
Chapter tredici

Jungkook's point of view

My parents took me to the school even more early since they have things to do and won't be able to drop me off later on. I walk down the hallway to the entrance to see if Taehyung or Jin have gotten here yet since I'm bored. O then see someone enter the building though their head was down so I couldn't tell who it was for a second. Though as I got closer I saw that it was jimin. He was not looking up at all, so he ended up bumping into me. He seemed to be honest which hurt me to see him like this.

"Jimin what's wrong." he flinch at my voice for some reason and tried to walk past me but add he did I grabbed him by the restand turned him around. That's when I saw him finally look up at me with tears in his red puffy eyes. This was my chance to actually talk to him.when I have been wanting to talk to him for a while though I felt that he didn't like me. But we are friends now. Well I hope he considers me as one. "Jimin what happened"

"Its ah nothing, I'm fine." he looks back down trying to avoid looking at me.

"It doesn't seem like nothing if you're crying about it." Jimin starts messing with the sleeve his shirt as I still have a grip on him. "Let's go to a empty classroom and talk." I then pull him as we walk down the hall to find an empty classroom that's not being used. "This room looks good." I pull him in the room as I then close the door behind me as I turn to him. His back is facing the door as I look at him as he is still avoiding to look me in the eye.

"I thought you don't come until later on." He said while still looking down at the floor while messing with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Well my mom had to do a bunch of things including work so she had to drop me off more early than usual." I take a step closer to him and grab his fingers in the process. "But that's besides the point though, jimin you know you can talk to me, we are friends now." Jimin finally looks up at me. "You finally look at me." He then pulls away from my hold as he then takes a step back to the door to lean on it.

"Is nothing" he whispers at a low volume but I still heard him though. He stares down at his feet and starts making circles with his feet on the floor.

"Is it about that got that asked you out." I stare down as he see him as looks back at me with a confused look on his face.

"How did you know about that."

"Tae told me"

"That little hoe"

" Well he told me that the guy was trying to kidnap you but I figured that he was exaggerating."

"That's because Jin said that, Gosh sometimes I can't stand him." He then lets out a side smile and small giggle. Gosh what a cute giggle he has. I found myself smiling and staring down at him . "But that's part of it."

"What's the other part."

"Um, well is just, agh."

"Is ok take your time." I see jimin is struggling to find the right words to what he wants to say as he keeps looking down. I soon then see a tear hit the floor, then one after another. I grab jimin's wrist and pull him into a hug. Jimin is so small I can feel him wrap his small arms around me.

"I'm just frustrated, and tired, and annoyed by people, I always get left alone by those who I think I can rely on, or I talk to someone who I should know was never interested in me." Jimin continues crying into my shirt, I just continue hugging and squeeze him a little tighter. Jimin seems like the sweetest person, why would someone do this to him.

"Did you get rejected by someone, if so I can beat his ass for you."

"No is just… I think I like this person… I didn't think I could ever like them, if anything I thought I hated his guts… I then thought that he could never ever like me back since he probably hates me or dislikes me and wants nothing to do with me and-"

"Hey jimin, calm down." I pat his back hoping that it can calm him down." Is making me upset seeing him this way all because of someone. "Who is it?" I ask calmly as I wait for him to answer me.

"Umm, well is someone we both know and hate." he takes a step back and looks back at the floor.

" I don't hate any girls at this school though, yet, well I don't talk to anyhow."

"I'm…. gay." Jimin then starts to play with his sleeves as I take a moment to think about what he said. 'K so Jimin is gay, so who on earth could he be talkin-'

"You like... yoongi?" Jimin shakes his head up and down avoiding eye contact with me. "Did something happen , did he do something to you." I ask as I take a step closer to him again, which made him look up at me, we were an inch apart from each other. I tilt my head down to where it was resting on his head as i waited for him to answer me. Jimin then look back don towards the floor.

"Well to be honest he was nice to me yesterday, he help me when well that guy came again. I um… even stayed the night at his pace."

"Did he take advantage of you."

"No he was surprisingly nice to me and took care of me but then when he went to drop me off he told me to just forget about it." Jimin then started to sob as I pull him in a hug hoping that it can help him cheer him up even a little. "He was probably just wanting to mess with me as he always was, I should have never let my guard down, and I hate myself for it."I pat his head a couple of times before ai spoke.

"Jimin is not your fault, Yoongi is just a fucking asshole remember." I try to calm him down as I pat his back slowly has gently as I could, I felt as If I wasn't gentle that he could break. I then felt Jimin move back and looking up at me.

"Um Jungkook."


"Um I think we're late to class, well I think I'm late for class, so if you want to come with me but I need to leave now."

"Oh yea, you should wash up first before you go."

"I'll go do that, you can go ahead without me." Once Jimin left the room I started heading out to the same room where I always go to. I enter the room and sit next to Taehyung.

"Your early."

"Parents had to, they won't have the time to drop me off later on."

"OH I wonder where Jimin is he's taking forever and JIn is probably late again today."

"He's on his way, he just went to the bathroom."

"Oh ok, also what do you want to do tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is friday"

"Oh yea I don't know let's ask Jimin" I was soon meet eyes with a jimin when he sat next to me.

"Ask me what."

"Oh nothing we'll talk about it during break." I then decided to do just watch some videos in the meantime until it was time for brake.
