
I wish i met you

cj_cy · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


What he saw on the box was a white folded paper, he opened it thinking it must have been the letter earlier, but no, what was written in it wasn't the conversation earlier it said "Huh? who are you? ".

" Wha.. What's this.. wait where's the paper from earlier? "

But curiosity got the best of him, he wrote "Torishima Shin, who are YOU?" and put the lid back. He stared at it for a couple of minutes then another rummaging happened. Shin flinched in surprise but he held it in and waited for it to stop rummaging.

After a couple of minutes it stopped moving, then Shin opened it and saw another letter.

"I'm Nishida Tohru"

'What.. wait where's the paper from earlier.. wait this is so confusing'

He wrote again "How is this happening? ". A while later the box rumbled then he opened the lid to see another letter, it said " I don't know what's happening either but i think my box and yours are connected right? "." I think so.. " he wrote. "Well then shin what year is it in your place? " he asked " It's 2020 here, what about in your place? "" It's 2015 here" 'EHH.. So he's from the past? ' he thought, "So you're from the past? "" I think so".

"So how old are you then? " Shin asked "I'm 17, how about you? " 'Woww so in the present he's 22 years old,so he's older than me'. 'Ah i forgot to respond' "Im 17 years old too" "So im older than you" "Well then nishida if the present you knew about me why does he not visit me? " "You can just call me tohru you know anyways i think there might be a reason he's not visiting you or contacting you" "Yeah that's possible but what happened tho? ". After Shin sent that letter Tohru stopped responding anymore, he waited and he waited until he noticed that it was already late so he just brushed it off and went to sleep.