
Chapter 35:

Max: - you underestimate me if you think you will defeat me in an attack. (Campionne's stosse begins to melt the earth and steam appears around Campionne. Max will feel the warmth of the fire strosse that surrounds Campionne even if he is at a distance, he will then sweat.) And shit !!! It's hot!! Though: if she touches me with her strosse which is so hot I don't think I would get away without burns. (Max's strosse focuses on these arms and changes into a wind strosse, Max then puts his hands pointing at Campionne and shoots a very powerful blast of wind.)

Campionne: -Interesting, however it is not this attack which will protect you .. Look at how I do it .. (She deviates the jet of wind with her right palm. . Then the dragon become bigger and monstrous move after full speed towards Max. A lot of flaw grows in his body, Max becomes more rebush and crosses his arms as the dragon rushes towards him, crunching it all.)

* Boooooooooooooooooooooooob, (The fire dragon of strosse explodes disintegrating the earth creating smoke and steam ...)

Max is lying on his stomach on the ground with injuries to his body from the explosion.

what did i say ?? You entertained me well but you were not up to standard .. (Campionne turns around getting ready to go to the seats of the arena when suddenly Max is standing looking at Campionne, lowering his eyes. The strosse surrounding Max is windy. Campionne feels Max's strosse and has her eyes wide open, being surprised. She turns a little, out of the corner of her eye looking at Max who seems angry.)

Max: -Grouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !!! (Max roars very loudly, his roar surprises Campionne which will give Max a lot of blow to Max all over the body. Max will take all these attacks without moving. Some time later Max will catch these two wings of flame, these burning hands by the heat of Campionne's strosse but Max will not let go of Campionne, Max will hold her wings very tightly. Max will then go on to smile in a twisted way and concentrate his strosse in his dinosaur paw, The wind strosse will then concentrate in his paw , a sphere of wind appears in her paw and will then give a great kick on Campionne. Campionne blocks the kick by making another wing appear however she recedes because of the power of the blow.)

* Crush (wind impact.)

Max puts those fists in front of him in defense and bleeds a lot waiting for her to come back. When she comes back she sticks her tongue out of her mouth in addition to squeezing her bare chest. Max signals her to come towards him, she seems to be excited ..

Campionne: - you're really the best .. I adore hard-working men like you .... (Campionne makes a heart with these two hands, while he remains in place, not moving, motionless, putting his fists in front of him in defense position. She walks a little further from him preparing to finish it off. When she notices that Max is passed out she will stop abruptly and then laugh ..) hehehehehehehe! hehehehehehehehe! hehehehehehehehehehehe! heheheheheheh! (Turns around and walks off into the stadium seats. Everyone in the seats seems to be impress.) You have entertained me well..Next time I face you I would love to receive the spanking you promise .. (Soldiers hasten to get Max out of the arena and heal him with their water strosse these wounds become smaller and quietly disappear for some.)

Castle: - to fight .. You have improved a lot since our last fight .. But you still have a lot to learn to defeat a mistress using strosse. You will surely one day become my little pet .. (Castle has a grim smile that appears on his face.)

Carstophe: -Let's move on to the next fight !!!! Let Silphan and Victor present themselves in the arena.

Victor: - it's my turn I think !!

Alex: -ouep be careful !!! This Campionne woman has beaten Max .. me who wanted to beat him in single combat here that woman beats him whereas we all believed she was weak but it turns out that she is very strong enough strong to defeat a half demon mutant. Don't underestimate your opponent.

Adrian: -Though: in the end you lost !! Despite your great speech which said that you would beat me you found an opponent stronger than you. The strosse is really interesting ability, to be able to thus change its aura into an element that it ability powerful..I would like to do that .. A bit like this Raphael yesterday ..

Silphan and Victor are in the arena and the two look at each other. Silphan has a fencing sword and a smirk with a slightly arrogant and provocative face. Silphan's strosse appears around him, a sinister stosse appears, an electric stosse and wind surround him.

Silphan: - I will be able to show my strength to this magnificent woman who also possessed a powerful strosse out of the ordinary .. (Silphan winks at Campionne who is in the seat with the apprentice soldiers and the soldiers. Silphan then gets into a defensive position and looks at Victor with a mocking laugh because Victor has not yet activated his strosse besides Silphan notices that he has no weapon on him.) You don't have your strosse ?? And Do you really believe that you will defeat me without a sphillstrose ?? (Silphan is of the first type of strosse so he can use all the natural elements however Silphan is concentrating on mastering two elements of strosse wind and electricity.)

Victor will then activate his strosse which is unique, a great golden aura surrounds him Silphan is impressed by the strosse which springs from Victor's body. Then Victor's appearance will change a little, his skin will turn gray on his hands and feet will change into a kind of whip even though long enough. These feet and hands which are now four whip which replaces these limbs rolls up on itself.

Victor: - incredible !! Though: since yesterday I feel that my strosse has become more powerful .. since I held this giant rock the whole time I think I got stronger. We'll see what I can do now.

Carstophe is impressed by the aura that springs from Victor's body.

Carstophe: - impressive !!! it looks like his strosse is more powerful than yesterday .. It looks like a real wild beast, he also has a great potenciel.

Christella: -It's very rare to see a person of the fourth type of strosse. Did he eat a mythical animal? It is even rarer for a person of the fourth type of strosse to eat a mythical animal and survive because generally those who are of the fourth type of strosse are incompatible with the Mythic animals.

their body rejects the virus.

La Queen: -Ouep !! It's very rare !! This is the first time in my life that I have seen this .. Honey he has the same type of strose as you .. (Rene's name is Sulia she sits next to the king, the king ignores her and laughs ominously when he sees Victor's Strosse ..)

King Castle: - you are wrong Christella .. They did not eat mythical animal, he did not even know a month ago what was a strosse. In addition when I found him he was able to transform like those who eat mythical animals. And they fought against a Miniatex there were at the same strength without using the strosse which surprised me .. indeed they all just learned strosse a few week ago.

Christella: - I noticed that they all had strange transformations .. So he already had these transformations without having eaten any mythical animal. This is the first time I hear about this, men, women who can transform without having eaten mythical animal .. It is possible that they can eat mythical animals and develop the powers of mythical animals in addition to their ability to transform into beasts if they do .. Here is a nice gift that you have found, the new soldiers of the kingdom will be stronger if they made them eat a mythical animal each .. Next time I will bring one for these new recruits finally for those who want to increase their power .. Or those that you will have chosen dear brother ..

King Castle smiles.

Silphan looks closely at Victor.

Silphan: -I see, you are the fourth type .. you don't need a sphillstrosse or a scrillstrosse to fight .. Though: I believe that fighting will be difficult. People with the fourth type of strosse are generally the most strong combatant.In addition they can with their strosse block all the elements. And have an almost inexhaustible amount of strosse, in addition their strosse improves their physique and their muscles. Their speed increases .. To sum up the most type of strosse. Me, I am the first type of strosse I can use all the natural element but I focused on mastering two elements Wind and electricity. The two strosse allow me to improve my speed a lot .. the electric strosse allows me to improve my muscles and the wind strosse allows me to cut my enemies.

Victor: - are you going to look at me for a long time or are you going to attack me ?? (Victor smiles and attacks him with his whip which replaces his hand with his right arm he makes a horizontal attack which Silphan easily dodges. And then prepares to respond by trying to cut his kind of whip with his sphillstrosse sword however Victor brings back his whip towards him the whip winds around itself.)

Silphan: - It was quick how did he bring it back so quickly? (Then Victor brings his whip back to Silphan with his whip on the left side giving him a horizontal blow that Silphan blocks with his sword however he will fly away because of the blow that Victor gives.)

Victor: - Pff !!! If you think you can block my attacks without taking damage you're dreaming. (Victor will then run in Silphan's direction very quickly, the mutants in the sieges are very impressed with how fast Victor is.)

Alex: - Wow !! What speed !!

Raphael: -impressive !!

Marie: - Victor is faster than usual.

Carstophe: - Looks like a different person. He made so much progress just because he took a rock until nightfall?

Victor prepares to attack him with his whip making a horizontal blow which Silphan dodges by bending his head forward. He then also runs towards Victor once close to Silphan moves to Victor's left to try to skewer Victor's head.

Silphan: -hein !!

Victor grabs his spherical sword with these teeth to after kicking his whip in Silphan's stomach which will make him retreat several distances. Silphan landed in the distance on those two feet and moved super fast behind Victor sending a blast of electric power and wind blowing out his sphillstrosse fencing sword which Victor dodged by bending down to then kick in the direction of the face which Silphan dodges by moving his head however a scar appears on his face. Siphan then appears in front of Victor trying to spit him with his fencing sword in the stomach however his attacker does not pierce him.

His skin is hard .. I should use more strosse than that to hurt him .. Very good !! (Victor gives a circular blow with his whip which Silphan dodges by bending down from behind and then take a big step back to then come back to the charge. Victor will attack him with these two whip which replaces these hands, Victor gives several simultaneous hits Silphan moves from left to right dodging every lash sent, those whip quickly come back to him Silphan bypasses Victor several times and Victor will try to whip him with those whips but will not succeed in reaching Silphan.

Victor: - What speed !! I can't reach it with my whips.

Silphan gives a horizontal blow with his sphillstrosse fencing sword which Victor will block with his whip which replaces his hand which is rolled up like a parchment. Victor will then give a push kick with the whip which replaces his foot however Silphan will quickly bypass Victor trying after giving him an attack with his sword. But with the leg that Victor will kick he will bring his whip foot towards him and then give a back kick in the face of Silphan. his nose is bleeding he then puts his hand in his nose retaining the blood that falls from his nose Victor will take the opportunity to bring his whip foot towards by rolling it up like a roller to then turn around giving a circular kick that will make fly Silphan very far away. )

Campionne: - He is good ... He stands up to a soldier ... Maybe he too could have entertained me. (She blushes with her usual crooked smile and she has a blanket that hides her chest.)

Victor runs in the direction of Silphan Catching him with his left whip bringing Silphan towards him then raising his right arm giving a whiplash which will make Silphan fly high. Silphan reaches 60 meters in height and falls slowly. Victor raised his arms as if preparing to give a hug and leaped up to Silphan. Silphan wakes up in the threshing floors When Victor is near Silphan he tries to burst him by hitting those two whips which replace these hands between them however Silphan's strosse of wind will allow him to leap into the threshing floor avoiding this blow unfortunately for him Victor will then do a flip which will kick with these whips which will propel Silphan like a rocket on the ground.

To be continue!