

While the city of Mehull was going through great changes, a different scene was playing out in a place far away from it.

Inside a large hall, a luxurious seat was placed on a platform that was raised slightly above the ground. In front of the seat, two rows of seats were placed facing each other. And in the middle was a long red carpet spanning from the gigantic door to the main seat.

At this moment, both rows were filled with people varying in age and gender. While the main seat remained empty, there was the figure of an enchanting woman standing in the middle of the hall, with her back facing the main seat and her face towards the door.

The entire room seemed to be filled with dreadful silence, as the people sitting were silently looking at the woman, waiting for her to speak.

"I have used a tracking spell on the item, so we won't have to worry about him going away."

The people sitting there exchanged glances as one of them stood up with a grave expression.

"How sure are you!? And have you confirmed it!?"

"Mmmm..." The woman nodded in reply "I have confirmed; It is a relic...

With Xian'er as a medium, I was able to use a fraction of my power to confirm it."

With a short silence, the person continued their question.

"What about the state!? Complete or broken!? And more importantly... Any authority!?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire hall plunged into a long silence. Everyone was looking at the woman, holding their breath. Her next answer will decide their future course of action.

The woman herself knew what her next words represent, so after a long silence, she exhaled a mouthful of air and slowly started to speak.

"When I faced him, even after using the relic, I felt some pressure. So, I guess, it is a complete relic. At most, there might be some damages to it, but other than that, it is a complete relic."

"As for the authority..." Speaking till here she took a long pause. "I don't think it has one. If it had, then he would have used it on me."

After finishing her answer, the woman looked around, silently waiting for the people to make up their minds.

And sure enough, it didn't take long before one of them standing nearest to the main seat stood up.

"Those against it... Raise your hand."

Out of all those figures, some of them raised their hands.

"I see... Now, those in favor... Raise your hand."

As soon as he finished speaking, the majority of them raised their hands.

Looking at the people standing in her favor, the woman finally let out a smile.

"The court is dismissed." As soon as the figure finished speaking, the remaining figures sitting in their seats began to blur before disappearing completely.

Inside the grand hall, there were only two figures standing now. The first one was that of the woman while the other one was clad in a black smoke-like layer, obstructing any views and senses.

"Second Uncle..." With a smile, the woman took a step forward before standing in front of him. "Thank you very much."

"No need to thank me." Waving his hand, the figure paused for a moment. "Just be careful... I would have accompanied you myself, but with the situation here, I am unable to."

"Don't worry about it, uncle. I can take care of this."

"Hmmm..." With a nod, the figure hesitated "Also, be careful handling the matters. If the news of a new relic spreads out, then we can kiss goodbye to our peaceful days. So, until it is in your hands, tread carefully."

"I will."

"Also... Once you are successful, bring your daughter back. With your contributions, it is not impossible to let her stay home. There is no need for her to wander around aimlessly."

"Thank you." With a gentle smile, the woman gave him a bow as she turned around to make her way outside. However, before she could take a step further, the voice interrupted her again.

"Bring that boy alive if possible. It will be easy to refine the relic that way...

Of course, if it is not possible, bring his complete corpse. We can take care of rest."

Pausing for a moment, the woman nodded her head as she stepped out of the door before disappearing in the distance, leaving the figure alone in the hall.

"Children of destiny, the white king, and now a new relic holder... Things are spiraling out of control." Gazing into the distance, the figure let out a heavy exhausted sigh "Just what will be the future!?"





Two more days passed since the event of a crowd gathering outside his house. At this moment, Yang Ze was reading another martial art book.

"Fucking hell... Even after these many days, there hasn't been a single one that I can use." After finishing the book, Yang Ze threw it back in his personal storage as he cursed out loud. It's been approximately a week since he stole from the Martial Alliance, and yet, even after reading hundreds of books, there wasn't a single one registered on the screen in front of him.

It is not that these martial arts are worthless or can not practice. If Yang Ze truly wants to learn them, he could just practice them himself. However, he wasn't interested in doing so. To perfect a single one of these martial arts would take him decades of hard work. And even if he did so, it was not worth Even after perfecting them, there was a limited strength that he could display with them.

He wouldn't have a problem with it if he didn't have a plug-in. But with his cheat, he was in no mood to work hard and spend decades of his life practicing some worthless martial arts when he could be leveling himself up.

"Forget it... Not like I have something to do." With his shop now closed and spirit stones being worthless to him, there was nothing for Yang Ze to do at the moment. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and take out another martial art book from his personal space.



Before he could even open the book, a loud sound tore through the sky as a large ship spanning tens of meters descended from the sky.

Even from the distance, Yang Ze could see the luxurious appearance of the ship as it slowly began to descend.

"What the hell!? New arrivals!?"

Making his way outside the house, Yang Ze thought for a moment before making his way toward the city. After spending hours and hours reading books, he wanted to take a short break. And what could be a better way than to join in some excitement?



Even though he was walking rather leisurely, it didn't take long for him to reach in the middle of the city. And as soon as he reached, he was greeted by the sight of drums and celebrations.

"Huh!?" Baffled, Yang Ze looked around only to see the doors of the ship lowering down as a group of people made their way down.

"These are!?" Grabbing the nearest person who has a smile plastered all over his face, Yang Ze asked while tilting his head.

"Are you living under the rock!?" Getting grabbed like this, the man wasn't feeling any goodwill towards the young boy. Nevertheless, he still took time to explain things to him.

"Whatever, let me tell you. A few days ago, the city lord announced that we will be getting reinforcement. All the cities and towns that have joined the Leihui Sect are now here. Earlier it was going to take a few weeks, but with the severity of the situation, the Leihui Sect deployed many of their flying ships to bring them as soon as possible."

"I see..." With a nod, Yang Ze released his grip. "And which town are they from!?"

"Moose City... Look at the symbol on the ship. They are from Moose city." Pointing at the Moose carved on the side of the ship, the man slowly explained.

Walking a bit further, Yang Ze saw hundreds of people walking out of the ship before being escorted by the servants of the three major families.

"Hmm... Where are they going to keep them!?" Speaking till here, Yang Ze paused as realization struck him.

"Well shit." It was only now, that Yang Ze realized he was living in one of the guests' houses prepared for these people. With so many events taking place in the span of so few days, he almost forgot about this.





By the time it was evening, Yang Ze who was sitting inside his room in front of the window could hear loud noises from the distance. It's been more than three hours since the people from Moose city arrived at their respective houses. And since their arrival, they have been creating a ruckus. Shouting, laughing, and even fighting, they were doing everything as loudly as possible.

"Let's hope the situation won't get any worse." Silently hoping for the best, Yang Ze closed his eyes, waiting for all this to be over.
