
Chapter 15:Back to the third group, description of character of the third group

The next day in a place filled with giant crystals where is the third group that had fled the giant fish eater. They leave the beach and overtake the tropical forest and are now a little further. In the sky you can see a very hot red sun and there are lazy people everywhere burning the ground creating steam that chokes the mutants a little. The sky is orange filled with blue and grey clouds. Mutant, are filled with sweat and have dry lips with almost red skin. The giant crystals produce a strosse of their own. Many of these crystals are broken and they are in a battlefield where one can see the traces of an extraordinary fight that took place. In front of the mutants is a giant phoenix corpse cut into pieces.

-Shit, what was this monster fight?

-What it was, it was the first time I saw a fight of this intensity.

-I thought dragons and phoenix were children's stories but there, I saw both ..

-It was crazy we almost lost our lives.

-The dragon have to win .. He has to kill the phoenix!

-It may have gone flying in that direction, but we will not come back.

Kyl: - Stop saying anything and come and look at his body more closely ... We may be able to eat it ..

- Eat it, did you lost your mind, are you a cannibal or what?

Kyl: -I don't care! I'm sick of eating mushroom every day, it's the same thing if you don't want it. Well, it will be more for me. "He runs towards the phoenix's carcass."

-Wait we don't know if there are other animals in the area. Follow it we will need more power in the future.


We are not going to choose.

The other mutants will then follow Kyl ..

Kyl: -Which monster, said that it's only the phoenix wing, your head is just what's left. "He bites one end inside the phoenix and continues to eat it. As if he were starving like a beast who has not eaten for ages.

Samanta: - Shit, what is he doing?

Kyl: -Shit, it's good, I can't stop eating it .. "yum, yum, yum, yum" ha .. it's heaven!

-Well since he eats, I'm saying that we could also visit him too. "His name is Sutton, he has a half-man half-rhinoceros shape and has a very robust body, he has a white camisole and black jeans, his size is 3 m and 6 cm, he has no shoes, he has big rhinoceros paws and his skin is grey, his level of strength is half-demon and he has a strength out of the ordinary. He is 26 years old.

Kyl: -Arghar argha "chokes and falls."

Hmm !?

-What is happening?

-It's falling is not edible .. The phoenix are not edible?

-I have to say something to check at least if he is still alive .. "His name is Klay, he has black hair with grey eyes a little black beard, he has a black t-shorts and blue pants and has a brown belt around his waist. He has brown and red shoes.His size is 6 feet 4, he is 35 years old.

-Hey how are you?!

Are you alive?

Kyl: -What is it? "That's what he's thinking"

-Kyl,: If you're not dead, wake up!


Kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyl Waaaaaaaaaaake up

Kyl: -What is it ?? Who called my name? "He replied in his head"

Klay: -Are you stupid or what? You have to check his lice like this. "He checks his lice with this two fingers."

-So is he dead .. "the name of this woman is Samanta, she has long black hair touching up to this buttocks with big hazel, she also has long black eyelashes.She has beautiful big pink lips and she has the skin soft like a baby's skin, her nose is small and very thin. She has a big breast with a pink t-shirts black leather pants with small black shoe. Her height is 5 '7, she sweats a lot and breathes strongly, she has the acute way, her level is alpha, her age is 23 years old."

-Klay: -Hmm no, his lice beats very quickly his temperature increases, he has a higher temperature than us. He's sweating a lot more than the other mutants, so I can see that he is getting sick while eating the corpse of the phoenix.

And you're sure, that it's not due to his ability to warm up ..

Klay: -sure and certain, he is unconscious how could he use his ability

-Well, it would be necessary that someone lift him he is not light and in addition he is unconscious.

"Kyl is breathing hard, very strong, sweat drops coming out of his forehead"

Sutton: -Good me, I'll continue to eat mushrooms. "Following these words, he takes a butcher of a mushroom that he had in his pocket when suddenly the sky changes and darkens forming a big cloud. The sun became blue and the area becomes icy lazy quietly and has a little glimpse a monstrous rain that comes from the clouds emerges giant drop of water lapping completely lazy that will then hit the mutant full whip."







-Shit, a shelter, quickly a place or shelter.

-The phoenix and the dragon destroyed a lot of crystals that could shelter us and save us from this storm of devastating rain.

-What is that? The .. The .. The .. The .. The .. The .. The ..

-The crystals shine .. "A giant drop of water collides with the crystals, the crystals absorb the water to project like a projectile the water drops on the mutants shooting them like a gun, a projectile pierces the head until 'to the torso of a mutant and then pierce the odds of another mutant behind it.'

-Shit! "The mutant who has the piercing ratings spits blood and drops a knee to the ground the rain hits him hard and then he will fall on his belly face against the ground blood spurts on the ground .. The rain hits the crystals that they absorbs the water to turn it into a streak of water in a devastating turn destroying some mutants.

-In what kind of galley are we ..

-I'll take care of Kyl, go down to 4 km from here, there is a cave far in front of us ..

"He has a big yellow fur covering his body, he has a big tiger-like ear, he has pointed teeth like the tiger-men, both hands are of great size and he has great claws. He has a big leg and has big legs of werewolf.These two legs have three joints, his eyes are big and are gilded having the eyes like a feline. He is very robust, his back is very large and well formed. His height is 3' 7, he has a big muscular neck and has a little shorts that covers him. "

The mutant resembling a beast with dark yellow fur destroying with a devastating punch in the crystals that made it disappear the water turn following the devastating blow a yellow light fly out with his fist creating a passage in front of him. Then go take Kyl on his back.

The name of this mutant has the prodigious force is Yellow Beast, the first of these abilities is an extraordinary vision, it has the power to adapt his vision to any environment for example it can adapt it in the dark when it snows, in storms, in the light and can also see through the objects. He can also focus his vision to see beyond the ordinary. His second ability is his speed, he can travel a speed of 630 km per hours. His third ability is his exceptional resistance, he can cut steel by giving just one shot and when cutting it cuts like a laser because of the energy produced by his body which is brighter than the traffic light. His last ability is the burning energy produced by his luminous body. Of all the mutants mentioned in the story so far, Yellow beast surpasses them all by far. The strength of this monster is rank level Demon and Demon level almost all have an appearance like Yellow beast, demon levels have almost lost all the human appearance to get a look of a wild beast. All levels demon have the ability to move from 600 km to 900 km per hour.

The other mutants run trying to protect themselves from the rain by putting their arms in front of them.

-Houahahouahahoua "Sound of shortness of breath, a large drop of water hit him all the body eventually making him fall on all fours on the ground banging his head on a small green crystal which then bleeds from his head." Splash!

-What a rain! "Splash, splash, splash, splash, It falls while receiving all these giant drops of water."

-What was that?

-Giant drip ..... Who falls now, what a galley ..

-Go quickly into the cave. "Splash"

Klay: - houahouaha, arrive, we will soon to arrive in the cave, I hope there is no dragon or phoenix or otherwise we are in bad shape. "He sees a beast eat another beast has they're inside the cave, the cave is illuminated by pale blue and white crystals and grey rock and some moss on the ground. When it enters the cave, the beast will turn a little bit his head looking at Klay with a demonic smile having animal flesh in her mouth filled with purple blood, she will then jump with her multiple legs on Klay, thereafter, Klay will project by making a roll to the ground on the right side to dodge the multiple stroke of the beast . "

The beast facing them is very hairy and has black and grey hair, the beast has four legs of catlike and four paws of insect and has big grey and yellow tooth. In his face we can see a great eye of cyclope and a round head with yellow eyes.

In the distance from the cave is Yellow Beast, who carries Kyl in his arms as if he were only a baby to prevent the rain from falling on him.

Yellow Beast: - Shit, I can't move quickly enough at the same time to take care of Kyl. "Splash, Splash, Splash, Splash, Splash." He protects Kyl from the devastating rain. "Come on more you Klay is fighting in the cave against a giant strange insect ... Finally I think we can call it an insect. In short, go help him and do it quickly.

Yellow Beast and the other mutants will start running faster towards the cave.

- hou "Splash"

- hou "Splash"

Some time after mutants arrives in front of the big cave.

-Yeah! Finally we arrived!

-Hmm Klay! "The beast has one of Klay's arms in his mouth, we can see that the beast biting very hard in his arm that is the mouth of the monster, blood dripping on the ground and the mouth of the monster is filled with blood."

What's happening to you?

Several mutants all around the beast appear quickly, a mutant in front of the beast gives him a punch in the creature's machete. The creature casts the blow and replicates to the second by giving a spider's paw, which cuts the mutant in two. Another mutant throws a rock behind the head of the beast which will then bleed his head.

Beast: -krouargh "He returns and leaps at a woman and tears a piece of pulpit and then projects from behind."

The creature will then move in the left direction , right when suddenly someone will follow his speed and hit him on the chin by kicking him. The beast flies by back falling on the back of one of the big rock.

The name of this mutant is Steven, he has a square cut that his hair is black, he has brown eyes and tan skin, he looks like an Olympic athlete, He has a tight suit. Steven has the most develop senses and a prodigious strength, his level of strength is alpha level.

Steven: -I will train you like a pet.

Beast : -Krou .. "He turns his head sideways, Steven appears in front of the beast very quickly, the paws of the beast try to put this forward paw on the shoulder of Steven Steven catches his legs to thus project up the beast Once the beast is in the area Steven gives him a punch in the stomach.

Steven: - Take this! "Steven's punch drives the beast to another mutant that will slice him at once." What did you do? I wanted to train him to become my asshole pet. "Steven appears in front of the same mutant who sliced ​​the beast when suddenly he sees the right arm of his opponent grow and turn into something monstrous and cutting like a blade with several blades out of the way, his opponent looks at Steven a Serious look as an insect was looking towards him."

His opponent: - Stay in your place! "He makes a very fast blow with Steven's left-hand arm that will succeed in scratching his belly a bit .." You have dogd .... "Steven then appears before him and gives him a circular kick that his opponent will block with his left arm and then replicate by giving him a push kick that will fly him to Yellow Beast who will catch him. Steven has a hand in addition to having on his shoulder Kyl who is sick. "

This mutant who made Steven fly to Yellow Beast is called Marc, He has short orange hair, his skin is grey, he has a brown sweater, the sleeve of his right arm is tearing his black pant, he has brown eyes. When he transforms his right arm is filled with sharp brown and black blades. On the left arm, he transform also but it doesn't really change, the changes of Marc's left arm is the color is different, his left arm become black and purple and the second transformation is a hole forms in left hand. His hole in his left hand can open and close like a mouth and his hole can come out of the spider web. Marc's power is Classing Half-Demon.

End of the chapter!