find an escape route. Desks toppled, books and papers flew through the air, and the once familiar space transformed into a treacherous maze of debris. The floor shook beneath their feet, threatening to throw them off balance with each tremor.

As the ground convulsed beneath him, Eli's expression remained stoic, for earthquakes were a common occurrence in the demon realm from which he hailed. However, the screams of his fellow classmates filled the air, their terrified cries echoing through the chaos. He scanned the room, his eyes falling upon the lifeless bodies of a few unfortunate souls, victims of the collapsing infrastructure.

Outside the classroom, the scene was equally chaotic. The hallways were filled with frantic students, teachers, and staff members, desperately seeking safety amidst the crumbling infrastructure. Emergency alarms blared, adding to the cacophony of screams and cries for help.

The once familiar corridors of the school had been transformed into a scene of devastation. Broken glass, fallen ceiling tiles, and twisted metal intertwined in a chaotic symphony. The sound of alarms and crumbling walls filled the air, creating an eerie backdrop to the struggle for survival.

The ground trembled violently, like the heartbeat of a beast awakening from its slumber. In that moment, the classroom transformed into a scene of devastation, a microcosm of the cataclysmic events unfolding.

Amidst the pandemonium, the center of the school collapsed with a thunderous roar. Eli's gaze was drawn to the immense chasm that opened up before him—a gateway to the unknown. Its vast expanse seemed to defy logic, stretching far beyond the reaches of his vision. The walls of the newly formed cave glistened with the remnants of shattered stone, revealing layers of history etched into the earth.

The darkness within the cave beckoned, its ominous presence veiled in mystery. It seemed to devour the very essence of light, casting long shadows that danced on the edges of their fears. The air grew heavy with anticipation, as if the very atmosphere held its breath in anticipation of what was to come.