
Chapter 7(Ueera)

They arrived at the front of the capital city and were impressed just by the size of the walls. As they neared the gate the guards came into view. They were wearing light armor with a strange mark on it.

"Hold up, why do you want to enter the capital," The guard said with a smirk. "Just here to explore the city Mr," Lana said trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Well i'm not supposed to let people into the city unless they have a reason. I'm willing to make an exception if you are willing to pay me in a bed," The guard said. Lana turned toward Booker and smiled clearly with evil intent.

"Oh Booker I suppose we will have to tell the king about his trouble making guards," Lana said as she showed the letter the king gave Lana to the guard. The guard froze up and started to ask for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Miss I had no idea you and your aid were hear on important business! Please don't tell anyone about this I don't want to lose my job. Please!" The guard pleaded on and on about how he was sorry and to tell no one.

"Just let us through please," Booker said coldly. The guard opened the door letting both Booker and Lana into the city.

"I've never heard you speak like that," Lana said giggling. "People like that weird me out," Booker replied smiling. They got their first glimpse of the city. It was much different from Esor, there was smell of the sea in the air. Booker looked around and saw that the city had water streams trailing all over the city.

"Wow this place is beautiful," Lana exclaimed. Booker nodded his head in agreement as the worked towards the castle in the middle of the city. They enjoyed the views of the city as they rode through. Booker noticed the people were wearing different clothes then in Esor and that most of the people had green colored hair.

They arrived at the gate to the castle and two men were waiting. They confirmed who we were and opened the gate. A long line of men dressed the same as the two men at the gate held their swords in what seemed to Booker to be a salute.

They were guided by a demi-human maid to a large dining room. A man sat in a large chair at the end of the table in fine clothes who looked no older then 40. He invited them to sit down. "Welcome to my kingdom, i'm hoping you enjoyed the sights of my capital city," The man said. "Yes I must say the city is very beautiful," Lana responded to the king.

They began to negotiate the trade deal. Booker was impressed with Lana's skill with words when she chose to use it. After a good thirty minutes Lana asked Booker to make them some tea. Booker was glad Dana had instructed him on how to make good tea.

After a little bit longer the king yawned and spoke. "How about we have a contest to settle this then," the king said. Booker wasn't paying attention but realized he should have. Lana smiled.

"What did you have in mind," Lana said to the king. "How about your aid battles one of my knights? That should settle it," the king said smiling. "Fine I accept," Lana said happily.

"Fuck she didn't even think about it. I have little to no battle experience," Booker thought. Though he knew he would have to try anyway due to the look Lana was giving him.

All of them made their way out to the courtyard. The king called someones name and a man walked out. "This is Marco he will be your enemy today," the king said. The man took a bow pulled out his sword and got into a stance, Booker did the same with his spear. "Ready BEGIN!" the king shouted.

The man charged at Booker who used his spear to block an attack. Booker was on the defense and was unable to pull off a single attack. Suddenly the man's sword became engulfed in flames. Booker dodged in time but was hit with another attack with the side of the sword. Booker stood back up and again was knocked down. This continued for 10 minutes and Booker had not made a single scratch on the man. The king raised his hand and started to applaud.

"Very good! Very good! I didn't expect you to last so long. Marco lower your sword, the boy has won the match," the king said. Booker didn't feel like it. Lana and the king seemed to come to an agreement. Marco shook Booker's hand and told him he was impressed with Booker's endurance.

The king walked up to Booker and waved his hand and a spear appeared in front of him. "Here take this as a personal gift from me to you. It's a spear infused with lightning magic," The king said. Booker was unsure of what to do so he looked at Lana who only nodded. Booker took it the spear.

"Thank you for the gift sir," Booker said with kindness. Upon closer inspection the spear was golden and decorated beautifully. When he touched it he was given a slight shock.

"Good, it's compatible with you," the king said gleefully. Booker had a conversation with Marco about why he and the other guys were wearing clothes like that. Marco told him they were an order of knights and that Booker should join them. "Maybe someday but right now I have a job serving lady Lana," Booker said.

"A shame but oh well," Marco said. After a while Booker and Lana finally left the castle and began to leave the city. All of the sudden a loud noise was heard and something flew overhead. It had scales and looked like a lizard with wings.

"Is that a dragon! My god!" Booker screamed.