

Humming to yourself, you put up the hood of your jacket as you strolled down the streets, wondering what to do. It was rare that you managed to sneak out of practise, so you wanted to do something that you usually didn't get the chance to do. Something that normal people did, people that didn't spend years of their lives training to be idols to the point that sometimes they didn't even make it, or could barely survive due to lack of money.

It was then that you'd heard it.

A young man was rapping from the side of the street, his voice raw with emotion and though the rap wasn't perfect, you could tell that he was a diamond in the rough. Peeking from under your hood, you stayed nearby to listen with hands in your pockets, catching the desperation that was a mere glint in his eye.

Just by looking you could tell that he was like you, someone that needed money to continue doing what they loved.

You found yourself throwing a small donation into his hat, nodding with a hidden smile before leaving, heading back to your dorm.

Yet, you soon came across him once again, more and more. It was like you were drawn to him, his rapping catching your attention every time as well as the passion behind every syllable.

You'd seen him about ten times, when you finally decided to buy one of the albums that he was attempting to sell. They were crude albums, placed in old CD cases with photoshopped covers, printed from a cheap printer. Yet, you chose to buy it anyway, approaching him quietly as he was packing up with the money in your hand.

"Excuse me?" You called, tugging down the rim of your hat so that he wouldn't see your face properly. You'd recently heard that your debut had been announced, so teaser photos had already come out. Though it was unlikely that he'd heard about a no name like you, you didn't want to risk it.

He jumped, startled by your voice and looked up with surprised eyes, anxiously wringing out his hands. It was like he thought you were going to assault him rather than ask for his album. Biting your lip, you chose to push forwards as you leant down to pick up one of the albums from where he'd put them in his bag.

"I'd like to purchase this." You smiled softly, holding out the album and watching as pure shock crossed his face, pink lips agape as he looked between you and the album in your hand.

"Really?" His voice cracked a little. "But it's awful- No one else has bought one, let alone listened to me-"

"I've been listening." You cut him off, slipping the album in your bag as you held out a stack of money. "Since you don't have many people that listen, you must remember me, right?"

The young man nodded slowly, reaching out for the money, his eyes popping open as he saw the amount. "This is more than the album is worth. It should only be 7000 won…"

You shook your head. "This is how much I think it's worth, 14,000 won." Another astonished look crossed his face and you chose to push further, hoping that you would encourage him to keep working on his music. "I've been listening for a while and I seriously think you have skill. Even though this album probably isn't that good- no offence- I feel like you're a diamond in the rough and you deserve a chance." You grinned, putting the album into your bag.

"I don't know what to say, thank you." He said in a stunned voice, when you suddenly paused, pulling out your album again.

"Hey, can I get your signature? I can tell that you're going to be big one day."

If he wasn't shocked then, he was now, his face tinting a gentle pink as he mechanically took the album from you and signed it with glazed over eyes. You thanked him, preparing to leave when he stopped you, by calling after you.


"I'm going to debut soon." He said with a slight stutter, his dialect and slur with his words becoming more distinct as he got more nervous. "Will you still…" He trailed off, unsure how to word his question.

"I'll be your first fan." You beamed, turning back to face him. "But only if you pinkie promise me to do your best." You held out your pinkie, watching as he laughed a little at your immature suggestion, his smile flashing his gums.

"Okay." He said, taking your pinkie with his own and interlinking it, the two of you pressing your thumbs together to seal the promise. "I'm Min Yoongi, by the way." He said awkwardly after finishing the promise, scratching the back of his neck. In turn, you introduced yourself before checking the time on your watch.

"I've got to go now, but I hope to see you soon, Min Yoongi." You winked, waving goodbye as you backed off, heading in the direction of the bus station. "I'm going to listen to the album when I get back home!" You added, bursting into a run as you saw your bus approaching the station when you were still too far away, soon hopping onto the bus.

You never heard his reply, but it didn't really matter to you, since you'd managed to succeed in what you'd intended to accomplish.

The truth was, there was more to your plan than just getting the album.