
Who I am

The darkness shallowed me, all I can hear is the waves of the ocean, the sound of water, I can feel  how cold my body is from being drench in seawater. I don't know where exactly I am but the only thing obvious is that I'm lying or floating on a vast ocean. The coldness scares me, the darkness shivered me inside, I tried to hold my breath and think properly but it seems my mind were tangled and messed up. I swallowed a bit of water, it's salty then It occurred to me that I'm still alive. I open my eyes, I can see the sky consists of little speckled shining dots, the round grayish silver moon illuminates the serene night sky. I asked myself, "How stunning?", but what I didn't expect tears dropped from my eyes, my heart is somehow aching, its painful, it's undescrible on what truly I'm feeling on that moment. Is it loneliness? Scared? Nervousness? Or Emptiness? Wait what I'm experienced that time was something I can't explain or either understand. All I can do was to think, think what is it? Why? Then it strucked on me.. "wait, I need to think, I need to know why this is happening?", I tried to rack my head but I just spurted words from my mouth, "Argg! My head hurts, wait, what I'm doing here, where I am?....." Silence and the waves are still dancing, after a few moments I asked myself. "Ahhhhhh!!!! No! No! Why I can't remember anything, why I can't remember what happened? Argggg!". All I can do is try to rack my mind and try to remember anything, sweat rolled on my skin even the seawater were chilled, my head is so painful, it seems like it's splitting. And then the only words I can asked myself was," Who I am? ".
